Diener (WIP)



2 years, 6 months ago



Albert Wright








  • Quiet
  • Reading
  • Candles
  • Classical Music
  • Ruckus
  • Mess
  • Tight collared shirts
  • Chalkboards







Albert is a kind man, he doesn't turn a blind eye to those who are in need, but even with this he is not a patient man. He hates people dilly-dallying and hates when people won't get to the point. He isn't too courageous either... He is a morally right person who does good as often as he can, but if he needs courage for it he's a no go. Along with Integrity, Albert is also a very smart man. Educated well, he chose his career because he felt it would be an easy gig. He isn't super charismatic, but he isn't lacking it either. To pick back up on the courage, what he lacks in that Albert makes up for in confidence!

A Piece of History.

Albert Jessie Wright was born in Norfolk, Virginia on August 21st 1823 to Tom Lee Wright and Lottie Wright. He has a twin brother named Horace Wright and a younger sister named Carrie Rose Wright. He spent most his time outside, roughhousing and being a neighborhood menace. He mowed lawns, baby sat and helped tutor some kids for extra cash (He was great at math and science.). His twin helped him out during these side jobs, except for the tutoring, since Horace wasn't good at any of his classes. Carrie, who is 4 years Albert's junior, spent most her time at home helping their mother with the tasks in the house. 

When Albert was 19, he got into a fight with his father. After much arguing, his father finally had enough, and threw out Albert. Albert took his car and drove off, where he ran into a girl who had heard he needed a place and offered her home. She would later be his fiancé, Addie Lee.

Albert got a letter in the mail about two months after proposing to Addie. It offered Albert a handsome prize if he participated in a game. Albert took the deal, because he needed money for the wedding desperately. He took the deal in 1858, two years before "present day". Albert is part of game six.

Welcome to the Game.

Albert arrived in the manor with two others present. A young, wealthy looking lady named Catherine Jones and a middle aged, rugged man named Elmer Paul. 

He was told they were expecting one other person, according to the guest list sitting on the dining room table. On the paper listed everyone's names and then a title of sorts. 

"Lyrist"/ Catherine Jones

"Clocksmith"/ Elmer Paul

"Diener"/ Albert Wright

"Bricklayer"/ Otto Phillips

Albert pondered what importance the titles were. Each one of their careers, or so Albert assumed, was written just before their name in quotations. At the bottom of the paper said another name...

"Judge"/ Roscoe Moore

Just above that, there was a notice stating that this player would not be staying in the manor with the other players, so do not anticipate their arrival. This gave Albert a sense of dread, but he didn't mention it aloud. He stayed in the room to the right upstairs. Catherine had the middle room upstairs, Otto had the left room upstairs and Elmer had the room downstairs. Facing the window, Albert and Elmer sat on the right side of the table and Catherine and Otto sat on the left side of the table for dinner. Elmer liked to pray before eating, and although he didn't force anyone to, they all would join him in a quick prayer before eating. 

Addie Lee

Albert's Fiancé. They met when Albert moved out of his home at the age of 19. She was 20 at the time and let him stay with her while he found a place to stay permanently. He asked her out when he was 25 and they got engaged when he was 35. They were supposed to be married by the end of the year, but because he needed money for the wedding, he took the deal the letter in the mail offered him. That was two years ago, and since then he's been fighting for his life at the Manor.

Lottie Wright

Albert's Mother. She was a much better parent than Tom, but still she didn't have much time for her children, working, cleaning and cooking just to keep the family alive while her husband was gone all day at a poor-paying, dead end job. Albert would do anything for his mother, but because they didn't spend much time together, his mother isn't number one on his favorite persons list.

Tom Lee Wright

Albert's Father. He was stern and cold to his children. Albert tried to get his fathers love all of his childhood, but when Albert finally moved out he accepted his father would never truly love him.

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