Quinn W.



2 years, 6 months ago


Character Reference Sheet 1.4

Last Updated was 10/19/19


a.           Age: 36

b.            Name: Quinn Willow

c.             Alias/Handle: Quillow

d.            Gender: Male

e.            Religion: not religious

f.             Birthplace:

g.            Date of Birth:

h.            Deathplace (if at all):

i.              Date of Death (if at all):

j.             Gender Orientation: Pansexual

k.            Power Element Affinity: Juunaa (Deception)


Biological Information


a.            Ht: 6’2

b.            Lb: 160

c.             Mother: Lucinda Carols 

d.            Father: Jackie Willow

e.            Siblings: Storm Willow (male, 10)

f.             Children: n/a

g.            Marriage: no

h.            Friends: Fawn Dutch (female, 29, mugged and was saved by Quinn)

i.              Enemies: Joq Levins (male, 48, bad co-worker doesn’t like Quinn)

j.             Related to Who: Storm Willow, Lucinda Carols, Jackie Willow


Physical Traits


a.            Eyes: Violet with pink highlights

b.            Skin: Pale Olive

c.             Hair: Black (medium, shaggy)

d.            Body Type: Scrawny

e.            Scars: Chin (attacked by dog), slashed vertically on Stomach (mugging incident)

f.             Other: Crooked nose (broke during dog attack)

g.            Unusual Notes of Interest: Walks with a cane (mugging incident) as the event also had caused some fractures in the legs when the mugger began beating him up without remorse. This left most of his leg bones shattered.


Mental Traits


a.            Month and Year:

b.            Persona (Major): Comes off cantankerous and aloof but is quite decent and well-mannered when gotten to be known better. He tends to be direct and even harsh worded when he is confronted with something. Though he has strong resolve, and little can deter him once his mind is made up about something. This quirk also makes him rather anal when given tasks and even close to obsessive to do the job right.

c.             Persona (Minor): Quite depressed, a low burning spiteful dislike for anyone who tries to one-up him or purposely try to be better or know better than him (and severe distaste for his parents and their favoritism for his sibling), and about whatever the case may be. While he cannot claim supreme intelligence, he does know many things and those many things consist of random tad-bits of information he’s picked up over time.

d.            Trauma: Quinn was brutally attacked by a mugger and their dog when he attempted to intervene in a physical altercation with a woman that was being targeted by the mugger. He was mauled by the dog resulting in a broken nose and scarred chin. The mugger, in a panic, attacked Quinn in a frenzy and slashes him from the belly to the sternum. Also, the mugger broke his legs as the mugger physically attacked him, trying to cripple Quinn in a rage. Though the wound was superficial, it was bloody and caused quite the shock to both himself and the woman. His legs, however, were mangled and had to be put in casts for nearly a year. They later became friends when she took him in to hospital care and learned that she was his neighbor next door, when he was later discharged.

e.            Nature: Rather insecure but lacks any ill will towards anyone. Likes to enjoy quiet and tranquil environments and tries to ease his mind by various forms of relaxing methods. Though this generally just further annoys him as nothing really helps calm his nerves. He’s always on edge.

f.             Nurtured: Shrewd and very perceptive to those around him. He is dangerously well suited to being quick-witted and eager to prove himself and his worth to his family. While his younger brother is spoiled and rather shallow in most areas of deep thinking, and his parents never seeming to be impressed nor satisfied with anything he does, he tries to believe in himself, as he feels no one else does.

g.            Interests:

h.            Dislikes: Grumpy because his younger brother appears to be favored more by his parents than himself, thus this makes him jealous. He doesn’t like Joq because Joq is jealous of Quinn’s success and constantly makes things difficult for Quinn due to that. Has no true interest in physical ‘wants’ and is a minimalist in many ways. He uses only what he deems needed and no more, no less. Physical and verbal aggression also make Quinn much more unresponsive and recluse when being made to interact with said subjects. He never does well in arguments but can be surprisingly persuasive if push comes to shove.

i.              Fears: Dogs in general, the dark.


Power Abilities


a.            Power Strongest Against:

b.            Power Weakest Against:

c.             Learned Powers:

d.            Inherited Powers:

e.           Resistant Against:


Role in Story


a.            Appears in what Story: Quillow (Only)

b.            Main or Minor Character: Main

c.             Relationship to other Main or Minor Characters: Decent and civil

d.            Important Situations Involving Character and/or Others: Mauled in a mugging by a dog while trying to help the victim, instead becoming one as well. After being recued and later coming to speak with him, Fawn, the one who was being mugged, turns out to be the daughter of a highly renowned businessmen of a company called Dystany Corp. Being as Quinn is in no shape to work due to his injuries, she thinks his attitude and willingness to help others at the cost of his own safety, is exactly what her father has been looking for. After his discharge and later recovery a year later (due to losing his job, he was evicted due to being unable to pay for the costly medical bills on top of his rent.) and now living with Fawn, he has reached a point where he has regained some of his former physique and can work in light conditions.

However, not just anyone can work or find Dystany due to its rather ‘peculiar’ work settings and requirements, not to mention rumored dealings with elusive and mysterious cliental. Though highly successful, it isn’t well known to the public due to these said dealings. It remains rather introverted and only seems to be known of or about by certain people. It also has a habit of ‘moving’ its location in an erratic behavior. Also, anyone who doesn’t have some sort of affiliation or connection to Dystany seems to be unable to remember what it is even called or that it even exists.

Fawn also finds the fact Quinn hasn’t forgotten like everyone else whom isn’t involved with Dystany highly unusual and puts forward an inquiry into his background and family. Turns out, his parents have a unknown side that Quinn seems to know nothing about that deals with the corp.