Diedrick Frei



6 years, 6 months ago


G E N E R A L   I N F O:

Name: Diedrick Frei
Nickname: Patches, Dickie
Age: 26
DOB: 08/08/XX
Colour: Lonestar [#660000]
Faction: Red
Height | Weight: 6’2”/188.9 | 165 lbs/75 kg
Gender: Male
Corrective Time: 4 months


Reckless | Mischievous | Stubborn | Unpredictable | Protective | Fearless | Defiant | Greedy | Obnoxious | Devoted

Diedrick has always been the kind of guy to do what he wants and go with his own flow--whatever that may be-- just constantly going to the beat of his own drum that leads him into the trouble he loves so much. He can’t help that everything he finds interesting and fun happens to be dangerous and what people don’t want him to do. His stubbornness and hyperactive attitude makes him unwilling to listen to anyone who tells him to do the opposite of what he’s currently doing or give up any idea or plans he has in mind. If he wants something or he wants to do something, he’ll go for it for his own satisfaction whether it harms him or others.

His idea of fun is usually messing with others, irritating them or trying to use them for whatever he has in mind. Good luck trying to be his friend, though, since he tends to get bored of people easily as he only needs them for the moment his mischievous plan needs. To him, people are just toys for him to play with and once he’s done, he’ll never play with them again and leave them. But if you somehow manage to become his friend, he’ll be very dedicated and protective of you. Maybe a bit too protective and dedicated, but rest assured he’ll try to make sure his newfound friend doesn’t get harmed by whatever consequences follow his actions.

+ Likes / - Dislikes: 

+ Lollipops

+ Fighting

+ Thunderstorms

+ Horror movies

+ Roses

+ Hot food (Temperature wise; the more likely it is to burn his tongue the better)

+ Marbles

+ Most fruits and vegetables

- Listening

- Being still/kept in one place too long

- Cats

- Perfume/Cologne

- Being unable to do what he wants

- Wet cardboard

- Staring

- Losing items

- Repetition

B I O G R A P H Y  

The typical, albeit strongly religious, happy family was what God had graciously given Diedrick, loving parents and an adorable little sister named Rose, but for some reason something was wrong with him from the get go. As a child, he was always prone to trouble and disobedient in every which way, making his parents’ patience something marvelous. They could never hate their rambunctious son though, but the times he did behave were truly blissful for them. In his parents’ eyes, they associated his learning disability with his actions which wasn't exactly true, but who was he to deny them one saving grace?

Among his classmates and teachers, he was a demon that couldn't be controlled. Whether it be his personality or sheer stupidity, they didn't know and couldn't combat his shenanigans. Consequences didn't affect Diedrick to make matter worse, so his peers turned their frustrations to his little sister. Their attempts started physically but they quickly found that it was a painfully futile attempt as they would get beaten to a pulp for laying a finger on his sister.

Around the age of 16, Diedrick had recently snagged a pretty good looking butterfly knife and boy did he love playing with it and doing the tricks he taught himself. He tried showing some tricks to his sister one day and she watched with admiration despite how often he messed up, which created new cuts on his hands though that was nothing special. What was special was what happened after he tried throwing the knife into the air and attempted to catch it with his hand, but instead caught it with his eye: a splash of color. If it weren't for his sister immediately dragging Diedrick to the hospital with gross sobbing, he'd have stayed standing there, staring at his cuts and the blood flowing onto the ground for the new look they've acquired. With the loss of an eye and the gift of color, Diedrick continued to live his life as usual but with even more pep in his step as he lied to get past the tests for color with no problem which fed the adrenaline junkie. But around his 18th year, he noticed his sister getting noticeably more and more upset as more and more people whispered whenever she was in their sight, but for the time being he, regrettably, thought nothing of it. 

One day, as the two walked back from school to home, Diedrick was twirling his beloved butterfly knife in his hand when his sister suddenly spoke.

“I’m sure you've heard the rumors already, brother... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn’t keep my sin a secret and, though I don't deserve it, I want my punishment to be given by you, so please.”

He then suddenly felt his arm tugged and a warm liquid pouring onto his hand before he could even look to her and ask what she was talking about. He saw his sister, smiling sweetly as ever as she held his wrist to keep the knife in her neck. He didn't say anything, he just stared in horror until he saw the life fade from her eyes.

For years, he continued to live on as he had but the pep in his step from when he first saw his color had died with his sister for a while. Eventually, he felt as if he needed punishment of some kind for what had happened and he gave in, that maybe if he wasn't the way he was the incident wouldn't have happened, or at least that's what he tells himself for slipping up and being outed as one of the ‘coloured’ by some ass with a grudge against him. The only bright side he found to this was new people and new scenery to distract himself with.

E X T R A: 

~ He has dyslexia.

~ He suffers from chronic night terrors.

~ He has multiple eye patches with a different design on each and wears a different one each day. He keeps them completely clean and organizes them by mood or expression.

~ Animals are for some reason terrified of him but he doesn’t seem to notice or care and tries to cuddle and play with them as any animal lover would. Except for cats, God how he hates cats.

~ Voice: Adam Lambert.

~ Do not play any card games with him unless you want the worst headache you’ll ever experience. The facts and rules just don’t seem to stay in his head, though he somehow manages to play well.

~ He’s extremely good at math for some reason, like ridiculously good.