


6 years, 10 months ago



Kanamori no Wazuka

金森 の 僅か
Kanamori no Wazuka
4-Kanji Description:// INFO HERE //
4-Kanji Translation:// INFO HERE //
Weapon:Dual Urumi
Series Debut:Sengoku BASARA 4
Playable Debut:Sengoku BASARA 4
Games:Sengoku BASARA 4
Sengoku BASARA 4 Sumeragi
Anime:Gakuen BASARA
Voice Actor:TBA
Television Actor:TBA
Stage Actor:TBA

" No, it's not crazy to be self-righteous. How do you think your lords came into power in the first place? That's right. Oh- is that wrong? Then your lord is an outlier. "

Kanamori no Wazuka is an original character for Sengoku BASARA. She is a no-nonsense woman who wants to secure herself no matter what she must do, but has half a mind to not resort to cruelty like her previous lord. She is the wife of Shima Sakon. Her weapons are dual urumi and her moveset consists of fast, acrobatic and dynamic spins and twirls.



Wazuka is the daughter of a hermit, Kitaan Hoin, who resided near the Kanamori Village in Omi Province. Known by her childhood name, Chacha, she tried to find a permanent home in Kanamori despite her father's protests. However, with the land being war torn, and Omi Province being invaded every few or so years at a time, the young Chacha feared for her life and took up a sword to try and protect the land she called 'home'.

However, with her father's lifestyle, Chacha was given no choice but to retreat into hermitage, taking up arms only when she or her father were in danger. She would help rebuild the villages that were pillaged, and gave refuge to survivors in her home when she could. Her efforts have been recognized by the people she gave assistance to, and she was named the "Kanamori-no-Onna" or the Lady from Kanamori. She grew weary of her father's complacency in living in an environment that was barely secure and putting them in danger. She decided one day that she will carve her own path and find her own place in the land, even if war torn. Chacha refused to live and die in seclusion as some hermit's daughter.

Taking on the name Wazuka, she left a letter to her father only stating to not look nor worry for her, and that she had a sword with her and that she wouldn't not let herself be shamed. Chacha, now Wazuka, became a wanderer and left Omi Province. She spent some of her years as a mercenary for smaller warlords until being drafted into the services of the Oda. While a mere mercenary, Wazuka worked as a spy for the Oda up until Nobunaga Oda was succeeded by Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Wazuka was unwilling to be a mere remnant of the dwindling Oda forces, and decided to step up and serve Hideyoshi Toyotomi if it meant she could secure herself.

Disgruntled at her position as a mere commoner, and a woman at that, she figured a step to securing herself was through marriage, and agreed to marry fellow Toyotomi retainer, Shima Sakon, who had been bothering her for quite some time.


Wazuka is a serious individual who finds herself caught up in antics that leave her speechless and looking like a fool. She tries to be a voice of reason to the more carefree or emotionally driven retainers. She often says she is "done" dealing with such people, but also cannot really leave them to their own devices lest the rest of the force suffer the consequences of leaving these people unchecked.

She also tends to think loudly to herself, which also gets her into frankly embarrassing situations. Wazuka often tries to save face by keeping a serious face about it and saying she simply thinks out loud, only for others to be floored by her ridiculous (and often humorous) thought process as opposed to her very stern exterior. Wazuka doesn't let others go scot free from even slightly embarrassing her, and will often make small jabs that will simply take them aback.

Being driven to secure herself no matter what, sometimes Wazuka can be one track minded and not think things through. Her actions can be extremely selfish, usually benefitting her at the expense of others or raising others up to raise herself even higher. However, in her eyes this all balances out with being faced with situations she has no idea how to handle, and especially ending up in a marriage just so she can have the other stop bothering her. Sometimes, Wazuka comes off as self righteous, but has since been changing that aspect of hers a little after witnessing a very power hungry Hideyoshi still care for his own army.

She also doesn't turn down a challenge, but this also means that she gets challenged over ridiculous things such as bets, strength and endurance tests, and even testing to see how much she can still function when drunk. Wazuka feels so secure in herself that she can overestimate her own abilities and underestimate the other's capabilities.


  • Name of Weapon ( Kanji )
  • Name of Weapon ( Kanji )
  • Name of Weapon ( Kanji )
  • Name of Weapon ( Kanji )
  • Name of Weapon ( Kanji )
  • Name of Weapon ( Kanji )
  • Name of Weapon ( Kanji )


The Hunt Begins

  • Button: 20?cb=20140131212846&path-prefix=sengoku (Long Press)
  • Acquisition: Level (???)

Crippling Slashes

  • Button: 20?cb=20140131212519&path-prefix=sengoku
  • Acquisition: Level (???)

Bite Off

  • Button: D-Pad + 20?cb=20140131212519&path-prefix=sengoku
  • Acquisition: Level (???)


  • Button: 25?cb=20140131213712&path-prefix=sengoku
  • Acquisition: Level (???)

Ravenous Cuts

  • Button: 25?cb=20140131213922&path-prefix=sengoku + 20?cb=20140131212519&path-prefix=sengoku
  • Acquisition: Level (???)

Secret Skills (25?cb=20140131214439&path-prefix=sengoku)

Eat or Be Eaten

  • Acquisition: Level (???)

Hungry Hounds

  • Acquisition: Level (???)

Survival of the Fittest

  • Acquisition: Level (???)

Historical Information

Chacha is only known to be the daughter of the hermit, Kitaan Hoin. There are disputes as to whether or not Kitaan Hoin is related to the Kanamori, or was related to the warlord Kanamori Nagachika. She is also only recorded to be the wife of the samurai, Shima Sakon.

How to Unlock

Game How to Unlock Notes
Sengoku BASARA 4 Unlocked by Default -
Sengoku BASARA 4 Sumeragi Unlocked by Default -
Sengoku BASARA Sanada Yukimura-den Unlocked by Default -


  • Although married to Sakon, the latter will teasingly refer to her with honorifics, addressing her as "Wazuka-san" or "Wazuka-dono" as opposed to just her name. Wazuka tends to retort with exasperation and when annoyed, will refer to Sakon as Kiyouki to stop. This usually works.
  • Wazuka is actually quite respected by the Toyotomi forces, being regarded for her strength. Though sometimes, they poke fun at her for thinking out loud.
  • She has no particular rivalries, and mostly steers clear from that sort of deal, seeing it as a hassle and a distraction to an end goal.
  • Ruthlessness towards others that are not one's own is something Wazuka is alright with. What does NOT sit well with her is being cruel and sadistic towards one's own, hence why she never really invested in Nobunaga.
  • According to Sakon, it's actually easy to make Wazuka consider making bets.
  • Date Masamune has commented on her to be a "cool woman" because of her "vibe". Wazuka cannot understand what he is saying.
  • Because of her name, she has been mistaken to have been from the Kanamori Clan that ruled over Omi Province for a while.

Profile by Erandia
Edits by Rengalia