Stefan Feiner



2 years, 2 months ago


Ltn. Feiner

Name Stefan Feiner
Age 35
Pronouns He/Him
Nationality German
Occupation Field Medic, Leutnant
DOB Jan 16, 1882


Little is known about his early life, not even HE knows about it. He just knows his life wasn't easy. Stefan enlisted when the war broke out to defend the Fatherland, out of a sense of obligation. He did not look forward to the fight, he did not have grand ideals or plans of becoming a war hero, he just wanted to fight for what was right.

Much to everyone's suprise, Stefan was remarkable at his job and skills, with his seemingly endless amount of luck carrying him through the toughest encounters. He would go above and beyond to help wounded soldiers during battle, although his tactics of rushing in towards the wounded regardless of the situation around him was characterized as reckless at the very least. Despite is all he earned a handful of commendations for it, rarely finding himself injured or in trouble with his superiors.

Feiner would one day rescue an officer, Ernst von Etzdorf, from artillery shelling. It would be the beginning of a bond between the two that transcends life itself, and their gradual downfall into Hell as the war would continue to rage on.

"Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn."

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