
2 years, 2 months ago


Maurycy "Ryba" Rybczak

PL | 16 | he/they
junior gardener at the Kowalewicz manor
Ryba is, before everything, the nicest person in the palace. Naive, impulsive, easy to manipulate and sometimes very immature (which if not for their natural charm would be extremely annoying), yes, but they are a sweetheart. Often looked down on by newcomers, but absolutely adored among co-workers and townspeople he knows well — and for a good reason! They're very helpful and easy to have a conversation with. Very carefree, very optimistic, very sweet. Because of their general immaturity, they may come off as egoistic and insensitive sometimes, but they try their best to be a good and likeable friend despite that. They're a bit... too clueless to hurt anyone out of pure malice anyway, and people are generally aware of that. Ryba isn't stupid, exactly, and definitely makes himself dumber than he really is to make people laugh, but he's not the smartest either. Has what can be considered "street smarts" that he himself doesn't know how to use too well. Far too trusting in other people and forgives too easily. Needs other people to like them; not all, and not always, but he is a people pleaser when it comes to his closest surroundings, and even then, he hates being ignored more than he hates being hated. Not exactly afraid to fight, as long as it's physical... He's an impulsive, adrenaline-driven person and fighting (friendly and not) is a good outlet for that. Arguments with people he knows and likes on the other hand are something he is very afraid of; Ryba knows they can't exactly stand their ground and argue well, and it plays into their fear of close ones leaving them behind. Despite his attention seeking personality, he really doesn't like talking or even thinking about his problems. Usually he just ignores them and waits to forget them instead of actually working things out
Everyone's friend! His parents died in his tweens, so he's been raised by his grandma, extended family and his community. Jewish and most likely has ADHD