


2 years, 1 month ago



Current GP: 7
Lifetime GP: 7

Player Profile
GP Tracker

Biome  . Plains
Boundary  . Coastal plain
Origin  . Traveler
Nature  . Fun-loving
Size  . Leggy
species  . Esk
collection  . Vetru's Greenhouse
Designer  . Fairwren
Uncommon traits  . Stripes, Socks
Rare traits  . Iridescence
Nature features  . Wiregrass (Aristida stricta)
Familiar  . American mink (Mustela vison) (small)
Original Form  . ???

{ About }

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{ Boundary }

Boundary Description

{ Backstory }

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sit amet erat nec lectus gravida lobortis. Praesent condimentum venenatis tellus, vel venenatis nibh fermentum varius. Sed rhoncus fermentum elit ut placerat. Etiam suscipit odio ipsum, sit amet porttitor nunc gravida id. Sed in diam quis neque facilisis scelerisque. Sed dignissim sem suscipit, laoreet tortor ut, mattis est. Suspendisse quis ipsum lobortis, condimentum nunc quis, imperdiet augue. Quisque in turpis at nisl ornare posuere blandit quis sapien. Vestibulum ut eros auctor, tempus orci ut, posuere dolor. Pellentesque nibh nulla, elementum in finibus id, bibendum id justo

Maecenas id nisi ornare, cursus lectus vel, maximus elit. Nulla et hendrerit justo. Integer et congue magna. Sed in dui vitae metus euismod gravida eu nec sem. Sed lobortis sapien at sapien semper, sit amet sagittis odio mollis. Curabitur commodo mauris porta leo scelerisque posuere. Pellentesque accumsan hendrerit nisl, sed eleifend turpis pulvinar ut. Morbi venenatis facilisis dui, vel commodo orci venenatis at. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;

Ut quis est hendrerit, porttitor risus a, blandit orci. Ut quam mi, volutpat sit amet lorem in, maximus porttitor justo. Duis eget massa lorem. Donec nec sem ut ipsum facilisis dignissim eget sed mi. Nulla in elit eget dui malesuada sollicitudin vel ut enim. Donec nulla est, consectetur viverra sollicitudin et, scelerisque id massa. Proin eu odio ac augue vehicula porta vitae sed est. Pellentesque lobortis a mauris non fringilla. Integer id cursus lectus. Praesent tincidunt in magna eget gravida.


{ Nature Feature }

Nature Feature Description


{ Origin }

Vetru shares a complicated history with many of the inhabitants of their Biome. Their inability to consciously control their elemental power often leads to destruction. Despite this, they're one of the friendliest Wanderers, and they're happy to provide company, advice, and a personal connection for esk within the Plains.

What sort of storms has your esk weathered from Vetru? What do they think of the volatile Wanderer? How do these past interactions guide the way they approach Vetru? What does your esk think about Vetru's relationship with their elemental ability? Have they tried to intervene in the past? What is their relationship with Vetru like? What are their fondest memories with Vetru - and what are their darkest? What has Vetru tried to learn from them? How has Vetru's presence affected their boundary in the past? Has your esk taught Vetru anything - and have they learned from Vetru, in turn? Have they been on journeys or quests together? Do they trust Vetru?

Vetru has tried their hardest to give those esk trapped by wildfires a good home in the plains. They were careful to stick around and answer questions about the species, and they ensured that each esk could at least manifest a familiar before they eventually left - perhaps regretting that they could not provide more personal companionship themself.
What is your esk's relationship with their familiar? Do they think of it as a separate being, or a mirror of some part of themself? What kind of role does it perform in your esk's day to day life? How do their familiars interact with others', or with other esk? How did your esk react the first time they left their biome and realized they could no longer manifest their familiar? What sort of memories did your esk and Vetru create over the period of time they spent together post-transformation? Are they grateful for Vetru's intervention, or perhaps resentful because they caused the fires in the first place? What sort of bonds might they have formed with other esk nearby, considering Vetru has at least a passing acquaintance with many of them? Do they exchange stories or warnings about Vetru, or just about weather patterns? Do they attempt to spread their knowledge to other esk?

Your esk's first moments were spent with Vetru as an overbearing guardian. Eventually, though, they had that burning desire to move on - and your esk was left to adjust on their own. Still, the inhabitants of the Plains Biome are fairly well-connected, if only because they have a mutual contact in the form of Vetru. Vetru makes an effort to know nearly everyone who passes through, and is happy to gossip about their newest exploits.

How does Vetru's personality and philosophy of getting to know the esk in their Biome affect your esk's social sphere? Do they have more friends within their biome thanks to Vetru - or are they avoidant of Vetru's knowledge networks? How does this impact the way they view esk from other biomes, or perhaps Plains esk who, by chance, haven't encountered Vetru yet? How do they react to the other Wanderers, many of whom seem more standoffish than Vetru? Do they follow in Vetru's footsteps, attempting to also learn more about others? Do they, perhaps, desire the independence that other esk might have?

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{ Familiar }

Familiar Description

{ Trinkets }


{ Badges }


Marine Biome Event Participation Badge

Completed the Ebb and Flow Introduction


Marine Biome Event Completion Badge

Completed the Ebb and Flow Introduction and all stages in the Shallows path.

NOTE: has an unclaimed blessing

{ Trinkets • Achievements }







{ Notes }

This is your place for commission notes or other stuff.

{ Notes }


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.