Professor Aspen (Gwyn)



2 years, 3 months ago



Professor Aspen

"I guess technically, I did steal someone’s arm. But I didn't mean to! Actually, I think the fire stole it. Okay, fine, you're right, I caused the fire. Sorry about that! Do you need a hand? Wait, no, I didn't mean- well, I mean, I guess you do, but that's not what I meant, well uh, I suppose you can have mine if you REALLY need it-"

Gwyn Marius Aspen
March 13th (Friday the 13th)
Trans Man
Professor of Pokemon-Human Relationships
Pinterest Board

Science and accidents go hand in hand; Gwyn and accidents go hand in hand. Coincidentally, Gwyn and science also go hand-in-hand, so it all works out in the end. Hopefully. Ideally. With the least amount of life-threatening injuries as possible (the current toll is at 48, excluding injuries he's caused to others).

Gwyn Aspen is a Pokemon Legends Arceus era Galarian Pokemon professor of pokemon-human relationships, with a specialization in friendship evolution. Gwyn is attempting to get pokemon who don't typically evolve via friendship to evolve via friendship! His goal is basically to become friends with as many Pokemon as possible. Gwyn is a chronically late disaster man with a terrible memory who tends to get wrapped up in his work, and often runs into bad luck. Gwyn's prized Pokemon is his dear friend, Prudence, a Mareep- Gwyn absolutely adores Mareep, and his scarf pattern is based on mareep horns!

Gwyn is a pathetic, but loving, disaster man, who will befriend anyone who lets him (and will attempt to befriend those who don't let him), but can also be awkward and overwhelmed in large social situations. He wants to do his best to help people, though!

Gwyn is currently on his way to Hisui to study how the local residents interact with the Pokemon, both in a pratical day-to-day sense, and in a more sociological and religious sense (Gwyn also minored in History and Social Studies at university). Gwyn wonders if Pokemon being revered as living legends could function similarly to friendship evolution, as both involve affection between humans and Pokemon, but with the religious worship aspect, the worship/affection is one-sided, going from human to Pokemon, as opposed to human-Pokemon friendship, in which, the affection is mutual.

  • mareep
  • thunderstorms
  • making friends
  • helping people
  • bright, ridiculous patterns and colours
  • moss
  • rock climbing! let him at those stones, he's going for an adventure!
  • food. treats. gum. anything he can put in his mouth tbh.
  • pokemon, literally any pokemon, he just thinks they're neat little guys.
  • the 6 pieces of lint in his right blazer pocket that he's formed an emotional bond with
  • a good pair of socks
  • making small mistakes
  • people moving things on his desk
  • whatever the hell a "shoe gnome" is
  • gnomes in general
  • the number 4
  • crying. gwyn is a.) pathetic and b.) cries out of frustration/sadness over more things than he'd like to admit.
  • large social situations/parties, at least sometimes- he's very friendly, but can definitely be awkward and forgetful.
  • family reunions. Gwyn has a touch and go relationship with his family- it's not terrible persay, but he'd rather keep things to the occascional holiday or letter.
  • ghouls and ghosts
  • Gwyn has a terrible sense of time & is almost always running late!
  • Gwyn has OCD & his compulsions often bleed into his work/experiments
  • Gwyn is very accident-prone and forgetful! He tends to have band-aids on his hands/fingers from getting into various mishaps!
  • Gwyn is very physically affectionate!
  • Gwyn talks to his Pokemon and also talks to himself often!
  • Gwyn can play the piano & play it well! He tends to play in a much more upbeat, amateurish way rather than a classical elegant way.
  • Gwyn has definitely accidentally eaten chips of paint at some point. Not sure why or how, I just know he has.
  • Gwyn is an odd mixture of oblivious and perceptive; he may pick up on small niche details regarding a topic, but can still be oblivious enough to miss major things!
  • Gwyn drinks green tea because it is green.
  • Gwyn has a remarkable long-term memory, but poor short-term memory! He often leaves post-it notes around his office to remind himself of simple tasks/experiment ideas.
  • Gwyn bites his nails.
  • Gwyn's voiceclaim is "Paul McCartney except Welsh"
  • Gwyn has almost illegible handwriting!
  • Gwyn knows a lot of obsure facts about various ridiculous subjects.
  • Gwyn can knit!
  • Gwyn WILL absentmindedly chew on any pencil or pen that is within 10 feet of him. He is relentless. Poor pens.
  • Gwyn likes snacks and tries to toss them into his mouth and catch them in his mouth as if he's both a circus spheal and a circus spheal trainer.
  • Gwyn likes to try and mimic the noises of various pokemon. He is not good at this, but that doesn't stop him from trying.
  • Gwyn tends to mope when he's upset and can become very pessimistic over tiny mistakes.
  • Gwyn is a disaster.
Early Life  

Raised near Postwick, Gwyn was born to the Aspen family, the second oldest of 5 siblings, with many, many, many extended relatives. As high in insufferability as they are in numbers, the Aspen family is spread far and wide across Galar, and yet for some reason, insists upon holding their bi-annual family reunions in Postwick, much to Gwyn's dismay.

Both nosy and noisy, the Aspen family doesn't know how to mind their own business. In an almost contradictory way, though, they don't want other people knowing their business, and tend to try and sweep family scandals under the rug.

An awkward child, Gwyn was constantly overwhelmed by his family's boisterous nature, and often found himself wandering into the wilds in search of various Pokemon, especially Mareep. However, as a result, he's become somewhat of the black sheep of his family.

After leaving home at 18, Gwyn spent a few years travelling across Galar, from Turffield to Wyndon, and everywhere in-between. He has complicated feelings about his family members, and likes to keep as much distance between himself and them as possible, leaving interactions to the occascional letter, holiday, or funeral. From Gwyn's perspective, ideally the only family funeral he ever has to go to again is his own.

art by dextrose_png


Devoted and intelligent but still forgetful, Gwyn managed to pass all of his classes at Hammerlocke University with flying colours (and sometimes, the literal 'flying colours' of Gwyn at 11:59 pm in a rainbow sweatervest dashing down the hallways to submit his paper before the midnight deadline).

Gwyn studied both human and Pokemon history and psychology,(in addition to the usual core courses regarding Pokemon biology, evolution, etc), with a focus on human-Pokemon relationships and friendship evolution. Gwyn was well-known amongst his peers for being able to befriend even the grumpiest Pokemon, and his innate ability to connect with Pokemon helped him gain notoriety at the school.

Despite his devotion to his studies, Gwyn developed a fascination with the dark and mysterious nightlife of Spikemuth, and definitely spent more than a few weekends in Spikemuth and at local parties in Hammerlocke, trying to blend in with the gothic partygoers. Gwyn stuck out like a sore thumb, but had a great time, and ended up taking at least one element of the gothic aesthetic he admired; wearing eyeliner on a daily basis! Other than that though, despite his brief dip into the darker side of the nightlife, and unfortunately for those around him, Gwyn still dresses like a teletubby threw up on a magic eye poster.

After graduating, Gwyn taught at Hammerlocke University as Professor Aspen, a professor of Pokemon-Human Relationships, conducting his own research on the side and frequenting the library for more information on recorded cases of friendship evolution and the religious worship of Pokemon. Unfortunately, Gwyn is a disaster man who has a habit of misplacing things, and would often end up forgetting to return books, or spilling things on them, or accidentally letting Prudence chew on them. As a result, the library doesn't love Gwyn nearly as much as Gwyn loves the library.

Gwyn has also spent time at the Pokemon Research Centre in Wedgehurst, although the majority of his initial experimentation and research was done at the university.



Hisui Research Project  

Gwyn is currently on his way to Hisui to study how the local residents interact with the Pokemon, both in a pratical day-to-day sense, and in a more sociological and religious sense (Gwyn also minored in History and Social Studies at university). Gwyn wonders if Pokemon being revered as living legends could function similarly to friendship evolution, as both involve affection between humans and Pokemon, but with the religious worship aspect, the worship/affection is one-sided, going from human to Pokemon, as opposed to human-Pokemon friendship, in which, the affection is mutual.

Gwyn's awkward but friendly nature made it difficult for him to blend in in Hisui, and he was mostly met with suspicion and confusion, however,

Design Notes  
  • Gwyn wears eyeliner, especially along his lower lashes!
  • Gwyn has a medium build, and is surprisingly strong (he's used to hauling Prudence around)! He's not particularly visibly ripped though, and is generally just. soft, but can lift things.
  • Gwyn has hazel eyes
  • Gwyn's hair is very fluffy, curly and often staticy
  • Gwyn is very expressive
  • Gwyn tends to wear all sorts of weird colours and patterns

Prudence is Gwyn's abnormally large, extremely spoiled Mareep! Perhaps her unusual size indicates that Gwyn's attempts to get pokemon to grow/evolve via friendship is working? Or maybe it's just because he sneaks her half his lunch every day. Who knows.

Prudence is mischevious, loving, and as sassy as a Mareep can possibly be! She has a habit of rearranging Gwyn's items, which then makes Gwyn think he's misplaced them. Gwyn and Prudence first met when Gwyn was sitting outside alone in a thunderstorm as a child, taking shelter beneath a tree after a particularly overwhelming family reunion. Prudence found her way to him, and immediately cuddled up to him, and the two of them have been dear friends ever since. In fact, Prudence was one of Gwyn's only friends growing up!

Prudence also goes between looking like a regular mareep and having odd, plaid wool! This is because Gwyn paints various, mostly plaid and paisley, patterns on her wool from time to time! (with Mareep safe dye, of course)! As a child, Gwyn was afraid of losing his only friend, and feared he wouldn't be able to tell her apart from the other Mareep- so he added splotches of dye to Prudence's wool to identify her, which later evolved into painting on Prudence as a calming activity for both of them!


Eleanor is Gwyn's Wooloo, and she has the same energy as a haunted porcelain doll. She stares. She watches. She waits. Eleanor is shy and silent, and tends to watch Gwyn in his office from the doorway like some sort of sleep paralysis creature. Eleanor also loves music, specifically Gwyn's piano playing. Gwyn first met Eleanor when he returned home to Postwick briefly for his aunt's funeral during his university studies. Eleanor followed him from a distance throughout the town for a day, and then found her way into his family home, only to stare at him from the doorway all night.

Her eery presence and haunting stare (and, perhaps, Gwyn's study-induced sleep deprivation) was enough to make Gwyn briefly believe that he was being haunted by his deceased aunt. Despite her odd demeanour and unsettling aura, Eleanor adores Gwyn and is protective of him, and the feeling is mutual. Eleanor also enjoys rolling up and down the hallways of Gwyn's apartment for an unknown reason, and has two identical black bows on each of her braids.

Eleanor also makes an unusual call compared to most Wooloo- it almost sounds like a ghost's wail, and it likely evolved that way due to Eleanor having been separated from her herd before meeting Gwyn, and sadly wailing "woolooOOoooOOoo" to try and find her missing herd. As a result, most people assume that Gwyn's apartment is haunted. Including Gwyn.


Gwyn's Buneary


Gwyn's Whimsiscott


Gwyn's Mimikyu ((gwyn knitting various covers for his mikmikyu)


Gwyn's Flaafy