Spixiita the Macaw



2 years, 3 months ago


Spix's Macaw
95 cm (3'1")
Dancer/Martial Artist
Neutral Good


Passionate • Energetic • Quirky • Social • Playful

An orphan girl who was taken in by a Hyacinth Macaw family, although they've mistaken her as one herself since she was but a chick. She loves music, dancing, and is obsessed with Carnivals (the Brazilian festival). Due to her living in a dangerous neighborhood for most of her life with her step-brother, Pena, she had to learn to defend herself as Pena was seeking a career in becoming a detective. She has taken a passion in Capoeira because of her love for dancing and music, the point where she is near Mestre-level, and soon formed her own unique style of it by mixing it with her flight.


  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Partying
  • Listening to music
  • Training
  • Flying
  • Being with people she cares about
  • Exercising
  • Teasing Pena


  • Criminals
  • Poverty
  • Abuse
  • Lonliness
  • Sickness
  • Using her hands/wings to fight
"Hands are mean't to be gentle for others; never for hurting!"


She was born in a small, poverty-stricken community of Spix's Macaw who live in a remote land. Her people have been hunted down for many years to the point where they are nearly wiped out. One day, her and her mother had been targeted by traffickers who wanted to steal Spixiita when she was still a baby. They both managed to escape from them temporarily and her mother made it far enough for her to drop Spixiita in front of a house in the hopes that she can be safe and raised with love, knowing that she herself won't be able to. She soon runs away to try and lure the pursuers as far away from Spixiita as possible. The house that Spixiita was placed at belonged to a family of Hyancinth Macaws; a married couple and their son, Pena, who was only 2 years old at the time. The family was living in a low-class neighborhood, which has its own set of dangers, but she, along with Pena, grew up together close like true siblings. Three years later, their parents were killed in an arson attack after they have found her whereabouts and that the parents refused to give her away. When Spixiita and Pena came home from their hang out spot, all that was left was a burned down building with only the silhouette of the traffickers leaving the scene.

Many years have passed since then; the two being raised by everyone in the neighborhood while struggling to survive by themselves most of time. The two set off in very different career paths; for Pena he wants to become a detective to find out the mystery and reasoning to his families death, and for Spixiita, she had taken an interest in capoeira, as it's the perfect martial arts for someone like her. Soon she has reached the point in which she is able to defend herself, as well as teaching others. Despite having a rough upbringing, her dream is to live happily and to spread positivity with her passionate heart and soul in her own way.


• She is a social butterfly. But despite being one, she has a hard time making "real" friends because others mainly see her as nothing more than a cute girl

• Spixiita's love for dancing and music came from when she and her brother first went to a Carnival as a child. She became mesmerized by the festivity and musical energy and happiness that she herself wants to embody that energy

• She prefers more casual clothing such as dresses and seasonal outfits. However, she normally wears Capoeira pants and a Rash guard so that she can always be prepared for a fight

• Her favorite foods are Mangoes, Cactus Meat, Barbecue Meat, and Ramen

• She is known to the people in her hometown as the towns "Treasure" because of her beauty and kindness, and its because of this that they didn't want her to get into martial arts, in fear of her getting into more danger

• Despite being a natural beauty, she isn't afraid getting dirty or when taking damage from a fight, because she grew up in a harsh neighborhood, she had to learn to defend herself in which she can't be worried about something like looks

• She can fluently speak English and Portuguese, while having a strong Portuguese accent

• She spends most of her time with her step-brother whenever he is around, even dragging him to places where he has no interest in

• Her feathers are extremely soft to the touch, which is why she doesn't use her hands/wings in fights, because she believes hands are meant to be gentle, which is why she strictly uses her legs

• No one, except her brother, has ever seen her with her hair down

• She loves riding Extreme Gear, with her preference being Skates

• She spends most of her time outside, and would sometimes even sleep on the roof or on trees at night, usually after stargazing

• She has zygodactyl feet


• Flight

• She can use her capoeira techniques in the air, making her a very unpredictable

• After studying Sonic and Jets movements, she has minor manipulation over wind that she can use in bursts to gain speed in the air, or unleashing it when performing powerful kicks.

• She has an extremly flexable body

• Very sharp beak

• Quick learner


• Can be too childish at times

• Sometimes tries too hard to please people

• Very scatterbrained

• She heavily relies on flying and/or music when she fights, meaning that if she is stuck on the ground or i there's no music playing, she can't fight to her full potential

• She gets overly excited when meeting new people that she wants to be friends with, which would sometimes make her feel that she is too annoying, making it hard for her to form real friendships



Jet the Hawk

[ Rival/Mentor ]

During the events of the World Grand Prix, Spixiita sees Jet as an inspriration to master the "wind". She dislikes his cocky personality most of the time, especially during training as he usually harsh to her. However, she took that as a way to just get better to eventually surprise him when she manages to successfully master the "Tornado" technique and masters the wind with a Skate-type Extreme Gear.

After that she finally garnered respect from Jet, and at the same time making her a rival in Jet's eyes from now on. Jet doesn't like it when others could outperform him, but he sees potential in Spixiita, and being a fellow bird, believes that she already has a natural affinity for wind.


Sonic the Hedgehog

[ Inspiration ]

Even though she has never spoken to Sonic before, she has seen in many times both in person and in media. She studied his speed and skills as a means to help her learn how to "Be with the wind." She respects him as a hero and as someone who always follows his own path no matter what without being bound by responsibilities. She aspires to be able to leave her town like her brother, without having to worry about the others and live out her own life in freedom.


Pena the Macaw

[ Step-brother ]

Both Pena and Spixiita have an inseparable bond with each other. They've grown up together and have lived and endured everything together since childhood. She looks up to Pena and is her biggest inspiration, despite him not having as many talents as she does. She sees him as someone who is smart, caring, and very reliable who always knows what to do. She loves to tease him a lot, even in front of other people, to the point where they would get into minor sibling arguements sometimes.


Taiqitu the Cat-Dragon

[ Rival/Enemy ]

Spixiita first encountered Taiqitu, a mysterious martial artist from Chun-nan, during the night of Carnival. Taiqitu heard about a prominant capoeirista and wanted to test her own fighting style against Spixiita's, with very little regard for anyone who might get caught up during the festivities. She also disrespected her and her martial art as a whole, seeing it as nothing more than a "Slave's imitation of real martial arts."

Having no other option and after taken great offense to her statement, she accepted the challenge and the two fought each other fiercely that the "flashiness" became almost as spectactulor as the fireworks in the sky. It was a bloody battle, but in the end Taiqitu was the victor by almost killing her with her fire/ice powers, which she wasn't proud off. She then sworn to fight Spixiita again in the future, on more even grounds.

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