Mesa's Comments

agh theyre so pretty,, would the ic interest u maybe? im not 100% sure i would wanna trade hollow since hollows a sona but if they do interest u i might think abt it 👉👈

If you’d ever take offers other than scpkid swaps would you possibly let me know ? quq ty in advance <3

heya, anyone here?

Hey again!! Actually would you be up for trading Wilder? :0 id totally accept them!

yeah absolutely as long as you give them back if thinking of parting, or let me know when you wanna part with them! ^^

Just to be up front my main plan was for them to be permahomed to Squeebash!! :3 So they would go directly to them but I’m sure they’d be ok with that. 

yeah that works completely fine

Awesome! I just sent the hyena your way. :3 They suit you so well I’m excited to see what you do with them!!Â