Lady Luck



Rachel Blake

Aliases Lady Luck, Rachie, Candy Cane

Gender Female

Age 34

Birthday/Sign August 5th/Leo

Race Half-angel

Occupation Detective

Orientation Questioning (Feminine preference)

Status Alive | Single (to begin with wheeze)


Flower Red Orchid

Theme The Magic 8 - Set It Off

HTML Pinky


Rachel Blake, better known by her alias of Lady Luck, is essentially a foil to Miss Fortune in many ways, mainly personality, drives, and design. She's a half-angel detective who, in her first case on the force, was the main driving force behind the incarceration of Diane Pratton (AKA Miss Fortune's mother.) She is now obsessed with Miss Fortune, and wants nothing more than to catch her. However, gathering the proof of any wrongdoing on her part is easier said than done. Thus, the two are caught in a game of cat and mouse.

She also possesses a special sort of clairvoyance. She is able to see events in the future, but is never able to decipher how far in time they are. Sometimes they'll be happening within a few minutes, other times within a few weeks or months. Thus, she has to rely on her detective skills (and a lot of luck) to decipher the events and use them to her advantage. This has gained her her alias of "Lady Luck."


Height 5'8"

Build Curvy, somewhat toned

Eyes Upturned almond shape; #FFD23D

Skin Tone #D6B09E

Hair Color #FAFAFA/#F09F95/#E86173

Hair Style Short, very fluffy

Demeanor Serious and professional


  • You can draw her either with or without her wing! She also has a more angelic form, but I have yet to really design it.
  • Don't forget her cheek markings! She has a red heart on her right cheek and a black spade on her left cheek! Also don't forget her freckles!
  • The buttons on her coat are poker chips! Please keep this in mind!
  • Her heels look like stacked dice!
  • Please remember her makeup! Especially her lipstick!
  • You can draw her with her angelic pistols. She has two of them made of light (not sure if they're red or gold yet), and can use both at once.
  • Don't forget her hairclips and earrings! If her left ear is visible, the card on her earring is the ace of clubs and the smaller second lobe piercing is a red heart!
  • Don't forget her bodice/vest thing (I don't know what to call it wheeze.)
  • You can draw her with alcoholic beverages or coffee, she regularly drinks both aaa.
  • You can draw her with Miss Fortune if you want! These two are in the same story after all (and are very likely to go enemies to lovers so pffft)
  • You can draw her in really any subject matter that fits her personality!
  • Please keep her colors and general design elements consistent! You can color-pick from her ref for help!
  • If you have any questions, please ask!


Reserved Friendly
Blunt Polite
Foolish Clever
Tough Sensitive
Timid Brave
Reckless Careful
Deceptive Sincere
Lazy Dilligent
Irritable Calm
Serious Humorous

Lady Luck is what many may initially think of when they imagine a detective. She is typically a very serious, no-nonsense woman. She comes off as a very stoic person, preferring to stick to business only and keep her emotions out of her work. She relies on logic and reason alone most of the time. She doesn't have a high tolerance for jokes or mischief at all. She's highly committed to her work, and is known to be very dilligent, often to the point of being considered a "workaholic." She likes to keep her relationships almost strictly professional (with few exceptions), and doesn't quite have a sense of casual interaction anymore. To her, everyone around her could be a future suspect, and every interaction could be a future clue. Thus, she often keeps people distant unless she's given good reason to trust and befriend them. She is incredibly intelligent and perceptive as well. She always has a keen eye on her surroundings, and can pick up on even the smallest cues and changes. She's very analyitcal and a quick thinker, flourishing in situations where she's able to flex her mind. She quite enjoys relying on her mind, in fact, and often searches out situations in which she can do just that. She also has a somewhat authoritarian personality, in a way. She is very strict about leading and being in charge. She has quite an ego, something that she's quick to dismiss, which somewhat pushes this viewpoint. However, it's also rooted somewhat in a disdain for being controlled in any fashion. She's incredibly independent, to say the least. Couple this with her strong sense of justice and morality, and you're left with a woman who will stop at nothing to achieve righteous outcomes. This is often more serious than many may think upon first seeing her; while she claims to be strongly moral, she is willing to do immoral things in pursuit of justice (within her limits, of course.)

However, Lady Luck's work life isn't the only side to her. Strip away the professionalism she puts forth in her career and you'll find a much different picture underneath. For one, she is much more easily flustered than she initially portrays herself as being. While she tends to be good at hiding it, you can rattle her by simply breathing on her right. This easy flustering also couples into a surprising amount of irritability. She can get frustrated easily when things don't go her way. While she does her best to stay logical and calm, she's no stranger to outbursts. Furthermore, she has a surprising amount of inner turmoil with herself. She holds herself to incredibly high standards, and always strives to come off as the perfect angel. She puts pressure on herself constantly to perform to people's expectations, and cares deeply about her reputation as a result. She wants to be a model citizen in many ways, and is constantly on the hunt to one-up herself to seem more and more perfect. However, she also resents this side of herself. Due to her angel half especially, she often ends up being held on a pedestal. She's seen as infallible and perfect, always having to act mature, rational, and just. She absolutely hates this; she desperately wants to be able to break free and just go wild for once in her life. She wants to be able to do whatever she wants, and not have to worry about being an influence or model simply due to how she was born. She doesn't like having to live up to everyone else's views of who she should be, but at the same time she feels like she has to. She's very much trapped in her expectations, and is afraid to really break out and be different. Thus, she does her best to bury any tiny hint of her weakness under layers of professionalism and piles of paperwork.

The only real way that Lady Luck is able to break out of these expectations is thanks to her relationship with a woman named Catherine, AKA Miss Fortune. She is absolutely obsessed with her, and especially with catching her. While she's not entirely certain of where this obsession came from, it does reflect deeper desires in her. Investigating Miss Fortune has left her time where she can truly feel free. The two have a cat-and-mouse dynamic that often forces her to step outside of her comfort zones and find ways to develop past her flaws and insecurities. While she tries to maintain professionality with who should be her enemy, she can't help but find a sort of enjoyment from her presence and interactions. She's noticed that the woman seems to bring out the best in her. One day, perhaps she'll move past her enemyship and into something deeper...


Coffee and Alcohol

Her two favorite beverages. It's almost all she seems to drink (even if that's not true.) She especially loves peppermint mochas and Old Fashioned cocktails. However, she's also more than willing to settle in with a nice glass of red wine.

Anything luck/chance-based

Self-explanatory. She loves anything based on chance or probability, and has an obsession with luck. She especially loves gambling and the vibe of casinos.


Easily her favorite animal. She has an American Curl cat named Talulah that she loves with all her being especially.

Puzzles/brain teasers

She loves flexing her mind, even outside of work. She often does logic puzzles in her free time.



She has just never been a huge fan of tea. She isn't into the taste of many teas she's tried, no matter how she tries to spruce them up.

Having nothing to do

She almost constantly has to be stimulated by her environment, or she gets very uncomfortable. She can easily fixate on small or annoying details and spiral off of them if she's not busy.

Black licorice

She much prefers red licorice to black any day. No, she will not change her mind.

Flat-soled shoes

She has almost never worn flat-soled shoes a day in her life. She has gotten very accustomed to heels, and has learned how to maneuver in them with ease. Thus, flatter shoes simply don't feel right to her.




Her main angelic power. Lady Luck is able to get visions of the future. Often they come to her at random, though if she truly needs to, she can force them to appear. However, she is never given hints of exactly when her visions take place. Sometimes they could happen within minutes, other times they could take days or weeks. Thus, she has to analyze said visions strongly and rely on said observations (plus a lot of luck) in order to get help from them. When she gets visions, her eyes turn fully white (no iris/pupil.)

Holy Weapons

She has two pistols that she can summon. They are made of light, and are her holy weapons. They really function similarly to any other gun, just made out of light instead. While she has access to them whenever she needs them, she much prefers to avoid physical confrontation. Mind games are much more her style.

Angel Wing

She has a wing that she can either reveal or hide depending on her mood. This wing can come out with or without her full angelic form being active. Yes, she is able to fly on it. It's difficult, and she's not really able to fly for long or carry others well, but she can indeed do it.

Divine Form

She can take on a more angelic form at will. While it maintains a somewhat humanoid appearance, entirely thanks to her half human nature, she does take on much more biblically accurate traits. These include many wings, complex nets of halos, and eyes. Many, many eyes.



TBA mostly?? I have some tiny ideas, but not a ton aaa. I'll develop it more as time goes on!

Early Life

Rachel Blake was born to a human father, Johnathan Blake, and an angel mother, Hannah Blake. From the very start, she was in a very difficult position. Due to her heritage, she was often expected to act and be perfect. She was seen as a paragon of justice and good character by those around her, and wasn't really given a chance to be anything but. Her parents, especially her mother, put a lot of pressure on her to live up to those expectations. She was often controlled quite forcefully to fulfill the role her reputation had set for her, and was often punished severely for even the slightest mistake. She was always aware of this, and pushed herself to the point of burnout trying to maintain her image. She forced herself to excel in school, always busying herself with extracurriculars to add to her image even more. She hardly ever had free time to herself, and was constantly under a burden of stress. This continued until she graduated and, upon the pressuring of her family mainly, decided to become a detective. She figured that being able to solve crimes and protect the innocent would be a very suitable position for her, given the reputation she had to live up to. It wouldn't take long for this to pay off.

Meeting Miss Fortune

The first case that Rachel took on was that of a woman by the name of Diane Pratton. She had a long line of dead husbands behind her, and a large fortune in her pocket. There were suspicions of cons and murders being committed, but no one could really tie her to the events. Rachel was determined to get to the bottom of it, and threw herself into her work. It was at this time that she encountered one of her first visions, one which could convict Diane once and for all. However, there was one problem: she had no idea when it would take place. She put strong measures in place to catch the act, studying her vision for hours, and eventually decided to act. As luck would have it, she was able to catch the woman and detain her once and for all. This case gained her a huge reputation, alongside her title of Lady Luck. From then on, she continued to have many successful cases. However, one individual in particular truly caught her eye.

As she continued her work, Lady Luck learned of Diane's daughter, Catherine Pratton. She, much like her mother, had a trend of marriages ending in tragedy. She was convinced that these were the result of cons as well, but was hard-pressed to find such evidence as she had with Diane. If she were complicit in any crmes, Catherine was covering her tracks with absolute precision. Furthermore, upon further investigation, Catherine proved truly fascinating. She was everything Lady Luck wasn't: free, wild, and perhaps just a bit villainous. This drew her in even further, and turned a once-innocuous investigation into a much more obsessive game of cat and mouse. Lady Luck continued following Catherine, watching as she eventually married a wealthy, famous CEO by the name of Belladonna. It was at this point that things took a particularly interesting turn, one diving far deeper than she had expected. One event led to another, and eventually there was a threat by the name of Miss Fortune on the wind. Lady Luck thought she knew exactly who it had to be.





Miss Fortune

Enemies (to start)

Lady Luck's prime suspect of interest. The two have been locked in a game of cat and mouse for ages, each one trying to find ways to outwit the other. While they act charming and unassuming in the various public events Miss Fortune is a part of, they both think they know the other's intentions quite well. Lady Luck takes her position against her very opposite adversary very seriously. She'll stop at nothing until the woman is behind bars once and for all. However, this feeling may not last for long. When Miss Fortune reaches out to the woman for help with a mystery involving her very legal company, the two may discover they have more chemistry than meets the eye...




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.