Melatonin Gummy Cookie



2 years, 1 month ago



Rare Cookie found!


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Melatonin Gummy Cookie

◦○◦ Type ◦○◦

◦○◦ Position ◦○◦

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Main Information


◦○◦ Name ◦○◦
•Melatonin Gummy Cookie•

◦○◦ Gender ◦○◦
•Male [He/They]•

◦○◦ Sexuality ◦○◦
•Bisexual Biromantic [Single]•

◦○◦ Age Range ◦○◦

◦○◦ Battle ◦○◦
•He is constantly drifting off on the battlefield which greatly diminishes his defense. That being said, he is best suited for a position in the rear behind charge, defense, or higher power magic cookies. None of his stats are all too impressive, but his HP is decent enough. His power puts the nearest few enemies to sleep (though the number of enemies and the duration of the sleep is based on his level with the minimum being one enemy for ten seconds and the max being five enemies for fifty seconds as well as bosses for ten seconds). This is pretty effective as well and helps greatly for the other cookies to swoop in and take advantage of sleeping enemies without receiving any backlash. However, during his cooldown period, he is fast asleep himself and widely vulnerable. He is not a very desirable cookie to have on teams for this reason, so most users leave him in the kingdom and give him busy work or allow him to wander.•




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Cookie Messages


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Melatonin Gummy Cookie loves his naps. In fact, he might start crying if you wake him up! He's a bit of a crybaby...

”Wake me later...”

”Just one more hour... or two... or three...”

Such a strange dream... Wait... What was it about again?

◦○◦ When Tapped (Character Page) ◦○◦

Melatonin Gummy Cookie was baked by a very sleepy witch. So sleepy, in fact, that she didn't even notice when he escaped whilst sleep-walking. He hardly remembers how he even got to the kingdom, but now that he's here, it's hard to get him to leave. They prefer a more slow-paced, sedentary lifestyle and are usually quite reluctant when it comes to going on adventures, exploring, or working around the kingdom. They will often procrastinate until the very last minute before starting a task. However, despite this bad habit, he always gets whatever tasks are given to him done (albeit not very quickly). His greatest passion is sleeping, and he often expresses how much he wishes he didn't have to ever wake up which can be quite concerning to some cookies to hear. Not to worry though; he has several good friends who make sure he is taking care of himself and not sleeping too much of his life away.

”Never enough blankets...”

”Nice and cozy...”

”My eyes are so tired...”

◦○◦ When Tapped (Kingdom Idle) ◦○◦

Huh? Can't you ask someone else...?

”It's naptime...

”I don't wanna get up...”

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