


2 years, 6 months ago


Wesley Windieluv, a bird man who's up and out in the world to find out more about the sudden appearance of the possessed wildlife. This is his big break from the monotony of his job (not his Job, but his job.)

Before all of this (where some specimens of wildlife became full of spiteful slime, smoke, and sand called Malice) started going down, Wesley was a field researcher and before that a park ranger back in his town. He loves all the various things out in nature as there's always something new to learn about, but man, he just does not like how everything is conducted in his field of work. He says "it's boring." That's why he preferred to be a park ranger because he can talk with the park visitors. 

Wesley meets the gang when the monster of Malice he was hunting for a few days now came into contact with them. After seeing that they were in possession of a few Malice gems (solid remains that gets expelled when a monster of Malice is defeated), he asks their aid in stopping this one. After that request was just about taken care of, he hypothesized that these monsters may be attracted to the gems in their possession. Suddenly, the wolf had asked if Wesley could join this group of adventurers. Of course, the bird said yes as that's just where he was about to lead the topic. And so Wesley would then join the group as the fourth party member. 

* Job: Ranger. The role in fights is to debuff the enemy with the various tools at his disposal such as slowing them down with a whip or immobilizing them with traps. He can also offer range support with his bow. Using his earth magic 🪨 (if the rock emoji doesn't appear, have this one 🗿 instead) in conjunction can boost these effects.

* Natural element: Earth 🪨 (if the rock emoji doesn't appear, have this one 🗿 instead).
   - "Alright, alright. Get your jokes out of the way. A bird who's not flightless, but needs to be on solid ground to use his magic. How ironic I know."
         He does like that it helps him with tracking certain animals when his fieldwork calls for it.

* Goal: To put an end to the menace of Malice. Or just at least gather the gems and do more research about it all. 

Other things of note:
   * He can be both the most immature and mature acting person out of the entire group.
   * While Wesley prefers to be in the company of his friends, he understands he works better when he works alone as he's serious about the work before him. Plus, there's no one to joke around with and/or be a distraction to when he's all by his lonesome.
   * He's the second (2) person of the group who knew how to cook before joining as a party member. His specialty is cooking raw fish, meat, and veggies by the campfire.
   * His favorite food is anything crunchy and salty. He loves some charbroiled fish. Usually the only extra ingredient he carries is a salt shaker.
      - "Hey, didya know that you can taste salt if you close your eyes and pretend to..."
   * He is naturally observant as his passive Eagle Eye (he's not an eagle though) allows him to pick up subtle details about both the environment and people too.