Emil Volkov



2 years, 1 month ago



Created March 17, 2022


Name Emil Volkov

Born September 25 (Mid 20s)

Orientation Homosexual

Occupation Hero

Relationship Cody (Husband)

Skills Martial Arts




Naturally High Intelligence

Ethnicity Russian

Height 5'3"

Emil Volkov is a former villain turned hero when he was caught at the age of 13 and turned into authorities. He uses his skills as a former assassin to aid his teammates.

Pre-Hero Life

Emil was raised in an orphanage where he was taught from a young age the skills to be an assassin. He was indoctrinated with the ideal that the only way to stamp out the evils in this world is with quick precision and violence, and that the ends justified the means. Though this time in his life was not what one would consider bright and cheerful, Emil looks upon it with fondness. He truly believed in the work that he was doing and that it was the most effective means of justice.

During his time as an assassin he had quite a few run-ins with heroes. He viewed, and still views heroes as an ineffectual means to stopping criminal activity and did his best to avoid them as much as possible. When it came down to it, though, he viewed killing them as a necessary evil if it meant he could continue his work.

Hero Life


Emil was captured at 13 years old and was given the choice of entering the juvenile detention system or becoming a hero in order to use his talents for "good." Believing that the imprisonment system to be nothing more than a useless punishment system with no goals other than locking away criminals for the rest of their lives (or until they escaped), he choice what he thought was his only option.


Emil became the young hero Noch and spend much of his time early on either training or in his room, avoiding his teammates entirely. His combative and aggressive personality only serving to butt heads at this early stage. It was only after meeting Cody, the young alien that would be one of his teammates, did he begin to socialize more. Though still incredibly reclusive and reluctant to spend time with others.

More to be added.

Personal Life

stealth, intelligence, determination socialization, stubbornness, temper







Emil is short tempered and quick to argue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultricies, tortor tincidunt vestibulum tristique, nisi sapien placerat ante, nec rutrum metus augue vel massa. Nunc id dictum dolor. Proin tristique magna lacinia massa tincidunt egestas.

Aliquam sodales aliquet vehicula. Etiam non tortor dui. Donec turpis purus, pellentesque tempus suscipit non, ornare sed nisl. Integer dignissim justo massa, quis venenatis risus elementum eu. In pellentesque in tortor ac fringilla. Fusce quis magna varius, lacinia elit quis, semper ante. Aenean consectetur, turpis tincidunt efficitur maximus, lacus mauris eleifend mauris, auctor malesuada nisi tortor nec ligula. Fusce laoreet dolor quam, ut rhoncus justo ornare ut. Mauris semper sed erat ac ornare.



  • Being able to sit and relax and not have to be called out to do a single damn thing.
  • Reading.
  • Mornings that he can sleep in with Cody.
  • Not having to talk to anyone.


  • Social events.
  • Cody crying.
  • People who believe they have some sense of moral high ground.
  • Cowards.


  • Emil has only grown three inches since he was 13 years old.
  • Flying makes him uneasy as he believes that if he were meant to fly, he would have been born with wings.
  • He has a fear of the ocean.
  • During the six years in which Cody was on his own planet, Emil began living in Cody's old room and wearing his coats because he missed him.


Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.