


2 years, 3 months ago


Natalie is a ninja girl who kills for money. With her lightning-fast reflexes and deadly accuracy with a sword, she had made a name for herself as one of the best assassins around. Natalie was in it for the money. She came from a long line of ninja warriors, and she had always known that the ninja lifestyle could be lucrative. She was wasteful with her money, spending it on expensive items and indulging in all of life's pleasures.

She had trained at the dojo where Ridley and Kraid studied martial arts, and she had quickly risen through the ranks. But her carelessness and lack of discipline often held her back, and she struggled to keep up with the other fighters. Natalie was jealous of Ridley's firm, toned butt, and she often trained extra hard in an effort to best her. She also harbored a secret crush on Kraid. She was attracted to his delicate features and slender build, and she couldn't help but be drawn to him, despite Kraid not really caring.

As the years passed, Natalie's skills improve. But she was too stubborn to change her reckless lifestyle, and she often skipped training sessions in favor of partying and spending money on useless shit. She knew that she could be a great fighter if she only tried, but she's too lazy and would rather rely on her skills.