


2 years, 7 months ago


Demisexual Panromantic
Glitched Unknown Being
Count Bleck's Minion
  • Chocolate
  • Dimentio
  • The Count Bleck crew
  • The glitch dimension
  • Feeling alone
  • Her glitchy attacks

She's a cooperative but anxious extrovert, she hates the feeling of being alone due to her traumatic experience of being stuck in the Glitch Dimension, so she tries to do any many things as she can to avoid having that feeling of being alone, she's very cooperative and confident with her teammates and works better when paired up with someone, especially with Dimentio. She can get overwhelmed at times from feeling alone, so she tries to occupy herself or ask someone on the team if they want to hang out, she mostly asks Dimentio first and he almost always accepts as he actually loves hanging out with her.

Important Notes

- Her clothes will be affected by her glitched out body in some way, no matter what type of clothing it is.

- Her powers consist of glitch manipulation and glitch creation, this means she can shape how the glitches look like (mostly cubes), fire glitch particles at people, somewhat glitch out the environment (it’s only small amounts), summon glitched out cubes as platforms.

- She’ll sometimes glitch out a bit due to being startled by sudden noises and such or if her glitchy body is unable to do a certain ability (mostly teleporting, a power she cannot do) or when she gets too overwhelmed from feeling alone due to trauma, but her ‘glitchy attacks’ (what she calls them as it’s a panic attack but glitchy) are mainly caused by being startled or get too overwhelmed from feeling alone as stated before.

- She's 2 inches shorter than Dimentio.


Glitch (previously known as [REDACTED]) used to have a normal life, she had a loving family and a great kingdom.

One day, she fell in love with the prince of the kingdom, who was called Prince Pit, she thought she met the person of her dreams, unfortunately, she was only being naive and blinded by love that she didnt notice the red flags and after missing these red flags countless of times, they finally caught up to her and seeing her 'prince charming' with a princess from another kingdom finally opened her eyes from how awful he had treated her, and just so he can make her wound sting further, he dumped her.

This soon led to her running away to her comfort place, which were some abandoned ruins that held history of the kingdom, she stayed there crying for a majority of the night when all of a sudden, a glitchy portal opened near her and pulled her in, landing her in the Glitch Dimension (or known by others as Dimension GL1TCH).

So after getting stuck in the Glitch Dimension, the more time she stays there, the more memories she forgets, even forgetting who she used to be, the dimension also started to mess up her body to be more glitchy (what she currently looks like now). She forgot so much that she can't remember anything coming to the Glitch dimension, even forgetting how she got there in the first place.

But then one fateful day or night, nobody could tell cuz it's always glitch particles and a glitchy gradient sky, Dimentio teleported himself to the Glitch Dimension one day to see if anything new had changed from his last visit, that was then him and Glitch locked eyes with each other, sharing a look of disbelief. After some questioning from Dimentio and him witnessing that she might've gained some powers from the dimension, he offered her a little deal; he'll teleport her out of the Glitch Dimension with him in exchange that she demonstrates her powers and join Count Bleck's team if Count Bleck approves.

And so, she accepted the deal and is finally freed from Dimension GL1TCH, now she's happy with her new life with Count Bleck, Mimi, Nastasia, O'Chunks and most importantly, Dimentio.

Count Bleck (Headcanon)
(father figure/boss)

She mainly sees Count Bleck as her boss, but she also began to see him as a father figure and Count Bleck has begun to see her as his and Timpani's daughter, so he has become quite protective of her.

Dimentio (Headcanon)
(Best Friend/crush)

She used to see him as her best friend, but she soon started to develop feelings for him after a few months, but she's quite hesitant about being in love, but she doesn't know why as she doesn't remember anything from before she came to the Glitch dimension. He was also the reason why and how she finally escaped the Glitch Dimension, so she's very grateful to him, even when he can sometimes be a pain, but she's used to it and even gets back at him sometimes, they just love poking fun at each other and have grown a strong connection to the point it might become something more.

Mimi (Headcanon)
(Little sister figure/friend)

She's alright with Mimi at most, while she's in her cute form that is, but everytime Mimi ever goes into her true form, her face would be a lot paler if it was even possible.

Mr.L (Headcanon)

she doesn't talk with him a lot, but when she does, it's mostly about tech stuff and Dimentio (well, mostly Mr L ranting about Dimentio to her).

Nastasia (Headcanon)

Glitch considers Nastasia as a friend, often going to her for advice, she even goes out with her and Mimi for a girls day out sometimes.

O'Chunks (Headcanon)
(Friend/workout buddy)

She's good friends with O'Chunks, she sometimes hangs out with him to chat and practice lifting weights, wanting to be as strong as possible to help the team.

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