Auriel Mageos



2 years, 2 months ago


Auriel Mageos, an indigo-blooded fantroll for the Pacifist Trial, a fansession.

Name: Auriel Mageos 

Age: 10 Sweeps 

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Gender: Demigirl 

Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them

Height: 5'4 

Blood: Iolite #25098e 

Symbol: Magical Star 

Lusus: Aquatic Ferret 

Trolltag: thaumaturgicCurse (TC) 

Quirk: A/a = @. O/o = ⟡

  • Ends sentences with ~ if pleased, happy, or excited.
  • Proper capitalization but won't use "?" and will always use "~" instead of "!". 
  • There is a lack of excitement in her voice in favor of a more complacent tone. Her a's are pronounced with a slight lilt and her o's are straight and to the point. 

Residence: Her hive is located in an alcove beside the river leading to the ocean 

Illnesses/Disorders: Sensitive lungs (due to being a near sea-dweller but not quite) 

Mutations: n/a 

Disabilities: Her (admittedly limited) magic only works with her spellbook. her left eye is damaged and blind 

Prospit/Derse?: Derse 

Planet: Land of Clouds and Faith 

Quest: Restore faith to the people

  • The denizen has destroyed the consorts' buildings of symbolic meaning with her snoring and has left them dull and glum. The usually colorful clouds have turned gray and the air is thick. The denizen is stuck until the clouds are restored to their fluffy origins and allow for them to fly through them to escape. To do this, Auriel must teach the consorts how to have faith without physical manifestations of such. 

Kernelsprite Prototypings: lusus + feather and ink (Ferretsprite) 

Consorts: Gray-Scale Spiders 

Denizen: Ecclesia (aeon of the church and belief) 

Server: Vitaio 

Client: Adjigo 

Fetch Modus: Abracadabra Modus  

  • How modus works - She must incant a spell about the desired item 

Strife Specibus: Bookkind 

God Tier Title: Witch of Hope 


  • Matesprit - Vitaio  
  • Moirail - undecided  
  • Auspistice Between - Mulroa and Bailus  
  • Kismesis - undecided 

Dancestor: Yamial Mageos (Sylph of Hope)

Ancestor: The Royal Sorcerer

Tablestuck Stats


  • Strength - 47 (-1) 
  • Fortitude - 59 (+0) 
  • Agility - 35 (-2) 
  • Intellect - 75 (+2) 
  • Imagination - 54 (+0) 
  • Charm - 54 (+0) 


  • GV - 100 
  • AV - 8 
  • Awareness - 12 
  • Defense - 0 
  • MB - 0 
  • EXP - 0 
  • LP - 3

God Tier Info

The witch's soul is their aspect, not their body. They will develop and evolve through accessories, gaining accessories as the understanding of the nature of the aspect is realized. The hope aspect can be heavy in angelic symbolism.

At first, a witch will be complacent in their aspect. They don't think anything needs to change, and they will remain on the sidelines, staying passive. Then something will go wrong, and they will blame themselves for it. They will become rebellious and take ownership of their aspect, changing it to suit their needs. They will become obsessed with changing and bettering their aspect. 

The Witch of Hope will manipulate the people around them to remain optimistic even if the situation is not. They are a master of deception and can at times sabatoge those around them by manipulating fears and doubts to create a better future for themselves. They can calm someone down easily and are able to change one's feelings towards a situation in order to do so. 

The Witch of Hope is prone to changing their own beliefs based on what is happening around them. Their faith can morph in order to best suit their situation. They will have a need to influence others based on their current belief.  


  • relocating one's confidence from one skill to another
  • permanently manifesting an object if they believe in it enough
  • temporarily transform themselves into the ideal version of themselves
  • manipulating team decisions by influencing ideals
  • manifesting hard rays of light
  • excreting yellow smoke that, upon breathing in, will change one's mind about something.
