LF art!!'s Comments

I have headshots here! and an NSFW ych here!

Hi! Your art is lovely, I’m definitely interested in a headshot!

Is there anything specific you’d like in return? I’d also love to do an art trade if you’re fine with that! :)

Thank you and an art trade will be lovely !! I am most interested in them https://toyhou.se/14361336.adopt-

which character will be receiving the headshot?

For sure, I can totally put that adopt on pending for you then!

Would https://toyhou.se/13061097.-cupid- be alright for the headshot?

oh my goodness yess😍 he looks adorable!! Please send me his ref sheet!

Aw thank you! And I just sent his ref sheet to you as well! ❤️

art examples in ic!

i can do an art trade or maybe these characters! https://toyhou.se/13543631.izzy https://toyhou.se/14954101.old-adopt

btw, saw you were also doing customs for art and id definitely like that too!

oooo I love your art! I can totally do a custom or two and https://toyhou.se/14954101.old-adopt if that sounds good with you! 

how much art do you think you’d be alright with in exchange? (tysm for the sub btw! ❤️)

that sounds great!! i can do 1-3 busts ?

for sure, 3 busts sounds good! if possible I’d love to get art of these 3!




lmk if they work well for you, I’d be totally fine with swapping someone out for someone else too!

I’ll go put that adopt on pending for you as well, what would you like for your customs? feel free to comment the details here or message me! :)

yea those sound good!

as for the customs, maybe a humanoid catgirl witch? heres a moodboard

and a girl inspired by the warden from minecraft! moodboard

oooo for sure, I love those ideas!! I’ll get started on those asap for you, shouldn’t take much longer than a week!

4 Replies

Hello, your art is cute, if you're not too overwhelmed by the comments, I would love to do an art trade with you. Here are some of my art examples.

Hi! Sure, I would love to do an art trade with you, your art is very pretty! 

Who would you like for me to draw? :)

I'd love to do an art trade!! I can do a halfbody or a headshot!

The characters I'd like drawn are in these folders: https://toyhou.se/KingCharis/characters/folder:454639


Thank you!!!

Hi! Sure thing, I’d love to do an art trade!! A headshot would be great if that’s alright with you!

I took a look through those folders and https://toyhou.se/7061223.bizzy caught my eye, I’d love to draw them! :D

Feel free to draw whoever you’d like in either of these folders:



Let me know if you have any questions and if you’d like for me to draw someone else as well! ❤️

omg i love so many of your characters designs!! I'd like to draw https://toyhou.se/14485468.cherry I'd also like to draw, https://toyhou.se/13840614.cheshire

Would you be okay with drawing this one as well? https://toyhou.se/15321858.tbn-day-19

If not then and you'd just like to do the single art trade then thats cool too! I can start today! :)

aww thank you so much! And for sure, I can totally draw them as well!

I’ll get started on that today, those headshots should both be finished either sometime today or tomorrow, but I’ll let you know if anything changes! :)

Okay cool! I should have them both done in the same time frame! I just finished the first one :)

i finished them both! would you like me to dm them to you when youre finished?

hey! yeah, that would be great! my part might take a tad longer though cause I’m on a family trip right now, but I’ll try to finish them asap!

6 Replies

Hello there! If you'd like we could do an art trade o:

Hello! Sure, I'd love to do an art trade with you!

Who would you like for me to draw? :)

Maybe Kitten? Sorry there aren't allot of refs of her ;;;

And you? 

Sure, I can totally draw her! :D

Would she be alright?

Sure! She's so cute! ^^

Awesome! I’ll go get started on that for you, my part shouldn’t take longer than a week but I’ll let you know if anything changes! ^-^

Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I finished, the drawing should be in your requests! Hope you like it! :D

5 Replies

I can do an art trade! 

I can draw a half or a bust

Hi! Sure, I’d love to do an art trade! A half would be great if that’s alright with you! (I’ll also do a half so it’s fair ofc! ^^)

if you could do https://toyhou.se/11106928.coconut-milk-cookie that’d be great! :D

and who would you like for me to draw? :)

You can pick anyone from this folder!


Let me know who you picked!

I really love https://toyhou.se/15051742.neptune so I'll draw her if that's okay!

I'll go get started on the half for you right now, it shouldn't take super long since I'm not very busy, maybe around a day or two!

Done, the drawing should now be pending! Hope you like it! :D

Oo so pretty! I love it! :0 I'll finish my part asap!

I'm a bit struggling with their design and I was wondering if you could pick other character to be drawn? Ty!

Oh yeah of course! So sorry about that ^^


You can pick whoever you'd like from in here! Hopefully that works better for you. :)

Yo! Updating you because I'm starting to feel bad, I'm drawing Beep Beep, I started liling them but if you want I can pick other character! Also is it okay if I draw them anthro and give them some clothes?

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Or are they feral only?

Finished! Let me know if you would like anything fixed/changed!

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