Paintball lad robo lad man



2 years, 3 months ago



Paintball lad robo lad man


aggressive • stupid • should get cancelled

 Name Rifle
 Called Idiot lmao
 Gender Male
 Age 22 years old
 Height 1.75m
 Species Robot android thing
 Role Arcade mascot
 Demeanor Ridiculous
 HTML Pinky

Rifle is the mascot for the "shoot the duck" type of game at his parents' arcade (not his actual parents idk they just built him lmao). He enjoys bragging about his military career despite only playing paintball on weekends with some friends.

 Will to annoy his siblings  


PaintballThe Mutts (his paintball team/"platoon")Impressing his lil bro BlueLooking tough and masculine and cool


His younger brother SangriaHis younger sister LagunaPeople who arrive late (just be on time geez)The taste of black coffee (only that weird unicorn drink for him ^^)

He doesn't deserve a story

xIQal6q.png He makes tiktoks about women not being funny but still laughs at the jokes they makeDespite being a robot, he's a grandpa when it comes to technology and still genuinely uses Facebook. He has almost no understanding up current internet trends, memes and quotes (his siblings thoroughly make fun of him for that lmao)He tries really hard to make everyone think that he's enrolled in the army and doesn't notice that absolutely no one is dumb enough to believe himHis siblings Sangria and Laguna keep pissing him off so he tries to piss them off in return. It often backfiresIf you're wondering who the hell plays paintball with him, probably men in their midlife crisis that have been playing for a week



Sangria is probably Rifle's least favorite out of the family, they constantly get into fights but Sangria probably rarely gets mad about it because seing Rifle yell about dumb shit is worth it. Rifle may desperatly try to leave hate comments on Sangria's Twitter but with his limited knowledge, he uses his main account to comment.




Laguna being his only sister, Rifle often completely ignores her when he has something to yell about. It will always be Sangria's fault even when it's Laguna that clearly did it. He kinda forgets how old she is and thinks she can't do anything herself :(.


Baby Blue


Blue! The youngest one and the one Rifle has the least hate towards. Blue is literally the only person on earth to believe Rifle when he says he's in the military, this often leads to Blue being the only one Rifle rants to and talks to about how cool he is. Blue has the mental age of a 6 year old and would rather drink cough syrup or eat glue or something.