


2 years, 3 months ago


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OBTAINED BYPaid nothing, came up with myself

WORTHNo amount of anything is enough

ATTACHMENT LVLForever homed <3

NAMESkyAGE5.2 years
SPECIESFelineHEIGHT9.1 inches
GENDERTransgender/Genderfluid/NonbinaryPRONOUNSHe/him & They/them (FTM)
RANKBarn catBIRTHDAY9/6/2018
 WindClanTHEMETerrible Things - Mayday Parade




Write a bit about your character here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer in ligula tellus. Praesent tempor bibendum nibh ut faucibus. Phasellus vehicula, nisi eget hendrerit congue, mi dolor vehicula dui, vel tincidunt sapien ex in orci. Sed tincidunt cursus ornare. Sed convallis at ante nec finibus. Phasellus egestas imperdiet odio in interdum. In magna libero, egestas eget gravida eget, rhoncus nec elit. Vestibulum dictum id nibh in vulputate. Etiam justo nibh, tempus in turpis in, scelerisque condimentum nulla. Praesent urna erat, porta ac hendrerit id, tristique malesuada felis. Etiam semper dolor id lacinia eleifend. Praesent consectetur elit sit amet venenatis congue. Praesent condimentum turpis sed aliquet rutrum.

Sed porta nunc vel lacinia elementum. Ut augue massa, sagittis eget blandit quis, eleifend a nulla. Nunc ornare pretium dapibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque fermentum accumsan convallis. Ut suscipit libero ut sem hendrerit, eget ultrices sapien suscipit. Aliquam interdum urna quis ante iaculis ultricies. Nam ultrices velit non dui volutpat facilisis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec nibh turpis, accumsan in turpis non, porta hendrerit ante.



Sky was born to Maple and Cherry alongside his brothers Juniper and Marsh. Cherry's clear favoritism towards her older sons and constant critique toward Sky caused a rift between the two throughout Sky's kithood. Sky did anything and everything he could think of to gain his mother's favor; from catching her favorite prey, picking her pretty flowers, or trying to outshine his brothers in hunting practice, but it never seemed to work. Cherry's clear distaste for him devastated Sky and he leaned heavily on his father Maple- a former warrior from a nearby Clan- for comfort and positivity. Maple adored his youngest kit and did his best to shower Sky in the love that Cherry failed to provide. Maple taught his children how to hunt and protect themselves, but forbade them from going away from the barn in case a Clan patrol ambushed them and harmed them. Using his prior experience living in a Clan to teach his children, Maple grew incredibly proud of all of his children and told Sky that he'd do wonderfully in a Clan. 

One day whilst hunting, Sky stumbled across another cat calling herself Bluepaw, apprentice of FieldClan. They got into a scrap and were broken up by Bluepaw's mother Darkfeather separating them after seeing her daughter run off. Intimidated at meeting two Clan cats, Sky ran away back to the barn and told his father about what had happened and who he'd met. Cherry scolded him about crossing Clan borders and getting himself in danger. Maple explained that MoorClan was the neighbor to SwampClan where he'd come from originally. Darkfeather was a respected MoorClanner and he knew her from his time in SwampClan, though he didn't condone crossing borders and Sky promised that it wouldn't happen again. After looking his son over for any serious injuries, Maple said he'd be just fine and to say anything if his scrapes and scratches got infected. 

As the days wore on, Sky visited Bluepaw often and they would spend their time watching the sunset, training, and talking. During a dream one night after spending the day with Bluepaw, Sky had a dream about life in MoorClan and being accepted by the Clan cats. Bluepaw snuck into the barn at night and together, the two went on a walk and talked until sunrise the next day. When Sky returned to the barn, his mother was furious at his absence and when she found out he'd been with a Clan cat, she kicked Sky out of the barn and forbade him from coming back. Sky accepted and ran off into ForestClan's territory, never to return to the barn.

Finding himself on MoorClan's land after a while of wandering, Sky was brought to the leader Redstar and was granted temporary residence with a grace period to prove his worth to the Clan. Bluepaw, Wisppaw, and Darkfeather were happy to have him and they spent their time training, playing, and getting to know the newcomer and teaching Sky about Clanlife. When ForestClan's leader Copperstar raided MoorClan's camp, Sky fought and defended the elders and nursery. After the battle, Redstar praised him for protecting the Clan and welcomed him as an apprentice being mentored by Darkfeather. Skypaw was thrilled and happy to live in a place where he was welcomed.

Time passed, kits became apprentices, apprentices became warriors, and Skypaw was thriving in MoorClan. While sharing tongues in the MoorClan camp, Skypaw was surprised to see Marsh and Juniper being escorted into the camp, battered and wounded. Skypaw was stunned to hear that Cherry had been more controlling after Skypaw left and during an argument between her and Maple, she grew enraged and killed her mate. Juniper and Marsh had tried to defend their father, but it was too late and they too were driven away from the barn. Skypaw begged Redstar to let them join and he accepted, making them apprentices on the spot. Skypaw was relieved and thankful that hhis brothers were out of harm's way and could thrive without the threat of Cherry looming over all three of them.

During a hunting patrol with his fellow apprentices, they were attacked by a ForestClan patrol and Skypaw led the apprentices into battle against their attackers. In the fray, Greenpaw killed a ForestClan warrior and the apprentices fled back to MoorClan's camp to report the ambush and death of the warrior. Redstar was furious upon hearing that an apprentice had killed in battle and demanded to know who had done it. Skypaw took responsibility for the death and stated that he was in a dangerous spot and did what he had to do to survive, but he didn't mean/want to kill the other cat. MoorClan was shocked, some were outraged that he'd killed in battle, saying that an outsider doesn't know the ways of a Clan. Redstar understood why he did it, but punished him with not going to the upcoming Gathering. Skypaw accepted this punishment.

The moons wore on and Skypaw, Bluepaw, Wisppaw, and Greenpaw became warriors: Skytail, Bluefeather, Wispwren, and Greenscar. Not long later, Fernpelt, Slatefall, Marshfrost, and Juniperblaze were also made full warriors and Skytail was happier than he'd ever been. One cat that he'd gotten especially close to over the moons was Sparkpaw; the daughter of Redstar and one of Skytail's biggest supporters. Their bond grew as time passed and when Sparkpaw was kidnapped by Copperstar, ForestClan's deputy Flintheart fled from his Clan and brought the apprentice to Skytail when he'd gone to look for her. Bluefeather was furious that Skytail had been so entangled with Sparkpaw. When Copperstar caught Flintheart, Sparkpaw, and Skytail, he attacked. Skytail fought beside Flintheart and fled back to MoorClan. Flintheart was accepted into MoorClan, Sparkheart was made a warrior, and she and Skytail became official mates.

Throughout their warrior days, Bluefeather and Skytail grew apart and fought more and more often over Sparkheart and how Skytail wasn't putting his all into being a warrior. It bubbled over when Bluefeather confronted Skytail about being Sparkheart's mate and Skytail yelled that they weren't friends anymore and to never speak about his mate like that again. Skytail was approached one day by Wispwren as she begged for help. She was pregnant and the father of the kits- Fernpelt- didn't want to be a father and she couldn't be a mother by herself. Skytail said yes to helping, told Sparkheart about it, and once the kits came, they became a mixed family. Skytail was beyond happy with his new family and was happy to see his brothers pairing off with mates and having kits of their own. During a shoreline walk with Sparkheart, they were interrupted when they heard a kit crying on a wet stone. Skytail rescued the kit, they brought her back to the camp, and adopted Featherkit into their family.

Skytail got his first apprentice named Sappaw and his rivalry with Bluefeather only grew. Pitting their apprentices against each other, they fought over training techniques and menial things repeatedly. Bluefeather made fun of Skytail for being a father so early into being a warrior, but Skytail shot back that he loves his family and would do anything for them. On a snowy leafbare day, a patrol came back to camp battered and bloodied, reporting that a red tabby she-cat and a bunch of other cats had attacked them. A couple of days later, Cherry marched into the camp, asking to speak to her children. Skytail argued with his mother and chased her and her friends out of the camp with the help of Juniperblaze and Marshfrost, swearing that if he ever saw her again, he'd kill her.

When the deputy of MoorClan is killed in a battle against ForestClan, Bluefeather's father Breezeblaze is named deputy. Redstar refuses to launch a revenge attack as he doesn't want to lose more cats, and Bluefeather calls him out for his cowardice with multiple cats agreeing with her. Skytail speaks up that they've seen what ForestClan is capable and willing to do and now a litter of kits will grow up without their father. Redstar agrees with Skytail and Bluefeather is angered, but doesn't say anything more. Redstar orders that apprentices will not be allowed out alone without warriors and that they need to be focusing on battle training just in case.

Sapfoot becomes a warrior and Skytail finds out Sparkheart is expecting kits and they're both beyond happy about the news. Featherpaw becomes an apprentice and trains hard to become a strong warrior like her parents. Everything is perfect until Breezeblaze's body is found between ForestClan and MoorClan's border and the Clan is outraged, calling for an ambush and to get revenge. Redstar appoints Skytail as his new deputy and launches an attack on ForestClan's camp. During the battle, Skytail is shocked to see Bluefeather fighting against MoorClan and killing Brackenmist. Skytail confronts Bluefeather and she reveals that it was her who killed Breezeblaze to be made deputy, but now that Skytail is deputy, she'll have to take him out to get what she wants: Leadership of MoorClan. Skytail feels hurt and betrayed but refuses to fight his former friend, instead calling a retreat and racing back to MoorClan's camp, where she exposes Bluefeather's betrayal to the Clan.

With the threat of Bluefeather set in stone as she resides in ForestClan, Redstar's age catches up to him and he dies a couple of moons later. When Skytail becomes leader, he appoints Cinderlight as his deputy and vows to rid Bluefeather from the territories. When yet another patrol is attacked, Featherpaw is killed. Skystar is beside himself with grief and spends several days refusing to eat or leave camp with his kits and family comforting him and Sparkheart. In a dream following an apprentice ceremony, Featherpaw visits Skystar and congratulates her father on becoming leader. Skystar sobs and apologizes for not being there to protect her, but Featherpaw says that it wasn't his fault and that the threat of Bluefeather has grown as she's killed Copperstar, become ForestClan's new leader, and is persuading the other three Clans to get on her side. Skystar swears that he'll get revenge for Featherpaw and the dream ends.

In the night, MoorClan is woken up by screeches of betrayal and when Skystar rushes out of his den, he sees Wispwren pinning Greenscar down as the body of Darkfeather lays at his paws. Wispwren says that her brother killed Darkfeather and was going to kill Skystar next, but she stopped him. Skystar exiles Greenscar with him saying that Bluestar will destroy MoorClan, and holds a vigil for Darkfeather.

Tension boiling over, Skystar gains the support from LeafClan and StreamClan to fight back against SwampClan and ForestClan to end this once and for all. During the massacre, Sparkheart is killed and Skystar kills Bluestar. The Clans chase out and kill her followers, vigils for the fallen are held, and Skystar leads MoorClan into a bright future.


✔ Family

✔ Moonlit walks

✔ Flowers


✖ Violence

✖ Bluestar

✖ The death of her family



Maple | Father
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec.
Sparkheart | Mate
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec.
Wispwren | Best Friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec.
Bluefeather/star | Rival/Enemy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec.



  • Doesn't believe in StarClan
  • Used a donor for bio kittens
  • Misses Sparkheart a lot
  • Feathersong was her favorite kit



  • FLUFFY!!!
  • Chubby belly, shorter/stockier legs, more of a rectangular body shape
  • Tail is fluffy and heavy, sometimes drags behind
  • Piercings/hair tuft are NOT optional! 
  • Circular face + drooping triangles for cheek fur
  • Kinda round triangle nose
  • Ear dots like a tiger



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