Flicker Flash



6 years, 5 months ago


Flicker Flash



enthusiastic . energetic . friendly

"There's no pictures I love more than the one's where you're reeeeeeally smiling. Like smiling for realsies. Smiling! From! The! Heart!"


Crepuscule Coruscation - best friend<
  • She and Crepuscule both work as freelance photographers, and sometimes work together at larger events.
  • They're close enough that she sometimes joins him for family gatherings and is on good terms with his brothers.

Monev - cousin<
  • Monev "disappeared" when Flicker was quite young, so she doesn't really remember her.
  • However, when she finally found out the full story of what happened to Monev, Flicker made it her personal mission to find a way to bring her back home.

Ruby Perl - friend<
  • They met when Flicker decided to try out poetry and joined Ruby Perl's poetry club. As with most of her hobbies, Flicker quickly lost interest, but the two ponies still kept in touch.

Metro Bling - friend<
  • Flicker took promotional photos for Metro Bling's radio program (during which Equinox did the news and weather). Metro kept in touch with Flicker and occasionally invites her to events.

Equinox - friend? (one-sided)<
  • After witnessing her harsh attitude, Flicker kept trying to make Equinox open up and figure out what her deal was, much to the other pony's chagrin.


Real Name: Flicker Flash
Nicknames: Flicker, Snappy (by family and friends), Pony-Eyes (by bullies), Flicks (by Metro Bling)
Cutie Mark: Lightning bolt with a light spark
Talent: Photography, especially of city scenes and light
Hometown: Fillydelphia
Current location: Manehattan
Family: Lightning Flash (mother), Emerald Quill (father), Emerald Feather (aunt), Starsteel (uncle), Monev (cousin)
Friends: Crepuscule Coruscation (best friend, work partner), Equinox (one-sided), Ruby Perl, Metro Bling, Cotton Candy, Saccharina
Race: Batpony (1/4 pegasus)
Occupation: Photographer
Fact: Cannot see in the dark due to having inherited "pony eyes" instead of slitted bat eyes.


  • seeing and experiencing new things
  • helping other ponies
  • films / shows themed around action and/or fantasy


  • being forced to do things
  • having to stay focussed on one thing for too long
  • repetitive tasks
  • being alone for too long


Flicker grew up amongst regular ponies rather than bat ponies. Initially she was bullied quite a bit for looking different to regular ponies yet also not matching the image of a typical batpony, but eventually it stopped as she always responded in a calm manner, even offering to be friends with her bullies. She got along well with all her classmates, but she met her best friend Crepuscule when she started work.

She enjoys travelling and does so for both work-related and personal reasons. She also likes to try new things and picks up new hobbies frequently, though due to her short attention span she's gathered a lot of materials from past interests that she stopped caring about. One example of this is when she joined Ruby Perl's poetry club for a month, and ended up with an unnecessary stash of books and quills.


She is enthusiastic, but if she doesn't want to do something she will be very adamant about it. She is also incredibly optimistic and likes to capture images of happy moments to show the good side of ponykind, especially in places where it is stereotyped that ponies act cold, such as in the big cities. Her various methods of picturing light also show a similar message of positivity, metaphorically. She always believes that there is a good side to every pony and situation, so she falls for scams quite easily, fortunately her best friend Crepuscule watches out for her. She becomes very distraught when she can't think of a way to help somepony who seems to be in need.

Even though she tries her best to consider others' feelings sometimes she has a hard time figuring things out - she's friendly with those she meets, but she doesn't have many friends, and she's terrified that one day she'll scare the ones she does have off, especially since some of her old classmates accused her of never growing up. Sometimes she is a bit too enthusiastic, and some ponies really dislike how she always wants to share her views or chip in to a conversation. Believing in your views strongly can be a good thing but Flicker can get a bit stubborn, it can get annoying how she is adamant that she won't change her mind.

Despite the fact that she tends to stick to her ideals, almost ironically she gets bored of things quite quickly and can never stay focussed on one task very long, except when it comes to her job, which she tries to take a little bit more seriously. She also tends to jump to conclusions a bit too soon, often only seeing the surface rather than thinking a bit deeper about things. However her friends have made her aware of her flaws and she's trying her best to improve.

HTML by lowkeywicked | Background image by sirius-sdz on DeviantArt