PENDING!!'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

dsgjkbrekjgbejkb Global Rules

In case of CLOSED SPECIES designs the CS t.o.s. is above mine and if applicable – credit the CS/CS owner as the designer and me as the creator.


1. If you BOUGHT a design you’re allowed to resell it. Additional value can be added in following cases:

 - Commissioned art – this goes without saying! Commission value is automatically added to resell value. KEEP IN MIND: Value is only added AFTER the commission is done.
 - Created your own art – as much as I allow this please keep in mind I do not accept price inflation. Be fair to yourself but also to possible buyer.

In case you need emergency money and the design is of too low value to cover it, you’re allowed to hold an auction/OTA! In that case PLEASE CONTACT ME – it’s only so I can advertise the design for you to my followers who might be interested in it!

2. If you received my design via a TRADE you’re only allowed to trade it although the design can gain value in certain cases:

 - The design has been vouchered – if you have paid to acquire the design (bought the person a commission, CS slot, adoptable) you’re allowed to use that worth as new base worth of the design. KEEP IN MIND: vouchers can be only offered by the person offering. You’re not allowed to ASK for vouchers. It’s to avoid loopholes!
 - Commissioned art – once again, this goes without saying! Automatically added when you purchase the commission.  KEEP IN MIND: Value is only added AFTER the commission is done.
 - Created your own art – Just don’t make art only to make profit! Please be fair towards yourself and possible buyer.

Emergency sales are considered here too! Although this one I DEMAND CONTACT on so you have my written permission to sale this design via Auction/OTA! It’s to avoid someone trying to accuse you of selling a traded design!

3. In case you got a design for FREE you’re only allowed to gift them away. Trade becomes unlocked after you received art in a trade (Art payment, Art trade) and resell gets unlocked after extra value is added (Commission, Personal)

NOTE: If you received a commission via a voucher – the value of the voucher is n o t added to the design! Although for coherent value keeping you’re allowed to note it down in public worth log.


  • REDESIGNS are generally OK! Although keep in mind to follow this list of details to keep in mind during redesigns:


  • Skin tone can’t be changed.
  • Hair and eye color can be adjusted but please don’t stray from original too much.

Art Style changes – this goes without saying, if you need to adjust the colors due to your art style using different tones – it’s absolutely okay!

Wigs/Contacts/Hair dye/Suntan (fake or real) – All of those are good to go! But to avoid misunderstandings please note it under the artwork/on the profile.

If you have bought the design directly from me you’re allowed to suggest color changes instantly!

Hair texture, structure and style:

  • Texture and structure of the hair HAS to remain the same.
  • Hairstyles are allowed to be changed.
  • Length of the hair should also be kept the same although it can be freely adjusted for one-off artworks!

Art style changes apply once again! If you can’t draw flat hair you can make it fluffier, if you can’t draw fluffy hair you can make it flatter and so on.


  • Do not drastically change the characters fashion! (Edgelord should stay edgy, soft bean should stay soft and so on)

Meme outfits – well. Yeah. This is okay.

Story related fashion change – please just note it somewhere to avoid misunderstandings! Profile/under the artwork works.


  • You’re free to change it as much as you want!

Trans characters – if the previous owner made the character be trans(has art with visible physical traits) and you’d want to make them cis – CONTACT THEM!!!! It was their decision and if they would be uncomfortable with that, P L E A S E respect that!

Body type:

  • I do not condone changing body types.

If you insist on it please note on the characters profile/story why did they go from Chubby to thin/Thin to chubby or Busty to flat/Flat to busty.


  • Kemonos can be turned into humans no issues and vice versa.
  • I do not wish my designs to be turned into Anthros, but I will not stop you.
  • If you want to add fantasy creature traits (elf, draconic, yada yada) you’re free to do that.
  • Animal type for kemonos are also good to go!

Closed Species traits:

  • You CAN’T turn my designs into CS without  my knowledge.

You can’t add CS traits to my art and if you choose to redesign the character into CS do it yourself only or ask me for changes. You are not allowed to commission someone to create a CS version of my design. You can however commission someone to do a reference sheet for them after you/I have finished the CS design.

In case you want to change bigger aspects of the design please notify me. I don’t bite and I’d rather be informed to avoid me jumping to conclusions!


My designs can be used however you want! For commercial use I only ask for public credit for the design, that’s all! It might change in the future but for now there’s no fee.

When it comes to personal use it’s a bit more tricky. I understand that Fiction is Fiction and generally OCs not always reflect the owners own morals, but I ask you to be a decent human.

OCs behind my designs can have evil personalities, they can do bad things, but YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO COMMISSION OR DRAW VISUALISATIONS OF THOSE ACTIONS IN POSITIVE LIGHT! Writing is a bit more lax since as a narrator you have the power of stating what they do is WRONG.

My designs can’t be used to spread hatred, normalise questionable morality or cause others distress.

That being said, here’s a list of hard topic bans:

  • HARMFUL POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES – most notably NAZISM, but it’s important to remember they’re not the only ones. I don’t condone anyone supporting those groups. Here is a link of different ideologies: please read thorough and educate yourself on those!
  • PEDOPHILIA/CHILD PORN but also ZOOPHILIA – This goes without saying. It’s literally illegal. 
  • RACISM/TRANSPHOBIA/HOMOPHOBIA/SEXISM etc. – please be respectful towards EVERYONE. I’m not going to name all of the hateful mindsets, but it should be clear.

If you think I should specify more things please note me. Those are just some I can think of from the top of my head.

Doing any of the above will mean you’ll be blacklisted.

There’s also a couple of things I’m personally uncomfortable with and I ask to not use my designs for following topics:

  • Pro-drug messages – From personal experiences I do not believe any sort of drug can be excused unless for strictly medical reasons.
  • Fetishes – I find unconventional sexual fetishes uncomfortable and I don’t want my designs being portrayed in such scenarios.
  • Pro-crime – Don’t get me wrong, I’m all down for thieves, murderers and crime bosses as much as the next guy! But I do not wish to have my designs be portrayed as misunderstood sweethearts that hurt others in self-defense.

None of those will get you blacklisted, I only ask for those notes to be respected.


My public blacklist is mostly related to people I find personally uncomfortable owning my designs. It might be petty in some cases, might have a good basis, but all those people I find uncomfortable to have my designs associated with. I will make sure to note WHY they are here so you’re not left wondering “are they a bad person?”.

@37564 – a lot of personal issues although please form your own opinion based on interactions with them.

@ohatoki – after I brought up my own t.o.s. to them they acted passively-aggressive despite me having apologised for bringing it up.

Note: there's also a lot of people who deserve to be here but I personally did not interact with them nor did they ever own my design. There's plenty of resources if you look around.

Also I do not wish for my designs to be ever turned into the following CS:

  • Mignyan – spreading misinformation about me and my friend (who’s only fault in the situation in question is being my friend).
  • 03PYUKO - old rules were unclear and in turn caused a lot of trouble, now it's much better but I still do not wish for my future designs to be part of this CS.