Matilda Raskolnikova



2 years, 2 months ago


"I'd rather be disgusted than bored with you..."

Best known for playing "vamp" characters, Matilda became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1960s and early 1970s, as well as an emblem of the era's genre of elevated horror.

  • Passionate
  • Magnetic
  • Intellectual
  • Manipulative
  • Temperamental
  • Intense

Matilda is the typical femme fatale: cunning, alluring, and about as sharp as a knife. She is also prone to bouts of melancholy.

In spite of her celebrity status, Matilda is rather shy and at times can come off as aggressive. She is rough around the edges and will say things just for a reaction, turning you on and off for fun. Her toying has earned her more enemies than friends in the business, but Matilda views this as a way to "weed out the weak". The few friends she does have know her to be extremely loyal and devoted, and secretly, quite romantic and dreamy.


Born in New York City, Matilda was raised by her Russian-immigrant grandparents, Boris and Sofia Raskolnikov. Matilda spent most of her childhood in a crowded home full of aunts and uncles and all their children who would frequently come and go, which contributed to a meek and awkward personality that was often overlooked. She was dubbed "Mousey" by her grandmother, a name that would haunt her into adolescence as she became more withdrawn and developed a stutter.

Her growing pains led to her dream of becoming an actress: “I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin, so the idea of climbing inside someone else’s for a while seemed attractive … I spent all my free time with my nose in a book or glued to the screens … I even started dreaming in black and white.”

In the summers, she would escape to her biological father’s house in Upstate New York. It’s been stated in multiple interviews and articles that there was “bad blood” between the two families, due to the mysterious disappearance of Matilda’s teenaged mother who was a former housekeeper of ███ Pasolini. When asked about the affair, Matilda would answer that “it never really came up” in conversations with her father, “... we were always talking about happy things, like our aspirations and dreams.” Matilda credits her father for the birth of her creative endeavors as his name opened up many doors for her career as early as 13 years-old. Due to the frequent back-and-forth, Matilda eventually moved into the Pasolini residence, against the wishes of both her grandparents and Pasolini’s wife at the time, the mother of her half-brother, Russell Pasolini.


  • Matilda's first marriage was to her co-star at 18. He was a known heart throb
  • Matilda is named after her mother.
  • She's a recovering drug addict, and has been sober for 5 years. She seldom drinks, and mostly smokes cigarettes now to hold her anxiety over.
  • She speaks English and Russian fluently, and some German. She is learning French.
  • Her hobbies include sketching insects and bones, a lot of heavy reading, and spending her free time in the theatre.
  • Her favorite insect is the eye-hawked moth.
  • She has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Matilda RaskolnikovA
Full name
Matilda Raskolnikova-Muñoz
Mat, Mimi
Female (she/her)
Star Sign
November 1, 19XX
NYC, New York, USA
Actress 🞄 model
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The two share a love for the macabre and strange and weird-looking cats. Matilda lets her guard down easily around Joseph, and is always trying to make him laugh. They tend to become more childish and playful, and live in their own little world when they aren't jokingly jabbing at one another or having an "intellectual argument" for fun. She affectionately calls him "Joey".


Though she can't stand the sight of him now, the pair was on-and-off for many years even after the marriage had ended. When they were good they were okay, when they were bad someone would have a coke bender in California for a weekend. Anton says Matilda is over-emotional and "too womanly for her own good", while Matilda says she got sick of his hot-and-cold affection and jealous mindgames.


Matilda has a well-known curvy figure, exaggerated by corsets. Her skin is littered with random bruises and moles that she typically covers with dark stockings and/or heavy makeup. On her upper-left shoulder she has a heart tattoo, and post-death, has multiple stitches. The most visible scar goes from her neck down to her stomach, like a gutted fish.

Her closet is full of gothic glam with tight-fitting dresses and a mix of fetish with classic Hollywood taste. Though her hair is usually worn half-up in an Elvira-meets-Bardot fashion, she changes it up frequently according to her look of the day.