
Basic Info

Full Name:
Jaidex Trek




He has 50 times the amount of adrenaline than a normal human has.  This makes him much stronger, quicker, and impervious to pain while  angry or in danger (though this can cause some serious harm to him too)

Because of his heightened adrenaline, his heart can't handle it and has been replaced with a machine to keep him from dying of heart failure. He does not know of this, or of the fact that it is slowly failing him. 

To put it simply, Jaidex is a rebellious teenager. His main emotions are usually annoyance and anger, though sometimes he will smile and make sarcastic, teasing comments. He is an extreme introvert and will only befriend people who are also introverts. When Jaidex, by some miracle, actually befriends someone, he will often act awkward and uncomfortable, like he doesn't know how to act when he isn't listening to music. Speaking of music, Jaidex loves Techno and Remixes, mostly by Linkin Park or Three Days Grace. Jaidex is, however, not at all musical and doesn't even hum the songs he listens to, none the less dance or sing out loud. He will usually listen to music when he is trying to drown out some annoying extrovert who wants to be his friend.

Jaidex's  family was always broken, even before the 'incident.' His father was a  mad scientist that could never provide enough for their family while his mom had to take on a bunch of full-time jobs and was barely ever home.  His father usually pretended to work with trying to make cures for different incurable and fatal illnesses, but in reality, he was doing illegal human experimentation. He would give his "cures" to people who had less than a month to live and have them sign a contract that no matter what happened next, they would not speak about his experiments.  No one knew exactly what was happening, and he conducted his experiments on terminally ill patients so that, even if he wasn't successful, no one would know about it. After a while, Jaidex's father decided he wanted to create a superhuman, someone with fifty times the normal adrenaline. His experimenting would have to begin on a  young child, however, and no one wanted to sacrifice their baby for his crazy whims. So, he looked to his only son, Jaidex, who was only two years old at that time and started to experiment on him in the name of science. Jaidex's father lied to his wife about his experiments, saying that Jaidex had a deadly disease and needed to be cured. Jaidex's father did something to his son's mind, forcing Jaidex to love the treatment, even though it was extremely painful and forcing Jaidex to love his father. Jaidex was six when His mom finally found out, he was sitting at the table with his mom, dad, and baby sister eating dinner. Jaidex then began to get into an argument with his mom. The argument became very nasty very quickly and, in a fit of rage, Jaidex picked up the dinner table and threw it all the way across the room, smashing a table-sized hole through the wall. After a long while of yelling and threatening his dad, Jaidex's mom finally found out the truth.

It was all downhill from there. Every day seemed to be filled with yelling and screaming between his parents, sometimes the fights even turned vicious and Jaidex had to hide his sister and call the police. To be truthful, Jaidex still doesn't know why CPS hadn't taken him and his sister away by the third call.

Eventually, when Jaidex was nine, his mom snapped. Jaidex woke up in the middle of the night to their usually yelling, but, they had never yelled in the middle of the night, especially not on the bottom floor. He made sure that his frightened sister stayed in her room and ventured downstairs. When he saw his parents from the staircase,  they were standing near the door, there were a bunch of suitcases next to the door and his mom was saying "I called the police on you. I told them everything you were doing. They are coming right now to haul you off to prison. Here are your bags. I suggest leaving right now if you don't want to be in jail for the rest of your life."

That's when Jaidex's father saw his son watching. He tried to convince Jaidex to come with him, he told Jaidex that his mom would never love him, everyone would see him as a monster, and he would never be accepted. His dad told Jaidex that he would be the only one to love his son. Jaidex remembered what his mom had told him about his dad's mind control, and, after a lot of self-control, Jaidex walked away and never saw his dad again. After that, his dad's words came true, he was never accepted, his mom and sister ended up hating him and seeing him as a monster. After about a year, Jaidex ran away for the first time in his life. He came back a day later because he forgot to pack anything. But he kept running away after that, trying to get away from his broken home, he never had enough will to run further than his home town though. At 18, he was officially kicked out, a highschool drop out with a restraining order from his own family, Jaidex soon became another statistic in homeless youth


Old design by Poofycat

In a relationship with an offsite friend's character