


6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Tristan

Age: 26

Gender: Male 

Height: 5'7"

Species: Nekomimi

Occupation:  Hair stylist; runs his own salon

Significant Other: Dexter

Appearance: The most apparent features on Tristan are his purple hair and cat ears, though he lacks a cat tail for some reason. He is slender with sharp eyes and a charming smile; he used to wear glasses as a fashion statement but now he actually needs them (sometimes he wears contacts though). 

~look is under construction as he's gonna have paler hair and get a tattoo~

Personality: Tristan absolutely exudes confidence, the way that he holds himself says he runs the place, which is just how he likes it. He's an incredibly passionate person who likes to talk with his hands, he feels and expresses his emotions quite loudly, which can be a blessing and a curse. His outgoingness can be sweet and charming with his good moods being infatuating, but his bad moods can be difficult to handle to say the least. This duality can make him someone high-maintenance to know, especially because he likes to be a little cryptic about what has him in a bad mood in the first place- but the payoff is Tristan is someone who is loyal, reliable and adventurous; he is a friend that will always be there when you need him and will make sure you have a good time.

Likes: Coffee (straight black is his favorite), general luxuries like getting massages and hot tubs, self-care and self care products, being the center of attention, dumb drama movies/ action movies, working at the salon, cleaning the house, pasta dishes 

Dislikes: Needles, things being disorganized and/or cluttered, sweets, scary movies or anything involving jump scares, being talked over or ignored, dealing with rude customers


- Confident- He always seems to know what he's doing and likes to be the leader

- Charming- A smooth talker who knows how to handle himself and what makes people tick

- Organized- Likes things organized and clean with his salon and house being in a pristine state most of the time

- Dedicated- A very committed person who likes to see everything he does through til the end

- Passionate- He expresses himself passionately and makes sure to let people know what he enjoys and dislikes with equal fervor

- Playful- Adventurous and has a mischievous side; likes to playfully tease people 

- Very skillful and practiced in things that catch his attention- for instance he's great at haircare/hair styling and brewing a perfect cup of coffee


- A bit of a control-freak, especially at his job which can be hard to handle as an employee

- Can be cocky- often bites off more than he can chew

- Vain- Tristan is pretty into himself and knows he's attractive and likes to flaunt it

- High-maintenance- moody, likes expensive goods and being treated like a prince

- Always speaks his mind which can be very bad at times

- A bit of a drama queen- Likes to make mountains out of molehills and rant about it

- Short-fused and easily stressed out




Dexter- Tristan's boyfriend and one of the few people who can put up with him on a 24/7 basis. Having dated before, the two have a long history together and have figured out in some odd way that they sort of complete eachother. Their personalities and mannerisms go well together, and Tristan is head-over-heels in love with Dexter just like he was the first moment they met all those years ago. Dexter makes Tristan feel like the most special person in the world with how well he treats him, and he finds how sweet, caring and cool-headed he is to be borderline frustrating as Dex is one of the only people who can deal with and take care of Tristan when he's in a mood.
They now live together in a nice house with their shared roommate, Allen, now that all 3 of them have furthered their careers and are pretty successful.