03 | Renton 🛹💗



6 years, 7 months ago


-Gundam Pilot (in iRoxykun's futureverse)
-Autistic, special interest in mechas (or gunpla/anime in present time)
-feminine speaking patterns, quiet
- Yips or squeals involuntarily
- has a tic where he shivers when hes uncomfortable
- fighting spirit
- will do anything for the girl(s) he loves
- Nonbinary, male presenting, he/his

Some things about his gundam, and how pilots will work in this universe (some of this is up in the air too until i talk to iRoxykun about how this world works)
- Gundam fights are for sport and war, G Gundam-like (Chris uses his for sport)
- Neck is attached to the machine, monitors vitals
- if vitals fall drastically/ pilot is in trouble, emergency flight activates
-emergency flight is an auto pilot that will get pilot out of danger to safety
- can be shut off at pilot's request; most pilots shut it off (Chris did not)
-Pilots wear next to nothing whie piloting, that way joints are not held back by armor/clothing
- Piloted like g gundam, except a monitor process the user's actions and transfers them to the gundam (so if u punch, the gundam punch) (unlike in g gundam, where the suit is what pilots the gundam)

will i ever design his gundam? good luck