Alice Krest



6 years, 5 months ago


The frog wizard with ZERO FILTER
Basic info

Level: 1 Wizard

Full name: Alice Krest

Race: Human -> frog

Gender: Female

Age: 24 years

Height: 8 in.

Weight: 155 grams

Languages: Common, Aguan, Frog/toad

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Religious affiliation: N/A

Proficiencies: Thieves tools, playing cards

Personality summary

Alice is and always has been a loudmouth. She always speaks her mind, even when doing so gets her into trouble- and has the tendency to try to take what she wants whenever she wants it. She also has a bad habit of holding grudges against those who have wronged her or her friends. Despite her flaws, though, she is an incredibly passionate person (frog?) and will work endlessly to help those who she is close to.

List of Horrible™ things Alice has done thus far

A collection so I will never forget.

- Asked multiple biological questions to Yuan Ti about how the HECK their bodies function

- Egged on her fellow party member, a half orc, constantly bugging them about confessing her crush on said Yuan Ti

- Convinced the same half orc to buy fifteen live frogs at a farmers market, which she proceeded to claim were her blood related family members.

- Forgot to feed those frogs, resulting in their untimely deaths as they began to cannibalize one another hunger games style until the largest one remained

- Met a woman with an absurd amount of eyes. Instead of being civil, Alice asked why the HECK she had so many eyes before she even said hello

- Wiggled her way into a cave nobody could fit into, found out that it was full of basilisk eggs, decided she wanted to take one home (to which the party refused), causing her to embark on an AT LEAST half hour tantrum during which she refused to leave the cave for fear of her party members destroying her "babies" upon her exit. She eventually convinced her half orc party member to carry an egg for her.

- Asked where snakes pee from in the presence of an ACTUAL GODDESS

Backstory summary

Alice has been a con artist ever since she was little. When she was young, her parents would actively encourage her to waltz up to adults and convince them that she was homeless or that her family was poor to get free handouts from those she was able to fool. The richer the community, the better these handouts tended to be- Alice fondly remembers a time from her childhood when a particularly rich woman gave her her jewel encrusted necklace, for example. Growing up in such a perpetually bad influence of a family obviously led her to grow up and find her own way to steal from people. She ended up spending years perfecting ways to use playing cards to expertly rig card games with none being the wiser. She ended up becoming such an expert when it came to hiding cards up her sleeves, slight of hand tricks, and the manipulation of cards in general. Being an unskilled and very out of practice wizard at the time, she wasn't able to make use of anything but simple cantrips to help her cheat. She became such an expert that she was able to make a comfortable living simply by gambling.

Eventually, though, it was inevitable that this easy life based around conning others out of their valuables had to come to a crashing end. On a day that began like any other, Alice managed to get the attention of an annoyed looking elven man who was visiting the area and appeared extremely wealthy- a seemingly perfect target. She called him over and invited him to drink, her treat. It took quite a bit of convincing, but Alice eventually managed to get him to take her up on the offer and managed to get him pretty decently intoxicated. Using this to her advantage, she asked him if he wanted to play a quick, friendly game of cards. There'd be a lot in it for him if he won, she told him. He was drunk enough to agree, and she skillfully hid the anticipation of what promised to be her best con yet from her expression. The game started out simple enough, but as it progressed, the man began to become progressively more frustrated with how easily Alice was able to turn the game in her favor. After the game of cards completed and Alice smugly demanded the money, something in the man snapped. In a drunken rage, he stood up and grabbed her by the arm with an iron grip, yanking up her sleeve before she had a chance to protest. Of course, cards instantly fell out of her sleeve and trickled onto the floor. Alice's face paled, and after letting out a nervous chuckle, she told the man that he didn't have to worry about paying her anything. The man refused to take this as an answer, and without letting go of her arm, the man whipped out a wand. Alice began to panic and tried to pull away, but she had never been particularly strong and his grip was unrelenting. She was unable to do anything but stare helplessly as the man blasted her and turned her into.. a frog. Alice sat motionless on the ground, staring up at the man in such a state of shock that she was unable to protest as he gingerly picked her up and continued on his way as he continued to concentrate on lengthening the duration of the spell. She eventually came to her senses and began to scream at the man, demanding to be released and changed back immediately, but her angry commands fell on deaf ears. Eventually he had concentrated enough to make the spell permanent, and after doing so he simply tossed her away and walked off, his drunken idea of revenge exacted.

It took her months to figure out how to properly navigate the world as a frog, and she looks upon those days of clumsily trying to hop around as the most shameful and embarrassing parts of her life. She is able to get about pretty well now, with a tiny children's notepad as a spellbook and a twig as a wand. It's honestly kind of adorable, but she'd probably try to bite your finger off if you ever said that to her face. She can't bear to face her parents after what happened, as she looked up to them so much as a child that she believes they will be disappointed or otherwise angry that she messed up so badly that she managed to get turned into a frog.

Alice has an ulterior goal of not only finding a way to change herself back (whether that be by convincing someone with enough skill to do so or getting good enough to do it herself), but also of tracking down the wizard who transformed her into a frog and exacting complete and utter vengeance.