


2 years, 2 months ago


Written Appearance 

Laika is a rather bulky and muscular yet slim lioness. She has broad shoulders and a muscular neck that hold her broad crania up with pride. She is an average height for a lioness but has a rather long tail. To compliment her muscular Physique, Laika has a mixture dark brown and darkish tan fur that covers most if not all of her muscles, almost as if it was hiding them. This feature of the lioness leaves her looking rather fragile, but boy would one be wrong to attack her! Along her body, Laika has even darker brown markings that scatter along her torso, head, legs and tail. The lioness also has very light yellow eyes that are almost irresistible to one's glance. 


Laika is a rather calm yet confident lioness with zero tolerance for anything that involves being mean to others. She is very kind and gentle to little ones and to those she loves. Though, when it comes to them, she can be very protective, possessive and hates to see them hurt. She would do absolutely anything for her family and friends. Even though Laika can be tough, she is also very gullible and has major fear of the afterlife, which, in turn, makes her afraid to fight at times. Especially if the opponent is much bigger and stronger than herself.