


6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Wafer

Gender: Female

Sexuality: homosexual

Personality: wafer is very soft and sweet, 

but she does contain some narcissistic traits. 

Her small group of friends like to play along with her shenanigans, imitating her in the process. Her daily activities include: 

- going to the park. mainly for sightseeing. she loves to take pictures of the scenery & the clouds. 

she does this when she's stressed out/wants to get away from everything else. it calms her, truly.

- taking pictures of herself & then editing them. she posts it on social media. this is almost like a job. 

two pictures a day at the exact same time every day. she's never missed a single day. seeing the number of likes 

motivates her. she is really popular! over 300k followers.

- if she gets the chance, she writes in her diary about what happened that day.