

"A Shaman whose greatest passion lies in herbology and it's use in poisons. "

Nicknames: Yati

Age: Appears Late Teens

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Species: Lopilu (Closed Species by Cylunny)

Home Hub: Vinegrove

Current Residence: Nightglade

Class: Shaman

Weapon: Staff

Weapon Name: TBA

Height: 5'5 (1.65m)

Weight: 132lbs (59kg)

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Romantic Orientation: Aromantic

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Potioneer: A young expert in herbology and it's uses, primarily brewing potions that are deadly in nature. Employed by the leader of a certain syndicate.

Alignment: Neutral

Backstory: Yatiri's early childhood is a mystery to all even himself, his first memories beginning at the age of 12, at which point he was already alone wondering the streets of Nightglade. With only a bag with a few articles of clothing and a lot of herbs. He was able to find shelter at the local back alley apothecary working under a Lopilu with questionable intentions and even more questionable guest. The treatment of Yatiti by the owner was neglective at best and abusive at worst. Yatiri didn't care as long as there was a roof over his head, and food in his stomach. He showed an exceptionally high aptitude of the arts of creating medicines, potions, and poisons, however his interest bloomed into almost an obsession with poisonous plants and their uses. After almost a year of working in the apothecary it was raided by members of the syndicate that the owners was supposed to be exclusively dealing to. The owner became to greedy and did under the table deals with other organizations.

Raven happened to come in person to this raid and in a rare act spared Yatiri due to his age. Raven took Yatiri under his wing and was surprised to find out Yatiri's aptitude. Yatiri was set up with his own lab and garden, and treated with the upmost respect by the members within the household. Anything that he could think to ask for was added to his lab, and even things he didn't ask for Raven would send if he thought Yatiri would like it. From the age of 12 to now Yatiri has always been by Raven's side and has never looked back. Even aware of all of Raven's faults Yatiri has never feared or expected anything of Raven that he could not give. They're relationship is an unclear one but works well for both of them.


+ Focused| Obedient| Clever| Loyal| 

+/- Soft-Spoken|

- Antisocial| 


Likes: Plants| Nature| Experimenting| 

Dislikes: Socializing| Loud Noises/People | Alcohol | 

Hobbies: Gardening| Potion Making


  • More than a few unfortunate souls that have displeased Raven have ended up on the receiving end of his experiments