Makara £20



2 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)

Basic Info

Original Value



Owner: Puddle
Name: Makara
Bloodline: n/a
Species: Kubebathrow
Gender: male
Birth Date: June 14
Parents: n/a
Cubs: n/a

Stats: STR – 5 | RES – 5 | WIS – 3 | CHA – 3 | DEX – 4
Traits: Ears: C | Tails: UC | Fangs: UC | Size: UC | Eyes: R
Mutations: n/a
Special Bases: n/a
Full Bio: n/a

Personality: calm and relatively quiet. Likes watching the world around him, though has a tendency to let it pass him by. He's not lazy by any means, just easily spaces off when he's alone. The kube doesn't like *being* alone, however, so often travels with others as much as possible. He recently came across a deeper part of the southern forest and fell in with Chantilly.
age: 28 years old
History: tbd

One of the things Makara discovered bothered Sam was not knowing where her sister went. The kube decided to begin his search and see if he couldn't bring Grendel home. He's been traveling for years, trying to trace the path of the wild granthrow with little luck, but every year, he returns to Sam's forest like a lodestone. 

Mated to: n/a (likes Sameya, but isn't going to rush the cara by any means)