


2 years, 3 months ago


  • NAME Oleander
  • NICKNAMES Ole (oh-lee), Ander
  • AGE66
  • GENDER (PRN) Doe (She/Her)
  • ORIENTATION Demisexual

In a coupla years I'll be so outta here, I'll have a lotta new friends and I won't even care!

Oleander is somewhat of a loner, only really interacting with her warrenmates when she has to for various tasks and the like. Sociably, right now she prefers to keep to the company of her sister Lantana, as she doesn't much trust these strange rabbits with their sacrifices and their weird religion! (not that she would ever say so out loud, but she definitely has a reputation for being quite a solitary recluse!)

However, it cannot be denied that the doe has quite a lot of skill with plants, she understands them, what types of soil are best for which kinds of plants, which need the most sun and which prefer less...direct light. She knows what she is doing and there is no denying she was trained for the right job.














Health (Mental)


Pessimist Optimist

Naive Suspicious

Loner Social

Surly Polite

Patient Impulsive




Reputation (Home Warren)

Reputation (Enemy Warren)

Oleander is a bit of a hard study, she has one set of personality traits which are reserved for most strangers and acquaintances, and yet can also turn into an entirely different doe when amongst the familiar, safe company of her brothers and sister. She is genuine and will say things like they are, but rarely speaks in the company of unfamiliar rabbits, instead conveying the point in as short and sharp sentences as she possibly can in order to get them to go away and leave her alone. She has a lot of self-confidence and rarely doubts herself or her siblings, especially Lantana, trusting her sister's judgement with her very life if need be. She cares deeply for her siblings and misses them when they aren't able to spend time together.

Oleander can come across as quite intense, if she's going to express any emotions, you're getting ALL the feelings related to that emotion that she's been bottling up for a while until one day it inevitably explodes like a lit powder keg, and this can make her a little scary to interact with for someone who may not realise what they're getting into. She likes to stick rigidly to a well-structured routine, and gets her ears into quite the knot (figuratively ofc!) if that routine is disrupted for whatever reason.

She really doesn't like to talk to others who aren't her siblings, and prefers to keep to herself, and getting any sort of constructive responses out of her feels kind of like getting blood out of a stone. Its not like she has much in common with the other rabbits in this warren, anyways, she doesn't think much of their Gods or religion at all, preferring to stick to cold, hard facts and Oleander knows that won't make her popular with the "locals" if the rest of them found out. Despite being quite along in years, Oleander is quite immature for her age, especially compared to her siblings. While she has worked through a lot, and definitely gotten better, there's still a LOT of room for further improvements!

Positive Traits
  • Genuine
  • Confident
  • Providential
  • Realistic
Neutral Traits
  • Esthetic
  • Intense
  • Meticulous
  • Rigid
Negative Traits
  • Private
  • Overachiever
  • Graceless
  • Forceful
  • Immature

Born as the middle child to a large litter, Oleander got on with all of her siblings, aside from the occasional petty squabble that children do get into sometimes. She was somewhat spoilt, and always complained until she got her way, eventually resulting in the family moving the location of their home burrow when Oleander insisted she needed more space so she could sleep without being kicked and squashed by her siblings. All seems to go well for the family until a fox comes upon their burrow one night as a terrible storm breaks. Oleander doesn't remember very much about the storm as she went tharn and wasn't much help, though recalls trying to save her brothers Sumac and Cycad before her memory goes black. Next thing she remembers is that both their parents and Sumac and Cycad are dead. The family pushes on, and through her denial and refusal to accept and process her grief, Oleander causes friction and arguments between the group of remaining siblings, culminating in her snapping at Lantana and saying very hurtful and unnecessary things to her sister before storming off. Oleander cools down a few days later, but takes a little while to work up the courage and find the words to apologise. The siblings then finally talk through the trauma of the event, and the group is all the much better for it. The siblings are found by Lan-Hraeth and separated when they are assigned mentors and sent to train. Oleander makes a nuisance of herself asking after her siblings, leading to her being scolded by her mentor and told to focus more on her training. When she witnessess her first sacrifice, Oleander is horrified and desperately tries to find her siblings so they can escape, but so far has only managed to reunite with Lantana. They are still in search of Arum and Rhus and neither of the sisters wants to even try to leave Lan-Hraeth without their brothers.


"Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world."

Oleander was born to a large litter with many siblings, mostly brothers and one other sister, Lantana. The middle child, Oleander was neither seen as a leader nor as a dependant like their youngest brother Cycad, though she like her other siblings felt quite worried for him and was quite relieved when Snakeroot reassured her that she knew how to take care of them. Oleander was relieved and immediately offered to help, wanting to do her bit to help her brother get better! She tried to always make sure to include him in their games and thankfully all of their other siblings felt the same way and so they never really squabbled much. Lantana was naturally commanding and the rest of them were all too happy to fall into line alongside her and do as they were told. Once the kits reached 8 moons, however, the small burrow they had been living out of suddenly felt less homey and more…cramped. Oleander remembers waking up every morning and wondering how she had taken this long to notice that Rhus’s foot was always jammed into her chin when they woke in the morning, or how Sumac always rolled over and squashed her when he tried to stretch and follow Lantana outside. Oleander began to complain to her parents about constantly waking up at the bottom of the “pile” of her siblings and it was then that Snakeroot and Castor agreed the kits were old enough that the family could think about moving to a new territory.


"Don’t you worry, don’t you worry child. Cause heaven’s got a plan for you…"

A new home?? Oleander was bouncing with excitement on the day they set out, chattering her family's ears off about all the nice things she'd like the new home to have, most important of all, she wanted her own burrow so she would stop getting kicked at night! Castor and Snakeroot rolled their eyes at her complaints and gently chastised their daughter, telling her that one day perhaps some of the family wouldn't be there and she would actually miss the pain her brother's feet inflicted, being young and naive of course, Oleander doesn't believe them and scoffs, rolling her eyes. The family sticks closely together, and both parents teach the kits important life skills. Castor teaches them to fight and protect each other, although Oleander struggles quite a lot with battle training as she's not as graceful nor agile as her other siblings. With their help, some practise and a lot of patience and encouragement from Castor she gets by enough to learn to hold her own in a struggle, but fighting frustrates her and she'd rather devote her concentration to a subject that she's "better" at.

That subject in question was, of course, learning plants, herbs and healing from her mother, Snakeroot. Learning the properties of herbs and how to identify the plants they got specific remedies from came much more naturally to her, and Oleander quickly began to gravitate her attention and focus more towards Snakeroot's lessons, becoming a sort of unofficial apprentice to her mother she ran errands for the doe and helped her to treat the rest of the family's wounds, as well as doing their best to identify and then treat the conditions their youngest brother Cyad was suffering from. The herbs they gave him did seem to help a lot, and with a few small adjustments here and there, Cycad was still able to keep up with and join in the games that Oleander and the rest of the siblings played.

They moved around and changed burrows every so often if elil got too close, and for several moons life was good. Really, Oleander didn't have much at all to complain about, she had the perfect life and the perfect family, with siblings who loved and cared about her and parents who provided them with everything they needed and were even content to let the litter stay with them after they were fully grown and technically didn't need hem anymore, instead of chasing them off. Oleander began to notice that during their games or patrols they did together in the family's small territory that Cyad couldn't see as well as she could, but isn't experienced enough in healing to diagnose the condition so instead approaches her mother to bring it up to the older doe. Maybe she was just imagining things! Cycad was fine, he was healthy as he could possibly get, and he kept up with the rest of the family. He was fine, nothing was wrong. Cycad was fine.


"And if you’re still breathing, you’re the lucky ones…cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs."

Cycad was fine.

Cycad was fine.

Cycad was FINE.

If she kept repeating it, maybe it would be true. Snakeroot claimed this wasn’t the case however, for one day during one of their lessons she would pull her daughter aside to tell Oleander the truth: there was something wrong with her youngest brother’s eyes. When Oleander protested that Cycad couldn’t be blind because he played with her and the others all the time and never seemed to have a problem with seeing the moss balls, or the rocks, or whatever object was the topic of the latest game Lantana and Sumac had invented, Snakeroot protested and tried to explain that Cycad could see some things, but not others. Oleander couldn’t quite wrap her head around the explanation, but she helped her mother to prepare herbs and treatments for Cycad the same as always.

Before she could fully wrap her head around the diagnoses, and before Oleander and Snakeroot could tell the rest of the family about Cycad’s condition, the storm hit, and the family were set upon by a sly homba right as the thunder and lightning broke out. Oleander rushed to fight alongside her siblings, covering Lantana's blind spot, the pair desperately fight against the homba, trying to work their way towards Cycad to protect him. When Sumac is thrown off the homba's back, however, Oleander is torn and feels the familiar, icy cold claws of fear gripping her muscles. She goes tharn, paralysed by indecision and unsure which brother to run and help first as rain soaked through her fur and lightning crackled overhead. In the end, she can only watch as Sumac hits his head and goes limp, fearing Cycad suffers the same fate. Lantana notices her sister has gone tharn and intervenes, saving Oleander's life by shoving her backwards towards their other brothers. Rhus and Arum support her between them while Lantana blocked the homba from reaching the trio, and helped Castor and Snakeroot to fight it.

"Rainclouds come to play...again. Has no one told you they're not breathing? Hello, I'm the lie living for you so you can hide. Don't cry…."

Oleander tried to help as best she could, lashing out whenever the fox came close enough, but she remembers not being able to do much useful in that fight. For the most part, she remembers being a terrified, quivering mess wedged between her two brothers who had to support her between them just to keep her own legs underneath her or she would have collapsed from shaking so badly. When it's all over, the siblings find themselves dealing with not only the dead homba, but both their parents, their youngest brother Cycad, and Lantana's twin Sumac have all been fatally wounded in the battle.

The stench of blood and corpses will soon draw more elil to the area, and Lantana knows they have to move on if they want to survive too. Oleander however, doesn't want to leave their parents and brothers to be devoured by elil's teeth, she locks her legs and remains stubbornly rooted to the spot, screaming "We can't just LEAVE them!! They're not dead, Lan, they're gonna wake up! They're gonna wake up!". Rhus and Arum exchange an awkward look with their eldest sister as Oleander hops to Cycad's side and begins to sob loudly. "We have to move!" Lantana growled at her, a little forcefully, and when she still refused to follow after their brothers, her sister had to physically DRAG Oleander by her scruff and carry her after their brothers for a while.


"But if you close your eyes…does it almost feel like nothing’s changed at all?"

As rabbit kind often do, the remaining siblings trudged on, sticking together and doing their best to move on from the trauma of the incident. Whilst Lantana and her brothers seemed to process it quite quickly, Oleander was far worse off than the rest of her siblings and seemed to be shutting down in response. The worst of all, however, was that she seemed to be in complete denial that the homba attack had happened at all. The siblings were supposed to take it in turns to do the nightly sentry duty so all of them could have a chance to get enough sleep and be well rested for the next day ahead, but Oleander kept demanding to be put on the night watch regardless of how many times she’d already been on watch in the days previous. Oleander would always sit awake at night, staring down the pathway they’d just travelled along and all but begging their lost family members to reappear from out of the bushes, smiling and laughing and say “haha, got you! We’re here now and everything’s fine!”.

But they never did.

Arum, Rhus and Lantana try to sit her down and have a serious conversation with Oleander about accepting what had happened as real and moving on with life, but Oleander refuses, insisting that none of them are dead and they were going to come back one night soon and they would all see!! Tensions rise in the group as a result, with Rhus and Arum often quarrelling with Lantana as the three can never agree on how to approach Oleander and make her realise the truth of their situation. Oleander does little to help this growing tension, if anything she simply feeds into it and makes it worse, until eventually the four siblings aren’t just bickering anymore, they’re having full-blown arguments with eachother over every little thing. Where to sleep, whether to keep moving or to bed down for the night, who should be in charge of the group now that their parents were gone, and, most of all...whose fault it is that they’re even having to have such arguments in the first place, as clearly none of them have had proper time to process their trauma just yet.

“Collecting pictures, from a flood that wrecked our home. It was a flood that wrecked this home...and YOU caused it!!”

During one such argument, when Lantana had tried to take charge of the group and Rhus and Arum had disagreed with her decisions, wanting to spend the day resting instead of moving onward, a big quarrel broke out between all the remaining siblings. While Oleander usually stayed quiet during these fights and tried not to get involved - she had no interest in being a leader of the group or hold any of the responsibilities that came with such a title- this time, as Lantana attempted to defuse the quarrel by claiming she was the one best fit to be leader of all the siblings, something inside Oleander snapped. This time, all the grief, sadness and negative emotions that Oleander had been bottling up since the storm came to the surface and she exploded, wheeling around to stand between Lantana and her brothers, she began to yell at her sister, blaming her for the deaths the family had suffered up till this point, since Lantana had forced them to leave the bodies behind. “It’s YOUR fault they’re all dead!” Oleander cried, tears streaming down her cheeks as she began to breathe heavily, all her repressed emotions bubbling up to the surface at once, “that’s why you can’t be leader, cause then the rest of us are all gonna die too! You’re gonna get us all KILLED!”

“I got boulders on my shoulders. Collarbones begin to crack; there is very little left of me and it is NEVER coming back!”

Rhus and Arum are too shocked to react at first, but look horrified at the accusations Oleander is throwing at their elder sister, but before either her brothers or Lantana can say anything in retort, she storms off away from the group, until her legs are shaking too much for Oleander to go on any further and she collapses on the ground, crying until her eyes run dry. For a moment, Oleander considers leaving the group and striking out on her own, but she has never known the life of a solitary hlessi and quickly scares herself out of this option. If she had another encounter like the one with the homba in the storm, she knew she’d be dead without her siblings to protect her. So, she doesn’t go far away from her brothers and sister, but neither does she approach them again for a while. Oleander regrets snapping at Lantana and saying the things that she said, knowing that her words probably hurt her sister deeply. She wants to apologise for everything, but also understands that Lantana may not want to forgive her after she had been so awful to her.

So, a combination of not knowing how to approach her sister without grovelling and wounding her own pride, and genuinely not knowing how to convey that the apology was a genuine and meaningful one meant that Oleander took a moon or two longer to work up the courage to finally speak to Lantana again and tell her she was sorry. Oleander agrees that of their siblings, Lantana is clearly the most sensible and mature one of the lot - she had gotten her, Rhus and Arum out of that storm alive after all - so it made sense if they were to look to Lantana as leader. Their brothers agreed, and Oleander apologised to Rhus and Arum aswell, for snapping at them all and for causing a rift between them and Lantana because she was too petty to admit she had been wrong. Oleander swears she won’t cause another fight among the group if they allow her back in, and promises to pull her own weight. Lantana, Rhus and Arum agree to take her back into the group officially and they continue on with their lives, making a reasonable living for themselves as hlessi.

Oleander became a pseudo-healer for the group, as she had learnt the most about herbs from Snakeroot, so she was able to treat any cuts, scrapes or bruises Rhus, Arum and Lantana ended up getting by fighting off elil from their burrows or their food. Oleander was also pivotal to the siblings’ continued survival, with her vast knowledge of plants she was able to guide her brothers and sister in picking out which ones were safe to eat, which were better kept as medicine, and which were so toxic they should avoid them entirely. The group is still grieving and hurting from the loss of the rest of their family, but slowly, together, they are picking up the pieces and they are moving on with their life. Oleander notices that the stress of being appointed leader of the group after such a traumatic event seems to be having an effect on Lantana, and tries her best to offer her sister emotional support, but lacks the emotional maturity herself to truly do so properly. Still...the effort counts, right?

PUPIL (40 - 45 MOONS)

"Drop the ball, watch it fall far below. Suck you in, hold your breath, the undertow creeps in slow…"

Just when they had settled into their lives as hlessi and thought they would remain as such forever, the group wanders into Lan-Hraeth’s territory and are come upon by one of the patrols, taken back into the warren and invited to join by the leaders. Oleander is rather nervous about the proposal at first...she’s not quite sure what it is, exactly, but something feels off about these rabbits. As they always did as hlessi, Rhus, Arum and Oleander looked to Lantana for the final decision on what to do, as they believed she would make the decision that was best for them. So, if Lantana said “we’ll stay”, then they agreed they would stay. However strange these rabbits seemed to be, surely it would be nice to be part of a warren again, to have someone else take the pressure off having to be the only ones responsible for eachother’s lives every moment of every day. Oleander makes no protest and doesn’t try to fight her sister’s decision this time, simply agreeing to stay in the warren aswell, and she was offered to train as a Cultivator, which she eagerly accepted, since plants and their properties were what she was most interested in working with.

Oleander had not expected to be entirely separated from her siblings in order to train, however, and was a little bit shocked and disgruntled when they were given mentors and sent to entirely different sectors from one another. Oleander was apprenticed to a Cultivator by the name of Saynthlay, who had also been a hlessi prior to joining Lan-Hraeth, and therefore understood her new Pupil’s emotions to a degree. Oleander took to her training well, but each time she caught even a split second glimpse of one of the runners trying to deliver a message, Oleander would be rushing up to them and pestering them, trying to ask about her siblings’ whereabouts and find out how they were doing. The runners, of course, were unsympathetic to her queries and instead simply became quite annoyed, as they had far more important to attend to and more urgent messages to deliver.

“Don’t go cryin’ to your mama, cause you’re on your own, in the real world…”

Saynthlay chastises her for continuously bothering the runners, and sternly tells Oleander that she has to stop and turn her focus to her training instead. This was quite the culture shock for Oleander to get used to, as when she had lived with her siblings they had always worried about the safety and wellbeing of the group as a whole before worrying about themselves individually. But, she did her best, struggling especially badly with the religious aspect of Lan-Hraeth’s teachings. Since the storm, Oleander had considered herself to be quite the “realist”, not sure if she believed in any form of the valley’s gods. After all...if there were gods, what good had they done for her and her family, by killing half of the rabbits they had loved most? None.

When she witnessed her first Sacrifice, Oleander was horrified. They called this a religion? This was madness! Still, like all members of the warren, she was forced to participate and bear witness to the barbaric practise until the Sacrifice was over and they were dismissed. Before Oleander could act out too much and call attention to herself, or worse, get in trouble with the higher ups for it, Saynthlay yanked the doe aside into the gardens and found a secluded alcove where she could force Oleander to sit and breathe deeply until she calmed down. Saynthlay reminded her that she didn’t have to like he warren’s religious practises at all, but that was how things were done here and she would have to at least suck it up and learn how to get good at pretending to agree with it if she didn't want to be the next one on the wolf's jaws.

Terrified, but having no idea where any of her siblings were and unwilling to even consider making a run for it without them, Oleander could do nothing but agree, begging Saynthlay to help her. Thankfully, the Cultivator agreed, and with her mentor’s patience and a few moons of hard work, Oleander eventually managed to knuckle under and get good at pretending to believe in the Omnis, as well as familiar enough in her duties that she was allowed to rank up from Pupil to Cultivator.


"If it’s not real, you can’t hold it in your hand. Or feel it with your heart, and I won’t believe it!"

Oleander moves from sector one where she trained, to sector five and settles into her own burrow there, trying her best to make a few friends within the warren, and keeping an eye out for any sign or word of her siblings. They had to be here somewhere, right? And now that she was a fully-fledged Cultivator, she was afforded a bit more freedom, able to move between sectors without Saynthlay accompanying her, without looking too suspicious. Whenever she had to bring herbs to one of the novices in another sector, she searched for her siblings, and finally after many moons, Oleander’s heart lifted as she thought she had glimpsed Lantana through the crowd as she was running an errand in sector two one day.

Though she didn’t get a chance to go up to her sister and speak to her yet on that day, at least she now knew WHERE Lantana was, and she hopes to be able to meet up with her soon. Maybe Lantana knows where Rhus and Arum are, too, and she hopes to ask her sister if she’s seen either of their brothers the first chance she gets. Oleander still doesn’t believe in the Omnis, nor is she fond of the sacrifices at all, but Saynthlay has drummed enough sense of self-preservation into her former Pupil that Oleander knows better than to say so publicly. She’s terrified by the thought of the wolf’s skull, and will play any part she has to if she can avoid meeting the same fate, but secretly hopes to reunite with Lantana and find their brothers so they can get the hell out of this cultish warren before yet another one of her siblings perishes.




  • Oleander ━  A shrub from the Nerium genus, highly toxic if ingested.
  • Ole, Ander ━  both are shortened forms of her full name!
  • N/A ━  -Oleander has had no name changes!
  • Plants
  • Her siblings
  • Alone time
  • playing moss ball (yes she's too old for that, don't tell her tho)
  • Dandelion leaves (her fav food!)
  • Fighting/battle
  • Being separated from her siblings
  • Lightning/thunder
  • Just...storms of any kind tbh
  • Foxes
  • Getting her fur tangled and/or dirty
  • The Omnis
  • Lan-Hraeth

  • Herbal knowledge
  • Maintaining her appearance
  • very orderly and well-structured
  • Realist
  • Repetition
  • Goes tharn easily
  • "Woman of few words" - she doesn't like talking to strangers
  • Very dependant on specific routines - quickly falls apart if they are broken
  • Speed and agility are not her forte lol
  • Oleander has a severe phobia of thunder and lightning because of what happened to her parents and brothers during the storm. She'll quickly go tharn and remain near-catatonic until the storm passes.
  • She was a daydreamer in her younger moons, some might have even been concerned that she didn't understand the difference between her daydreams and reality. However, seems to have now gone the OTHER way as she's gotten older, and taken a very "realistic" approach to her life.
  • Oleander can be very pushy, and often is very unpleasant to work with, if someone breaks the particular routine she had in mind for a task.
  • Oleander is an atheist - She doesn't particularly believe in ANY of the valley's Gods, as she believes none of them have ever done anything good for her family. This extends to Occidens and Orientem as well as the Omnis, though she has yet to officially be exposed to the other two Gods in-RP yet, she would feel the same way about them.
  • In April of 2023, I tweaked Ole's design a little (with permission), her markings etc. stayed the same, I just shifted the hue of both her coat + markings and her eyes to a more...natural, pallette!
  • I like to try where I can to give each of my characters a unique silhouette. Ole's "defining" feature is that her chest fur should kind of look like "wings" when viewed from front-on! <3
  • SPECIES Hare
  • BODY TYPE Reedy/gangly
  • BUILD Tall and lanky
  • HEIGHT 5.3 whiskers
  • SCARS Torn left ear
  • SCENT Floral
  • PELT COLOUR Black sable
  • FUR TYPE Silky, long in places, but mostly sleek
  • WEIGHT Below average
  • DESIGNERRowdybimbo

A lanky, tall, and very pretty doe, with ears just slightly smaller than normal (but they otherwise appear to work fine and haven't given her any trouble!). Oleander's a looker and she knows it. She spends a lot of time looking after her appearance, with a kind of attentiveness that falls just short of being vain and conceited. Her strides are long and fluid in a gangly sort of way, like a newborn foal walking for the first time. She seems to be trying to be graceful but...failing horribly at it.

Oleander likes to keep everything neat and tidy, and her fur and bangs are no exception to this rule, it's always neatly groomed and rarely matted or tangled. Her fur is a smoky blue-grey, with darker points on her legs, chest, face, ears and the base of her tail. Oleander is what we might call a "self" rabbit, with very few other markings to be discerned save for the saddle of light counter-shading across her back, and the light silvery underside of her tail. Her eyes are large and bright, and a brilliant shade of ruby red.

Thus far, the doe doesn't seem to have a single blemish to her pelt - and she hopes to keep it that way!

 RP Sample - from: Temporary filler, I will replace this with an actual sample once I've started RPs with her!

Oleander | Doe | Sector 5Cultivator |

Oleander couldn't help herself, she felt...uneasy, in this warren. She still remembered the old doe, Saynthlay, scolding her for bothering the runners, who as far as she could tell seemed to be the "messengers" of the warren, asking them about her siblings and where they had been taken. But...now that she herself had graduated from the Pupil rank, Saynthlay had explained to her that she herself could move freely between the Sectors. She could look for them herself! The relief was palpable, and the hare couldn't help but spring up with joy. "Oh, thank you, Saynthlay! Thank you so much!" she squeaked, letting out a quiet yelp of surprise as her long legs meant she landed a little awkwardly. Her former mentor chuckled softly in amusement, shaking her head at the younger doe's antics. "For everything." Oleander added, a little more seriously, knowing very well she wouldn't have ever survived her training had it not been for the old doe's guidance.

Her former mentor nodded, and reminded Oleander to be cautious and remember all her training - don't let them know you don't believe in the Omnis. You have to pretend you do, or you could die. - as she watched her leave Sector 1 for the final time. Oleander took her time making her way across to Sector 5, where she would now live, stopping in every other Sector along the way as she combed through the crowds for any sign of familiar brown, or dark black pelts that might tell her her siblings were there. In Sector 2, she strikes luck. As she passes through a crowd of Marshals, out of the corner of her eye Oleander catches a flash of a black pelt all too similar in shade to her own, and the doe quickly gasped, whipping around in time to catch a glimpse of pale-tipped, half-lop ears. Lantana! but her sister is facing away from her and seemed pre-occupied with duties of her own. "Lan!" still Oleander called out to her, trying to catch Lantana's attention. "Lantana! Lan! It's me!" but unfortunately, the doe is quickly out of earshot. Oleander slumps in defeat for a moment, but reminds herself this isn't the end. Now she knew where her sister was, at least...she could try to meet up with her later. Realizing she has dawdled long enough, she bolted off in an attempt to arrive to her own Sector before any rabbit starts asking too many questions.

  Meta Info -

Discord User: Elven#6191

Plot related Death? : No

How would you like your character to die/disappear?: She should be returned to Rowdy!

Timezone: England, UK | GMT (+/-1)

1 on 1:

Small Group:

Large Group:

Group Server:

Private/RP Server:



PG Romance:


Heavy Gore/Violence:

18+ Romance:

(Making reference to those topics ICly/aka in dialogue is fine but actually writing out the rest...they're rabbits. No.)