


2 years, 2 months ago




Name Pommé
Gender Female (She/Her)
Age 26
Height 5’0” | 152cm
Race Sheikah
Residence Inariko
Virtue Courage
Occupation Researcher


eye_tan_left.png Bold Creative Determined Passionate Playful eye_tan_right.png

eye_tan_left.png Hardworking Inquisitive Resourceful Spontaneous eye_tan_right.png

eye_tan_left.png Intense Reckless Self-Critical Sly Stubborn eye_tan_right.png

A woman with boundless curiosity and endless sparks of creativity to match,

When i get the time


  • Sheikah Tech
  • Fruits
  • Engineering
  • Explosions
  • Savory meals
  • Seafood
  • Cool rocks


  • Salted meats
  • Limitations
  • Status Quo
  • Blight Infections
  • Bland foods
  • Bananas
  • Getting sick

Equipped Inventory

  • Head Gear: Topaz Earrings (+2)
  • Torso Gear: Rubber Armor (+2)
  • Leg Gear: Rubber Tights (+2)
  • Weapon: Ancient Battle Axe+ (+3)
  • Shield: - - -
  • Mount: - - -
  • Spirit Orb Tally: 0/4










Personal Inventory

  • Pet: Gizmo the Remlit
  • Protection Goggles
  • Heavy Duty Gloves.



Design Notes

  • Voice Claim - Ayo Edebiri [Frances | Big Top Burger].
  • Eyes are heterochromatic with two shades of red.
    • Her Left (our right) eye is dark red while her right (our left) eye is a much lighter red
  • Stronger than she looks, she can deadlift a grown Hylian man over her shoulders like they weigh nothing. #AncientSheikahSecret
  • Has hips for days. A thick pear-shaped, although her outfit isn’t doing her any favors.
  • Usually wears her gloves except when sleeping and usually keeps her arm bands on at all costs unless she's swimming or bathing.
  • There's a Sheikah's mind's eye tattoo on her back.





eye_tan_left.png "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." eye_tan_right.png

The Short of it: A Sheikah born and raised in Inariko, Pommé lived with her clan along the cliff sides and had a roughly good childhood, making the most of their lives living amongst the dangers of blight. Under the guidance of her Scholarly Grandmother and tutelage of her Scout Mother, Pommé’s curiosity of the unknown to learn and repurpose with what’s available is well nurtured into her teen years, up to a point where she is encouraged to explore her hypothesis out into practice. Life is still not without its pratfalls and the dangers of the world beyond the villages still exist, both of which hit Pommé pretty hard with one failure after another with a friend and a distanced family member. She still resolves herself into becoming better than she once was and to not be afraid of these circumstances, the failures fueling her drive and desire to work as a Researcher to make sure there are better and safer ways to fight the fight ahead with her fellow villagers.

The Prelude

Years before the Blight struck, the ancestors of Pommé’s Sheikah clan were usually note takers and historians to preserve the history around them. Commonly known as the “Tongue-Scribers”, keeping the language well hidden for solely Sheikah use.

When the Blight grew with a force and Hyrule laid to waste with people scattered throughout, Pommé’s ancestors took to living in the close knit village that would soon grow to become Inariko, if only to continue their preservation of history for generations to come. They along with other Sheikah families saw this as important more than ever.

Childhood Years

Born in the dead of winter to two Sheikah Scouts who were more friends than actual lovers, Pommé’s could recount back to her childhood as being good--if one were to ignore the warning signs of Blight infection and the routine blood moons happening outside the village safety lines. She spent most of her time living in Inariko village with her Mother's side of the family, particularly her Grandmother who was considered to be a Historian first and Teacher second. She got first hand learning of her Sheikah culture studies through her whenever her mother wasn't available to be around.

As for her father's involvement, well. It was easy to let him go as he came around less and less often, his interest in Pommé beginning to wane more as she grew older and didn't find much interest in being a scout like her parents. She liked the exploration aspect of it, sure, but it didn't scratch that itch she had to question the world around her while out and about.

Thankfully it didn't bother Pommé, her mother, grandmother or anyone in her Maternal family so life continued on. Her mother’s siblings tended to act like her extra parents along with their own kids being her siblings, so for the most part Pommé wasn’t alone to her devices too often. He eventually all disappeared out of her life by the time she was 10, but by that point Pommé wasn't just surrounded by a family that did love her but also neighboring children that she spent time with outside of her studies.

Teenage Woes

Though her interests lay far away from being a scout, Pommé couldn’t see herself settling into a profession similar to her Grandmother’s either. The only parts she liked about either of their jobs were the learning aspects. Every day Pommé’s grandmother would provide something new that provided an extra layer of detail to already written history about their culture. While Pommé’s mother would pick up new languages in her work, she preferred the linguistics of it all since that provided ample use in keeping good ties with future interactions of other clans. It worked well for the neighboring Zora, so why not with other languages?

But still, Pommé decided something more so as she grew of age and became bored of only reading and note-taking in the library, she began honing her skills outside more to see what future job would stick. She can't say for sure what exactly led her into the Researcher track, every time she's asked her story changes, but there were a few things that led up to it.

  • The dwindling friendship with someone she considered close to her who eventually turned their back when no treatment was available for their mutual friend. A treatment she tried to take on herself to find a work around to help but ultimately failed them both so he sought out help elsewhere.
  • When her father, gone for years of her life, turned up out of the blue and infected by the Blight but spewed out beliefs that he was cursed by something magical, a power that needed to be harnessed and guilted Pommé' for her assistance through the “Because We’re Family” spiel, until her mother intervened to put a stop to the man. The two women left the altercation with her mother having one less leg and a request to change jobs to work in the Library to remain close to home, while Pommé remained haunted by a second failure of what she couldn’t be able to do.
  • When her grandmother, still wise in her older age, told Pommé to look beyond the pages in the library as there were other inquisitive minds like herself that wanted to do more than just study the world around them. Something not unlike craftsmen with the ingenuity of the scholars, with the yearning minds wanting to utilize the world around them.
  • The latter of these events was the final push that got Pommé interested in joining the Researchers, combining her love for learning but channeling her need to take action and do something with that knowledge gained. And as a personal atonement for all the failures in her life that built up thus far.
Regardless, Pommé was nearing 18 when she donned her first pair of gloves trying to help around the community and began fiddling with the spare resources available, realizing they could be harnessed and used to amplify other weapons into something entirely better.


As she spent her first years training under another more seasoned researcher into learning the trade, Pommé wasn’t able to do much beyond assist. Still, this is what she yearned and wanted for and what her Grandmother’s keen eye was telling her. She was captivated, fascinated by the way they harnessed what seemed to be magical elements into raw materials for ease of use, but the current creations felt too tame. Too safe for her liking, compared to where the dangers outside of the village were expanding and evolving by the day.

It was when her friend that left home with nothing but a word they went off to and all reaches to find him ended up with signs that he was dead, was the final push that made Pommé want to explore and craft beyond the presets the other researchers laid off for her. The first few experiments went all belly up in failures, but she persisted, keeping the critical errors close to her heart as written notes of what not to do next time, and she gained mental success through her failures, pushing her to continue on.

So over the past five years now, she’s been throwing herself into research. A self-assured project that increased tenfold when the Research Library opened to the public, bringing in new faces from all walks of life wanting to learn more. She now dedicates a lot of her livelihood and freetime to practicing her own experiments, now that trade is open among the villages she wants to expand her research and materials. It’s likely to find her trying to weasel a good deal with foragers and hunters to provide her some useful materials in the equal exchange of using the equipment she creates, effectively taking them out on a test run for her.

It’s a win-win on both sides, since she takes up any notes they have (good or bad) on what’s become of the “Test run”, using that to make even better and more solid creations.


  • Birthdate is December 15th [Etsu Korima 11th] || Sagittarius
  • DnD Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Gets excited over constructs and relics, like it's her love language.
  • Her Clan’s involvement with the Research Library and working with languages has given Pommé her own interest in learning languages whenever she can.
    • She’s well versed in Sheikah, Zora and Hylian, in that order.
    • She maintains a copy of all her researcher’s notes in Sheikah, in the case she loses them, she’ll always have a back up and from less prying eyes.
    • From time to time she’ll seek out other non-Sheikah residents to brush up on her language speaking.
    • Currently working on her Gerudo skills.
  • Lives in the Researcher’s lab more than in her own flat. But that may be subject to change now that she has roommates living with her!
  • A/N: her name takes inspiration from the French word for Apple (Pomme) and the fruit Pomegranate. Same could be said for the rest of her family members.
  • Notable Family Members:
    • Cerise - Mother (Cherry)
    • Abri-kote - Grandmother & Matriarch (Apricot)
    • Poire - Maternal Aunt (Pear)
    • Fraise - Maternal Uncle (Strawberry)
    • Boise - Maternal Uncle (Raspberry)




Pet Remlit & #1 Assistant

Her beloved pet and #1 fan, the two are peas in a pod as he shares Pomme's interest in reworking with what's available and letting his curiosity streak pull him along for the ride. Be it tools, rocks, even monster parts, whatever he can get his raccoon-like hands on, he's around and ready to help his favorite sheikah. He's about as silly as she is sometimes and a bit of a daredevil in his own right when it comes towards monsters for his daily hunting. Octorok eyes are his favorite toys and their tentacles are his favorite treats when he can get hands on them.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Abri-Kote "Abri"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.
