


2 years, 6 months ago



Name Rilnyrr B. Woods
 Pronouns they/them/It
  Birthdate March 20
  Age 18
  Species Crossbreed
  Orientation Whatever


Bones had a rough childhood. In the end, all they wanted was to follow their dreams of becoming a famous photographer & to be able to live comfortably. Instead, they were forced to fend for themselves at a very young age while slowly losing their mother to crack.

Rilnyrr (Better known as Bones) was born on March 20th 2004 in Harlem, NY. Bones was raised by a single mother who worked as a dominatrix in order to support her addiction to crack. At the age of 10, Bones was forced to find a way to earn some money for themselves after their mother decided that they were old enough to leave them alone at home in order for her to get more hours at work. In order to earn some money for food, school supplies, clothes & just about everything else, they started taking care of the neighborhoods children while their parents were busy. Bones was in charge of taking care of up to 5 at the same time, and was given a very small budget for them to manage until the parents came back too pick them up at the end of the day.

Bones had to manage taking care of multiple children while also working on school stuff & also taking care of themselves. By the age of 15, Bones's mother had passed away after an overdose just a few days before Bones's birthday. With no known family outside of their family, bones was all alone. They were passed around from neighbor to neighbor while they tried to earn some money to be able to pay the rent. After a year of struggling & living in very poor conditions, they became completely homeless after the neighbors were unable to take care of them for any longer. They roamed the streets of Harlem for weeks, doing weird gigs, selling drugs, doing just about anything to survive. The worst part is that they had to sell drugs multiple times, because this is what brought in the most money. Bones hated it, since they were selling the thing that had ultimately taken the life of the only person that they had.

Finally, after a few months of living in the streets & sleeping in jail cells, they seemed to find what they needed the most, a miracle. This miracles name was Richard G. Reaper, but they always requested to be called Dr.Grim. Dr.Grim was a rich man from Hudson Yards, NY; And was born into a very rich family, so they didn't really know anything about the struggles that the common folk had to go through to survive, especially here in NY. As Bones was still a student in High School, Dr.Grim requested that they came to live in their building complex with them, but to continue with their studies in a school that was closer to the complex. Bones had no problem with this small requirement though, since they usually got into fights at their current school & were on the verge of getting expelled. Oddly enough, the staff & administration were attached to Bones, as they knew their situation. The principal of the school had never put the fights in Bones track-record, since they took pity & knew that 99% of the fights were caused by the other student. After exchanging schools from Harlem to Hudson Yards, Bones graduated with a 3.8 GPA. Dr.Grim asked Bones if they wanted to pursue higher education—which Bones was intending to do— But was unsure because they still didn't have enough money for it. Dr.Grim offered to pay for their education if they assisted him with work. Bones was heesitant at first, because they knew how hard it was to work in the medical field, but in the end; Bones accepted. Dr.Grim was known in Hudson Yards as one of the best doctors in NYC, some even say he was a miracle-worker, being able to cure anyone of any illness that ever existed. Bones just thought that the people of Hudson Yards were just exaggerating, they weren't.

Dr.Grim worked as a Physician & surgeon in his worplace, so he was already a really big deal. Bones was just shocked at the reactions that Dr.Grim received when walking through the whole city, it was almost cult-like. People would surround us, offer to take us out to eat, ask him to go out with them, give him money for no reason, basically anything you could think of when reading about a cult. It was really off-putting, the looks on their faces was not natural. Bones just thought they were insane, maybe they were; And maybe Bones was too for staying with Dr.Grim after that.

After working under Dr.Grim for about 8 months, Bones realized that what brought Grim to the position that he was in right now wasn't wealth, smarts, or anything of that nature. What brought Dr.Grim's fame was none other than what had ultimately killed their mother, drugs. Dr.Grim had developed a new drug that worked in a way that would battle off any illness in someones body by using the persons lifespan as their structure. What this means is that any illness that they had would be cured, but it would cost them some time off their life. Bones figured all of this while studying under Dr.Grim, which made Bones become very wary of the person that they thought was their savior. Bones didn't like what DrGrim was doing, and honestly had no idea why Dr.Grim was doing all of this, so they kept quiet about it for a long time. After a few months of finding out what Dr.Grim was doing, Bones realized that they weren't working for a Doctor, they were working for a cult leader. Although they knew it was wrong, they didn't think anything inherently bad was happeninig, since the patients would consent to the treatment knowing well about the reprocussions of the drug. Once in a while though, Bones would notice a rather malicious vibe emitting from Dr.Grim, this brought goosebumps to Bones whenevr they took notice. The drug & the cult behaviour was enough for Bones to feel uneasy around Dr.Grim, but the last straw was about to come.

The Hospital that they both worked in was located in the middle of Hudson Yards & was known as the best hospital in the country. People from all over NY—And even people from all around the world—Would come to the hospital to treat just about anything. People had to get reservations in order to enter the hospital, that's just how popular the hospital was. And the craziest thing about all of this? They were all there to see—none other than—Dr.Grim. This wasn't a normal hospital, the hospital was large, fancy & had all these meaningless gadgets all around it, like it was trying to prove itself of just how great it was. In reality though, it was worse than any place Bones had ever stayed in. It wasn't the place itself, the staff or even the patients; It was the atmosphere. Hospitals usually have a very unsettling aura, but this one was just too intense. Bones felt like it was just too heavy, but whenever they looked around, everyone seemed normal. The hospital was picture perfect for anyone who didn't know what went down in the "Special rooms". These rooms were designed for very ill patients to reside in until their time for perishing comes. In these rooms, they would get everything they ever wanted. They'd get the best treatments, best beds, best food, best everything. These rooms were created by Dr.Grim to "Make the patient feel as comfortable as possible before their time is up". Bones really knew what went down in these rooms though. Sure, it was true that the special rooms were made for that purpose, but it wasn't just that. These rooms were the worst part of the hospital, Bones wouldn't wish anyone to go into that room as a patient, not even their worst enemy.

The Hudson Yards Time Hospital was what Bones liked to call a "mass grave" for the unfortunate. These special rooms were their morgues. Dr.Grim created his own system where he would prescribe his special drug to just about anyove that came through that hospitals door, then after a few months or years, those same patients would come back with a mysterious illness that would slowly deteriorate their body, almost as if they were rapidly getting old. This is where the special rooms were used. Dr.Grim would personally take care of these special patients until they passed away. In the end, Bones found out something about this huge project that would completely change how they saw Dr.Grim. The end goal for this whole sick experiment was for Dr.Grim to find himself a cure for immortality.









notes + trivia

Small stuff

  • Bones has no eyebrows
  • Never draw Bones without their earrings
  • Bones is 5'6
  • Bones has shark teeth
  • Bone's wardrobe is more on the grunge spectrum, no bright colors
  • Bones is a really good photographer
  • They're really good with kids
  • They do most of the house work since Dr.Grim sucks at it
  • Bones usually makes their own clothes, since they learned how to sow at a young age
  • Bones might not look like it, but their insanely smart


Grim // Boss/Guardian  

Charlotte // Best friend  
Kenji // Best friend   

Wane // Friend/Father Figure

Alright - Kendrick Lamar