Anthony Rutherford



6 years, 6 months ago


anthony rutherford
31 | 6' | true neutral | he/him

s a d b o i

a robot made in 1981 by a lonely widower who wanted to have children of his own but was impotent. due to being made of extremely outdated components, anthony is slow and can only remember events from up to 48 hours ago. he can, however, save specific memories and remember them forever, which he has quite a few of. amongst some of his saved, long-term interests are TVs and trees. he also loves being around children.

in the year of 2000, his "father", louis rutherford, passed of old age. his house was inherited by distant family members, and they decided to move in. they treated anthony terribly, however, firmly believing that all his actions were shoddily pre-programmed and that he wasn't sentient. this treatment and his father's death combined upset him greatly, and he spent the entire rest of his battery charge sitting in a corner until he shut down. the house's new occupants never bothered him again, and simply left him in the attic.

He can receive TV and radio signals, and the kids he played with would always excessively request to watch shows on his monitor. He went along with it until it got to be too much for him, and he eventually denied, only to be coerced into it anyways.

Anthony charges via a power cord. On the back of his head he has a power button, as well as room for a floppy disk and a VHS tape.