


2 years, 3 months ago


Full Name: Keirata Zoyane
Name Pronunciation: Kee-rah-tah Zoh-yah-nay
Nickname: Kei (Kay), Kee
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birthday: December 19th
Sexuality: Straight
Mate: Sumira
Family: Feera Zoyane (mother), Morelon Rusu (father), Fuyumi (biological sister), Kortu (adopted brother)
Pack of Origin/Current Pack: Hail pack - An Ice wolf pack that resides in a decently foggy area of the Ice Lands that is close to the mountains but still considered to be out in the plains.
Current Rank: Loner
Marked/Symbolized/Mutated: Yes/No/Yes (color mutated)
Species: Spirit
Element: Nature/Mist

Earthly/Companion Spirit Summon: Takes the form of a mouse that identifies as female and goes by the name "Nati". She looks identical to her master other than her bald legs and tail. She is much more talkative and playful than her master, often joking that she is the embodiment of his more childish side while he remains calm. The majority of the time that Keirata has her summoned, Nati is usually riding on top of his head or between his shoulder blades.

Personality: Keirata is a bit rougher around the edges than the rest of his family and doesn't talk all that much other than when around his sister and littermate Fuyumi or his mate. He has a preference for traveling but he always makes sure he goes back to visit his family every now and then. He can be rather blunt and seems to not realize when what he says hurts someone. Despite how he is on the surface, he is decently kind and anything harsh that he does or says is never actually on purpose.

Keirata was born within the Hail pack to Morelon, a male Ice wolf, and Feera, a female Spirit wolf. His parents had met when his loner mother got lost in the Ice Lands even with her "foggy eyes" ability. Keirata was born alongside a hybrid sister, Fuyumi, and their parents were worried that she wouldn't be accepted into the pack due to being a hybrid as well as Keirata since he was not born an Ice wolf. Though due to them being born within the pack to a respected member, both were quickly accepted. Keirata and his sister also have a younger adopted Ice brother named Kortu who is a few years younger than them, being 19.
Unlike his sister, however, Keirata chose to leave home and travel. He eventually ended up in the desert and met a Sand wolf named Sumira. The two bonded quickly despite Keirata being quiet and harder to talk to, eventually becoming a couple. He finds it ironic that he has a Sand wolf for a mate despite his half Ice wolf heritage, but love is love, right? He does his best to visit his family often, even having gotten his mate to join him a time or two with the help of several animal pelts to keep her warm.

- He was given his mother's last name at birth due to his father's insistence on it, likely it was to make his mate feel better about herself and feel more welcome.
- Despite also being of Ice wolf heritage, he ironically has a Sand wolf mate.
- Unlike his hybrid sister, being a pure hybrid Spirit wolf meant that he was pure white at birth like all others of his species.
- He still holds a strong bond with his sister Fuyumi and brother Kortu even though he left the Hail pack to travel while they stayed, Fuyumi is usually the first to greet him when he comes home for a visit.