Katra Amori



2 years, 2 months ago



age 23
height 5'10
build muscular
gender amab/male
pronouns he/him
orientation heterosexual
song Dead V

Katra Amori


Katra Amori is a figure of a mysterious and dark past of which much of his travelling party is unaware of, except for a few select members. He is travelling to change his ways.

Born to be raised as a soldier, assassin, and leader, Katra has lived his life in the Levanakru Faction. After the kind work of a stranger, he left his faction to change his ways and become a better person. He came across a small party who needed protection from the ruthless bandits and dangers of the Casanovian wasteland.

  • personal space
  • the smell of lavender
  • potato-based meals
  • beer
  • the smell of fire
  • fish-based meals
  • being alone
  • item one
  • item two
  • item three
  • item four
  • item five





being trained as a soldier and an assassin, Katra has the ability to use his surroundings and blend in with them well. it isn't hard for him to hide in the background and keep himself concealed for long periods of time.
blade combat
out of all weapons, Katra is most skilled with the blade; normally meaning daggers, knives, and smaller weapons that allow him to move quickly.
after a magical outburst, Katra has discovered that he has magical capabilities. they have not been expanded on by any means and he has yet to find out what he can do.


Petunia Chrysanth


An elf girl from a secluded town.

will update soon bros

Alias Lathai

best friend

A nomadic werewolf.

After finding the party in the Casanovian wastelands, Katra and Alias took time to grow close. Katra was very guarded and put up thick walls. However, he eventually became comfortable with Alias and told him his origin and dark past. Alias has kept that information mostly confidential.

Vista Visaje

best friend

A monster man.

Katra and Vista certainly did not hit it off immediately. It took about a year and a half for them to connect due to Vista's previous drug usage and hostility towards him. However, after Vista sobered up, they became very close friends.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Nunc mattis enim ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo. Fames ac turpis egestas integer eget aliquet nibh. Velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat duis ultricies lacus. Diam vel quam elementum pulvinar etiam non quam lacus suspendisse. Phasellus faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate. Laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget. Lectus sit amet est placerat in egestas erat imperdiet. Pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices. Fames ac turpis egestas integer eget. Vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna neque viverra.


species creator Insync
obtained did not obtain, but was created by me.
value n/a, not for sale.
trade/resell not for trade or selling.

  • extra note information goes here
  • anything else you want to describe about your character
  • you can write literally anything you want here
  • or just delete the whole section too

world building

Casanova is a world loosely based off of Fallout: New Vegas with fantasy elements.

Casanova is a large world where there are three major factions. First, are the Levanakru, a ruthless and militarian faction who value strength and loyalty over anything. Second, are the Galarians, whom are widely known for their open-mindedness, despite their religious beliefs. Third, are the Miso Tribes, who are tribes that are scattered across Cavanova, some nomadic and some who have settled in one place.

important terms & definitions
word write the definition here. can be as long or as short as you need -- the text will break and wrap to a new line if it's too long.
word definition
word definition
word definition

magic system



social outlook

Describe a little bit about how the social classes/government in this world works. just a quick overview blurb, really. you can also delete this section entirely if you don't need it.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

born in blood

  • 0 y/o - Katra is born within the Levanakru Faction to Yama and Kilru. He has an older brother named Koda. 3 y/o - Yona is born to Yama and Kilru.
  • 4 y/o - Kilru disappears, leaving Yama on her own to raise 3 children. Katra begins his training.
  • 6 y/o - Yama is found a traitor to Levanakru. Each child is forced to prove their loyalty to the Faction. Argeda, the Commander, teaches Katra how to take his first kill: his mother. Argeda then takes in Koda, Katra, and Yona to raise.
  • 10 y/o - Katra has accumulated 7 kills and has progressed well in his training. Argeda takes special interest in him. Koda is distant from Katra and Yona. Katra and Yona, however, are close and often spar together.

Morbi nec sodales tortor. Aliquam id quam risus. Phasellus ante ante, interdum ac porta sed, sagittis quis turpis. Fusce efficitur diam nunc, ac tincidunt nulla maximus ut. Quisque malesuada metus tempor malesuada mollis. Vestibulum convallis nisi eget ante sagittis egestas. Nullam leo urna, lobortis eu metus et, ullamcorper gravida ante. Aenean volutpat, nisi at lobortis lacinia, ipsum ipsum efficitur nisl, nec ultricies nisi sapien nec mauris. Etiam metus dolor, gravida et tincidunt quis, tristique nec mauris. Integer vel diam tincidunt est mollis semper. Vestibulum venenatis malesuada lacus, ac finibus nulla euismod at. Curabitur ac risus quis ante commodo consectetur id ac nulla.

foundation of war

  • 13 y/o - Katra graduates his combat training and progresses to assassination training. Argeda also trains him for extra hours of the day.
  • 15 y/o - Katra completes his assassination training and accumulated 30 kills. He gets his first tattoo, The Bear, on his back, symbolizing discipline and strength.
  • 16 y/o - Katra participates in his first village raid and collects 98 kills.
  • Katra gets his second tattoo, The Village, on his forearm, symbolizing his first village taken.

loyal dog

  • 17 y/o - Argeda chooses Katra to train as successor to the Commander.
  • Koda is deeply jealous. Yona becomes closer to Koda.
  • Katra gets his third tattoo, The Sacred Dagger, on his chest, symbolizing his future rank of command.
  • 18 y/o - Katra gets 7 more tattoos of The Village, on his arms, symbolizing how many villages he has helped to take.
  • 19 y/o - Katra has covered his arms in The Village, 12 times on each side. Once 12 on each side and arm, accumulating to 48 villages in total, Katra recieves The Mask of Strength on one side of his face.
  • 20 y/o - Katra becomes second in command, second only to the Commander.
  • Koda lashes out at Katra and the two have an epic battle. Katra succeeds by the skin of his teeth, but spares Koda's life.

Morbi nec sodales tortor. Aliquam id quam risus. Phasellus ante ante, interdum ac porta sed, sagittis quis turpis. Fusce efficitur diam nunc, ac tincidunt nulla maximus ut. Quisque malesuada metus tempor malesuada mollis. Vestibulum convallis nisi eget ante sagittis egestas. Nullam leo urna, lobortis eu metus et, ullamcorper gravida ante. Aenean volutpat, nisi at lobortis lacinia, ipsum ipsum efficitur nisl, nec ultricies nisi sapien nec mauris. Etiam metus dolor, gravida et tincidunt quis, tristique nec mauris. Integer vel diam tincidunt est mollis semper. Vestibulum venenatis malesuada lacus, ac finibus nulla euismod at. Curabitur ac risus quis ante commodo consectetur id ac nulla.

man or a monster?

  • 21 y/o - During a village raid, Katra is gravely wounded. When he wakes up, he is accompanied not by Levanakru, but two of the villagers in their hideaway, treating his wounds.
  • Katra was too weak to move for a couple of weeks, and sleeps for most of the time.
  • When Katra became strong enough to move, the villagers first treated him with a paralytic so he could not attack them.
  • After making Katra promise not to attack them or reveal their location, they stop treating him with the paralytic. They reveal their names are Asher and Jace.
  • Katra did not fully recover for a couple of months. He became close to Asher and Jace, who he is forever indebted to and grateful for their help.
  • Asher and Jace show Katra the damage Levanakru has done to hundreds of villages under their rule.
  • Katra has a change of heart and feels guilty for all the the lives he has ruined and taken.
  • After discovering that Levanakru is looking for him, he leaves Asher and Jace to protect them.
  • Katra returns to the Levanakru, but is troubled by his newly developed conscience.

Morbi nec sodales tortor. Aliquam id quam risus. Phasellus ante ante, interdum ac porta sed, sagittis quis turpis. Fusce efficitur diam nunc, ac tincidunt nulla maximus ut. Quisque malesuada metus tempor malesuada mollis. Vestibulum convallis nisi eget ante sagittis egestas. Nullam leo urna, lobortis eu metus et, ullamcorper gravida ante. Aenean volutpat, nisi at lobortis lacinia, ipsum ipsum efficitur nisl, nec ultricies nisi sapien nec mauris. Etiam metus dolor, gravida et tincidunt quis, tristique nec mauris. Integer vel diam tincidunt est mollis semper. Vestibulum venenatis malesuada lacus, ac finibus nulla euismod at. Curabitur ac risus quis ante commodo consectetur id ac nulla.

header title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum interdum erat eu pretium lacinia. Donec id tortor ut metus condimentum blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed id fringilla risus, at hendrerit velit. Aliquam auctor justo id lacus pulvinar, id congue mi tristique. Ut at vulputate libero. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sed tortor ligula. Proin imperdiet luctus consequat.

header title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum interdum erat eu pretium lacinia. Donec id tortor ut metus condimentum blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed id fringilla risus, at hendrerit velit. Aliquam auctor justo id lacus pulvinar, id congue mi tristique. Ut at vulputate libero. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sed tortor ligula. Proin imperdiet luctus consequat.

Morbi nec sodales tortor. Aliquam id quam risus. Phasellus ante ante, interdum ac porta sed, sagittis quis turpis. Fusce efficitur diam nunc, ac tincidunt nulla maximus ut. Quisque malesuada metus tempor malesuada mollis. Vestibulum convallis nisi eget ante sagittis egestas. Nullam leo urna, lobortis eu metus et, ullamcorper gravida ante. Aenean volutpat, nisi at lobortis lacinia, ipsum ipsum efficitur nisl, nec ultricies nisi sapien nec mauris. Etiam metus dolor, gravida et tincidunt quis, tristique nec mauris. Integer vel diam tincidunt est mollis semper. Vestibulum venenatis malesuada lacus, ac finibus nulla euismod at. Curabitur ac risus quis ante commodo consectetur id ac nulla.