King's Comments

Oh my gosh I love this guy so much!! Okayokay I will write a wee bio for him and a backstory that I think would suit if I was able to bring him into the world I'm making! <3

Name: Ace
Nickname(s)/Titles: King, Ace of Hearts
Age: ????
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/them, he/him
Sexuality: Asexual

His story starts when he happened upon a book centuries old describing a vast empty world who empowered the Puppet Master of it. Intrigued he used the book to find his way to it and from there ran into the current person who was in power there; Echo. Echo was in trapped in a slumber as the world was in this "void state". Ace made contact with Echo and was able to awaken them. To show graditude Echo offered to enter a contract with Ace to grant them the thing they wanted most. Ace decided on immortality, hoping to live long enough to snatch this now awakened world from Echo and rule it himself, being the new Puppet Master. Echo agreed to grant them immortality, not knowing of their motive, in exchange Ace would be their servant as immortality is a big ask. Relunctantly, Ace agreed, planning day and night of ways to get out of this deal and take everything away from Echo one day. To be the King of this world who offered all the power in the world to the owner of it.

I choose you, sending them now! :D You'll have a week to accept. Take care of them. <3

OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I will treat them like the king they are!!

I'll be doing a write to adopt for this guy and will either delete this or just edit it. 


Once apon a time ooOOooooooOo hehe anyways he used to be a silly little guy that worked in a library and hang out with a few very social friends in his spare time. he was a pretty quiet charmer type of guy but has a interest in the morbid kind of stuff and he learned of his mother's illness. he took up alchemy (if that's the right word, potions and chemicals ECT lol) and started working on certain elixirs to try and cure his mother. he became more withdrawn and completely drowned in his work and throughout the years his hands became stained with the hard chemicals. he did not find a cure 😔


I would love this cutie I'm making my own stories and looking for characters for my books I will be writing backgrounds for every characters along with there like dislike Strengths weaknesses weapons powers et cetera