


2 years, 2 months ago



King of the World-Porcelain and the Tramps

Queen-Stephen Jerzak


  • Rising Junior Tallest, heir to the throne
  • Parents are Red and Purple
  • Eldest daughter
  • Purple's favorite child
  • Extremely aggressive, enjoys throwing her weight around and bullying anything smaller and weaker than her
  • The biggest of the first batch of smeets, monopolized food and attention as a smeet
  • Works with Boysenberry and Burgundy to solidify her path to the throne
  • Thinks herself a skilled manipulator but actually isn't that good at it-she had to work at it 
  • Knows her position as heir isn't certain, and so works frantically to be a skilled ruler and hang on to her position
  • Obsessed with her perception by the public due to growing up in the spotlight
  • Mover and shaker in fashion, like most of her siblings-REALLY likes dramatic eyeliner and ribbons
  • Obsessed  with historical Rising Tallest and tries to be like them without  understanding the historical context in which they operated
  • Tries to be elegant and usually is, but is as likely to get crumbs down her shirt as her fathers
  • Trained in the Irken Elites but never formally joined-is an honorary Elite by order of her fathers
  • Sent on diplomatic missions as an ambassador by the Almighty Tallest and Control Brains-spent time on Inquisitoria
  • Responsible for watching her younger sisters, Scarlet and Violet once-she hated it
  • Almost certainly kins Azula and Regina George
  • Desperate for her fathers' attention and so gained it by being like them-being power-hungry, arrogant, and a bully
  • Purple likes her the most because she's the most like them
  • Tries  to maintain the façade of the archetypal tall Irken-detached,  hedonistic, arrogant, and imposing-but occasionally will let the mask  slip and engage in unrestrained aggression
  • Can be incredibly charismatic and charming when she wants to be-this is why she was sent off to be a diplomat in the first place
  • Believes  everything she wants is owed to her by virtue of existing in the first  place-has wanted to rule in her own right for decades
  • Wears high  heels to make herself even taller-almost got executed by wearing a pair  big enough to make her taller than the Almighty Tallest