


2 years, 3 months ago



AGE 20 years
AVIAN Barn Owl
MAMMAL Dromedary Camel
OCCUPATION Livestock Physician
RANK Captain

Profile template by Circlejourney<
Edits by AnonSpice

Girfugol is a gryphon based RP/ARPG group with aspects of medieval mythology and magic; hosted on discord and deviantart.

"Stomp them out! Let no enemy forget the sound of our cry!"







December 21th/June 21th
Name Origin
“A brightly colored hairstreak butterfly (Eumaeus atala) native to southeastern Florida and the West Indies that is black with three rows of iridescent blue spots on the hind wings and a red spot on the abdomen”
Bi-romantic, Asexual

Purchased traits
Acquired Disability x1, Minor Scar x13, Major Scar x2, Melanistic x1
Size class
Weight class
Plot Death
Heat exhaustion in the Red Expanse
Atala is a tall, camel-like avus that'd coated in black fur and scars littering his body. His face is a jarring white, with two, pitch black eyes. The roo's front feet house owl-like talons, with claws that curve in and a missing toe on his left foot. A notable feature is the stubs that lie on his back, the once wings having been cut off a while ago.


He can’t recall much of his childhood anymore, most of it was a blur. What he does remember was his father’s gentle feathers, the soothing sound of his voice while the sun rose from the horizon. The roo was the only egg to have hatched in his clutch, and the only child his parents had. His mother died soon after he hatched. She was a hen dedicated to her people and the war they fought, leaving once she knew her nestlings face, for she had something new to fight for.

Atala was a very timid child, often hiding in the background or behind his father until ushered into the group of other students. His father taught him most of what he needed to know, how to fly, how to hunt, and how to fight. As the war heated up, Atala’s father rejoined the fight and left Atala when he finished schooling. Alone once more, he knew what he had to do next.

At 2 years old, the black roo followed his father into the war. While his father was stationed at the front line, Atala was given the position of scout. His pitch black coat and soft feathers rendered him nearly invisible in the night sky. The job was simple, fly over certain areas and search for things like enemy camps, wounded soldiers, etc. While he didn’t do much fighting on these missions, he was always able to hold his ground against his opponents until given an opportunity to retreat. He was 8 when his father retired, leaving him to fight the war alone. Atala doesn’t blame him or anything, his father fought long and hard for the ground they gained and deserved a break. At 9, Atala had lost his father to a disease that spread through the small village; he regrets not being able to be by his side when he passed on…

About two years ago, he was sent to investigate the remains of a farm house that was attacked by a Dromaeus raid. There wasn’t much for him to investigate, the burned crops and the barely standing outer shell of the house was all there was, other than the unsavory things that now lay motionless on the ground. Inside the house, he noticed something that stuck out from the rest of the charred stone and dead leaves that had fallen from the large hole in the roof. It was a pale white, round in shape. Atala quickly approached, gently sweeping away the debris that covered the small thing. There were at least three eggs in the clutch, but the other two were crushed under the support beams that had become unstable after the fire died out. He immediately took the little one home, creating a rushed nest in the hopes of saving it. An acquaintance of his , Purslane, had come to visit after seeing the normally cool-headed roo in a tizzy. When the Avus had spotted the egg, it sent them into a spiral of questions, all of which Atala answered to the best of his ability. The next few weeks were…quite the learning experience for the hardened soldier. It felt awful, how helpless he felt, just sitting and waiting, hoping the little egg survived. His heart sang when he saw the first shake. The little hippus inside was a bit of a late bloomer, but he didn’t care, the little one was alive! His luck came to an end when a guard had arrived at his home. One last mission, then he would be free to retire. He would’ve turned it down, but it was of utmost urgency, to ensure that no hippus camps were left in the mountains as the harsh winter set in. He left the egg with Purslane, it would be an in and out mission, a day or two at most.

The storm was blinding, he could hardly see a foot in front of his own face. His body was freezing, and all he could think about was home. That's when it happened. A sheer cliff suddenly engulfed his vision, the roo flapping rapidly in an attempt to evade it. He slammed into it, his right wing being crushed on impact. Unable to use the wounded wing, he spiraled out of control, hitting several rocks on the way down into the snow. Atala woke up a small bit after, a large gash up his right leg, a broken toe, and severe wounds on his wings. He wanted to sleep so bad, the pain in his limbs becoming massive weights that dragged in the snow, but even he was aware that if he stayed, he would perish. He walked for what felt like hours, eyes growing blurry and body quaking. The only thing that kept him from succumbing to the miserable cold was the thought of that little egg that sat in its too large nest.

He was found two days after the incident, in the fertile valleys between the border of the plains and mountain kingdoms. How he got there, he couldn’t really remember…but the important part is that he made it out alive. Unfortunately, his wings and one of his toes had to be amputated due to severe frostbite. Exhausted, in pain, and now flightless, Atala never felt lower. He was helped home by a local herbalist, where he saw Purslane and a small and wiggly little thing coming out of its egg. Over the next couple of months, he struggled with his scarred leg and learning how to travel without flying. Obviously he couldn’t continue scouting in this condition, so he learned how to care for his community. While balancing trying to raise the rowdy little hippus, which he named Spindle, Atala learned the art of medicine (Specifically for livestock). It was a job that wasn’t as demanding, and besides, anyone could use a physician for their livestock.

A little bit after recovery, in the mists of his apprenticeship, he found himself tailed by a small orange hippus named Celosia. The little one would trot closely behind as he waltzed around town, asking him question after question. Overtime, it became a common occurrence for the Avus to find him and follow where ever he went. Atala asked Celosia at some point why they continued to follow him rather than their own parents, quickly realizing that they didn't have any living family members to follow instead. With a mental sigh, the large roo took the hippus in as one of his own.




Spindle Adopted son, loves very much and would protect with his life
Celosia Deceased Adopted child, loved very much and devastated by their death, will likely never recover from the loss


Purslane War friend, owes them his life and probably the closest friend he has.
Silt Field nurse, met her after a nasty battle, thinks she's a very kind soul and would like to visit sometime.
Mealybug Council Member, thinks they're nice but appear to be skittish near fire.
Amaranth Guard for hire, thinks he's a bit obnoxious, but respects his ability to hold his ground in battle.
Wheat Crop transporter, thinks he's too innocent to be trapped in a war like this.
Kit Council Member, thinks she's very kind if not a bit nervous, enjoys her company.
Scarab Broadwing, a bit too harsh for his tastes, but thinks he's be an excellent soldier.
Onyx Deceased Royal guard, thinks he's a good person, respects his choices and would gladly call him a friend.
Rowan Citizen, thinks he's a good kid in a rough patch, was conflicted at first, but has grown out of it and cares about him either way.
Lahar Prince, dislikes him, would respect him as an authority but not a leader, finds him too brash and controled by his emotion. Especially doesn't like him after he made a comment about "cutting the wings" of those who flee.
Voimakas General, respects her, finds she is an admirable individual.
Atropa Sergeant, respects her and think's she'll become an excellent sergeant once she gets comfortable with it, is excited to see her grow into the roll.
Espy Philosopher, conflicted feelings about him, respects his opinion to be skeltical while dislikes his constant heckling.

140 cm
Length(W/ Tail)
Length(W/out Tail)
312 lb
Wing Span
Average MPH(On foot)
Average MPH(In flight)



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  • Insert Fun fact


Catching Up With An Old Friend A chance meeting between Atala and Silt, taking a moment to catch up with everything that'd happened since they last spoke.
We didn't start the fire During a blistering hot day in the town of Saltlake, the avus there were in for a rude awakening when a building suddenly went up in flames.
War! What is it Goodearth? The Northern and Mountain kingdom have joined forces to raid the village of Goodearth for thier resources, and General Bushfire had recieved some intriguing information...
Earning your Salt After discovering the town of Saltlake had suffered from a fire, the Northern and Mountian kingdom launched an invasion with the hopes of claiming the territory.
A Long Way Home Between the events of the Saltlake fire and raid on Goodearth, Atala and his son Spindle join a pair of individuals on the red expance on their way to the capital hyresh.
Aftermath of the As-salt With the territory of Salt-Lake under Northern and Mountain control, Wolfsbane calls for a town hall meeting to adress the situation and possible actions in response to this endevour.
If it wasn't for you meddling ghosts After a plan to claim the cursed vallys was formed, soldiers of the plains kingdom were halted in their tracks at the sight of a ghastly figure.
A dead serious matter When what transpired in the cursed valleys reached the plains monarch, it was called that a full meeting was to be held in the rainforest kingdom to discuss further action.
Ghost busted Now with the knowledge of what seemingly lies in the cursed valleys, the plains kingdom launches another assault, and is now ready to fight the curious threat.
Preparations for the worst TBA
No Goodwill from Goodearth TBA
Discoveries before the Dance TBA
Peace plz TBA
Strange Undertakings TBA
Storming the palace TBA
From one Wingless to Another TBA