


2 years, 6 months ago


Thunderstroke (aka Thunder):

  • Female, 35 years old
  • Chaotic neutral
  • Is a big nerd who loves tinkering with machinery and exploring the unknown
  • Is a regular in old forums and chat rooms who built up big reputation in niche parts of the web
  • Loves niche entertainment and tends to develop crushes on fictional characters (in fanon universe she has a crush on Engineer from TF2, made his wiki page, and won't let others edit it)
  • Not interested in the concept of real relationships and is mostly seen as a weird loner, but she doesn't mind that
  • Her one companion is her rodent, Widget, who she loves to carry around in her pouch
  • The lightning bolt patterns on her fur are actually tattoos she obtained on one of her eccentric adventures
  • She has equipment she likes to capture electricity in and even has a backpack that she also keeps her tools in
  • She is a university dropout. She jokes about how she left due to it "being boring", but in reality she was expelled after causing a major technical accident at the university with one of her creations.