Jimmy Hopkins



6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

ENFP - The Inspirer

Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Great people skills. Need to live life in accordance with their inner values. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities.


This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.


Jimmy Hopkins
He / Him
Bi / Poly

Some info from


Disorders: BPD, ASD (autism), insomnia.


5'10" , Chubby, reasonably stocky. He has freckles on his cheeks and wears a gold stud earring on his left ear. He also has a ginger buzz cut, and brown eyes.
His school uniform consists of a blue Bullworth vest over a white shirt with khaki school slacks.


Extroverted, loud, kind, caring, standoffish,

Although Jimmy is seen as this mean fighter, he is actually very kind and caring to people's needs. He can understand where people are coming from and why they do the things they do. All he wants is peace at least with him and his "enemies", if not him, his enemies and everyone he loves.
Due to past abuse and current "school sprite" he can appear quite standoffish. Once he realizes what you're after he chills out.


Gaming, collecting various items,

Jimmy likes playing video games and some board games.
He loves collecting things and gets really upset if people use/ takes them. He collects rubber-bands, fancy rocks/gems and playing cards of all sorts.


Jimmy grew up in an unstable household, with his mother often remarrying.

Jimmy is dumped at Bullworth Academy at 15 y/o, by his mother and his new stepfather, who Jimmy describes as a "rich old phony", whilst they go on a year long honeymoon cruise.
Jimmy had previously been expelled from seven schools for a variety of reasons which include graffiti, violent conduct, bad language, being disrespectful to staff, and according to small talk, arson.
Bullworth is Jimmy's last chance to avoid juvenile detention and, knowing Bullworth's reputation, he prepares for the worst.

Info from Bully Wiki


Pete: He loves Pete to bits, Pete is sometimes just too introvert for Jimmy at time as Jimmy loves to go out, socialize and do things constantly.
Pete is still Jimmy's number one boy!

Zoe: Still close friends

Gary: info info info info


This sentence space exists because idk if I'm gonna need it or not

  • Loves tattoos
  • point
  • point

 Reference images [to be added eventually]

-Images of mouth, how the teeth fit when tongue is in (bottom jaw teeth are smaller than top. Two small teeth fit between the gap of the front teeth)
-Ears perked up
-On all fours

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