


6 years, 5 months ago


"Go ahead, hire me."

Name Aurelia Age ???
Gender Female (she/her) Orientation Pansexual
Height 5’10 (no ears), 6’11 (with ears) Species Veena Viera
Job Class Assassin/Elementalist Weapon Specialty [undecided]


A former Elementalist turned Assassin, Aurelia was forced out of the Wood when the Miasma came. She works odd jobs on the move, not liking to stay in any one place for too long. She's open to sketchy work, and, as an assassin, doesn't shy away from taking hits or jobs for money. She has definitely killed people. It's kind of fun!

Aurelia acts aloof and uncaring, finding it easier to deal with the state of the world that way - and easier to get clients when you seem cool and collected. Underneath, she's constantly worried about her people, herself, and the state of the world, and unsure of her new place in it.

Aurelia isn't fond of Humes, but will do work for them - if the price is right.


Grew up in the Feywood and used her skills as an Elementalist to both aid her fellow Viera and to communicate with the Wood. Aurelia lived carefree, never thinking about the world outside the Wood, but knowing of its existence through travellers and traders. When the Meteor struck the world and Miasma destroyed the Wood, she was forced to flee. Lacking the voice of the Wood in her mind to guide her, shunned both her former calling and her surviving friends.


To be updated!


  • Thinks it's very rude to ask her age
  • Has tattoos on her legs and arms from her time as an Elementalist
  • Is very quick at braiding hair