


2 years, 3 months ago


Zacren is a non-human creature that lives in a cave that is underwater with surface points. He can be on land or in water. Very interested in human life and even journals about his ideas and beliefs of the human species. Also collects things - especially shiny things. Although he can not breathe underwater, he can hold his breathe for an incredible amount of time (think like anywhere between one and two hours comfortably - similar to a human holding their breath for a minute). His mask is mainly just because he likes the look of it, not for any real functionality.

He likes to explore beaches and anything man-made he finds, such as a boat sitting on the water. If any beaches near where he lives is occupied with people or there are no boats for him to watch, he will opt to explore underwater and see if he can find any lost or sunken things that interest him. He tends to collect anything shiny he finds ranging from buttons and jewelry to things like phones or weirdly enough umbrellas. He also likes to collect anything with writing on it, like books and magazines. He has managed to figure out he can preserve paper in bringing it to his cave by putting it in a sealed container and has discovered that he can use sealable plastic bags that he finds for this purpose. 

His cave has a sort of tunnel system that Zacren has dug out for ease of his life style. He has specific 'hallways' and 'rooms' for things he believes are related. So any paper material he finds is put in one room, metallic in another, and so on. His equivalent to a bedroom is a room where he has put together his best understanding of a human's bedroom - He has a drift-wood frame bed that he managed to put together and uses any blankets or towels he has managed to get his hands on to substitute his best efforts at a mattress and pillow. He stores some of his favorite items in this room. 

He found a children's' book that illustrated parts of a house and he has tried to replicate this. He even found a cooler that he thinks is a TV and has it set up in his main room, the first expanse of space near the entrance of the cave. Although he has not figured out how to make it work, he has found phones left unattended and watched any videos he has managed to find before the owner of the device came back. He also is trying to teach himself the human language. (He genuinely believes all of humanity speaks the same language.) He has figured out some words and the accurate meanings of them, but most words he thinks he knows is very far off from their actual meanings. He has primarily found things with the English language, but has found a few others such as Spanish and French, and when he tries to use what human-words he 'knows' he will end up mixing the languages in ways that do not make sense. To anyone who actually understands, that is. He is very proud of himself, though, and is always trying to learn as much as he can.

He can make verbal sounds, and does try to learn how to speak and understand human speech.

In regards to what he does understand the actual meanings to, he can understand up to the number 19, he understands 'Yes', 'No', and 'I don't know'. He also understands basic directions, like right, left, forwards, and backwards. He also understands some animals - Dog, Cat, Bird, Fish. He also knows Boat, cave, beach, water, air, bleeding, hurt, and okay. Sorry, thank you, and please are words he does know and understand but uses them out of context at times. He also understands pronouns really well.

Things that aren't correct but he isn't far off include: Bug - He refers to anything small and with 6 or more legs as simply 'Bug'. And any reptiles he simply calls 'Snake' because it is one of the easiest words for him to say. He always mixes up Hello's and Goodbye's even though he understands that they are greetings. Calls anything sharp a 'Knife'. This includes any pens, broken glass, or needles he has come across. He is still confused on how 'Okay' is used, but has a general grasp of it. He is completely confused on how 'Excuse me' is used, but tries his best (Will end up saying it as a greeting or will use it for things that do not require him to say 'excuse me'.)

However things he doesn't actually understand or has mixed up include : Duck - He thinks this means '(look) up' and is confused why it sometimes is accompanied by pictures of a bird. He thinks 'Bed' is sleep and 'Sleep' is bed. 

When it comes to social or unspoken rules: 

Understands - 

- He understands that hugging is a comfort things, and that handshakes are greetings or agreements.

- Eye contact and nodding is a way to show you are listening to someone.

- Yelling means someone is mad, crying means someone is sad or upset, and smiling means someone is happy.

Does not truly understand - 

- Kissing is often only a romantical thing, depending on what culture you look at. (Given the idea that he lives on or by an American coast)

- Staring is seen as rude or creepy.

- You usually have to ask permission before hugging or touching someone.

- The idea of privacy.


- He got his name when he heard someone call out for a 'Zacren' and just decided that is what he wanted to be called.

- He learned pronouns very early into his attempts at understanding humans.

- He does not like to remove his mask and goggles out of slight insecurities about he not looking more like a human despite him fully understanding that he is not human.