


2 years, 1 month ago


Strambu (my bambisona or whatever u call it!)

Fun facts!:

  1. He is part stress ball part TV static, whatever that means
  2. The lines on his head aren't related to a stress ball
  3. The lines are instead used for him to play tic-tac-toe against himself anytime he wants
  4. He can change the TV channel without getting up
  5. He can enter cartoons and comics, but he will look like the artstyle from said cartoon
  6. He has a fear of reflections
  7. His shirt feels like when you touch a TV that is very static-y (if u know what i mean by that)
  8. He isn't blushing, those are dots of blood on his face that can't be wiped off
  9. If any more blood were to come into contact with him, he would explode and come back after the next 50 christmases
  10. He can time travel
  11. He loves water 46362.49% more than the average being, it is unknown why
  12. He doesn't celebrate Brobgonal's birthday
  13. He is a magnet that attracts jelly donuts
  14. He is able to mimic any roblox admin command, but only in the 3D world
  15. However, he can fly in all other worlds