
2 years, 6 months ago


ID / Name : 83417 / Bean   

Gender: Male

Age: 13, 17 (short time skip)  

Birth Date: August, 3rd

Height: 5’0’’

Weight: 105lbs

Eyes: Red Orange, black sclera

Occupation: Bean

Abilities/ Traits: 

Bean possesses fire powers, he can breath it, or shoot it from his hands, fingers, feet or his body. Unfortunately, Bean can’t really control his fire very well and it often gets him into trouble.  Naturally, his body is like a furnace and is very warm. His skin/scales are a natural armor that grow, shed, and strengthen over time until getting to a certain age when he’s older and it begins to weaken. He eventually carved the horn on his tail into a knife.

Personality/ Background:

-Under Construction-

Early in life, Bean is very energetic and happy-go-lucky. He's incredibly sweet but gets very hyper, very fast. 

After his mother's death, Bean starts to view the world more negatively until becoming with nothing but hatred. He prefers to isolate himself and sleep, thinking that 'sleep' is the only escape from a burning world.


-Bean loves to cook! Well, more like roast whatever was edible~

-Bean also really enjoys making pottery and sand art. 

( More will be added as Bean develops!)


Aster: Mother

Bean is closest with his mother, she was kind and gentle and someone he could always come to if he felt troubled. She was protective over him and would encourage Bean to always do his best. She was all he had until her passing when he was only 10, the boy was devastated as there was nothing he could do to help her. 

Takeshi: Father

Bean’s father is an incredibly strict individual who would force Bean to fight and train constantly. He also leads a Scouting / Survey Corps as unlike Bean, he has wings and can fly.

Theme Songs:

Savior - Rise Against

Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation

I Caught Myself - Paramore

Some useful/useless info:

-  When Bean was born, his colors were bright and vibrant. As he ages, they’ll desaturate over time until eventually becoming all ash colors- grays, whites, and blacks, when he’s old or dying, much like coal or charcoal after it’s been used up. This is a trait that comes from his mother’s side. 

-  Bean is 100% a cinnamon roll

- Voice Actor: Ted Lewis (voice of Ryou Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh! to be more specific! Fun Fact- Ted Lewis also voiced Kluh and the Ultimate Ninja in TMNT 2003~)