Nim's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Blank_Dimensions Global Rules

∙ Currently only accepting DA PTS as payment! Please do not try to use OCs.
∙ Payment is required after sketch is shown. (Only for Fulls/Headshots/Busts. Does not apply to Customs).
∙ I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason.
∙ Please do not use commissioned art work a profile picture/banner/etc. without the commissioners permission.
∙ Do not remove my signature/credit from the work.
∙ Will Draw; Anthros, Ferals, Human/Humanoids, Gore/Blood, Creatures/Monsters
∙ Will Not Draw; NSFW, Mecha
∙ You MUST have a Toyhouse profile in order to own my designs.
∙ Do not resell designs made by me for more than their original value, unless they have extra commissioned or personal artwork from you. ( Gifted, Owed, & Traded Art do not add to this value)
∙ Do not claim a design made by me as your own.
∙ If a design is traded and has a CV (current value), that CV is voided and the value goes back down to the designs original BV (the amount the design was purchased for).
∙ You are fully allowed to edit a design made by me, as long as you own it. Make sure to keep the original design somewhere in the characters profile.
∙ Color-Picking my designs is okay, blatantly copying the design is not.
∙ Breaking any rules regarding my TOS or Design Rules in general will result in a warning or blacklist from owning my designs.
(Blacklisted Individuals are not allowed to own designs made by me, nor are they allowed to commission me.)
┊͙ the foundation#529【BLACKLISTED】- White Saviour, Made me and others generally uncomfortable with their behavior, called others racist when they weren't.
┊͙ jesterbl00d/H4UNT3D【BLACKLISTED】- Gaslit others into thinking they were ableist, overall rude.