


2 years, 2 months ago


??? (adult)
she / her
patient . aloof . cruel

bold. italised. underlined. strikeout. link.

do not get in my way, or i will show you the true meaning of fear.

a woman who rarely shows emotion or remorse. simply acting on violence and killing- like most people in nevada. while she craves bloodshed, that does not make her impulsive or reckless. she is an elite assassin who uses calculated strategy and patience to make efficient kills. ruth specializes in stealth and tactical precision, making her very dangerous. she is also prone to being vain of her appearance and abilities.


  • laughing: while it's rare, she does enjoy a joke. one that would make her laugh, at least- it's usually her laughing at fucked up stuff.
  • painting her nails: just something she likes to do in her free time. she paints them black.
  • night-time: she finds it more pleasant than day time.

  • flashbangs: or bright lights in general due to her being more prone to intense sensory overload with her sight.
  • old pictures of herself: she gets upset.
  • vulnerability: whether it is physically or emotionally.
Design Notes

  • if you draw her more human, be aware she as a hourglass build and has a fit physique.
  • she is 5'6".
  • she has visible stitches around her eyes, but any scars on her body can be randomized.
Powers and Abilities

  • while she is proficient in many forms of fighting, she prefers to stay undetected in battle and relies mostly on long-range fighting and firearms. her primary weapon is a firearm that has two modes: acting as a submachine, and as a sniper. when she has to fight upfront, she will, but if things become too overwhelming, she uses a grappling hook to escape and/or attack from afar.
  • due to a body enhancement, as seen with stitches around her eye area, she has supernatural eyesight and sees far better than an average grunt. this is perfect for her work.
  • she has great acrobatic prowess. she would make a great olympic contender... if it was ever a thing in nevada.

  • she likes to wear boots with high heels. it's insane on how she operates with them.
  • she thinks when grunts die and "ragdoll" is absolutely hilarious. especially with intense knockback.
  • her favorite food is brownie brittle.
The Nurse

ruth was a nurse and rather well-minded despite the issues of nevada. while AAHW was seeking recruitment in their facility, they reached out to ruth for her interest. she refused, but this did not stop AAHW; they simply didn’t give her the choice and enforced her to work in their medical field. she truly hoped to find a job anywhere but AAHW, yet she was inevitably cornered in order of the auditor- hearing he was someone not to be messed with. she accepted out of fear, timid by the authority but obedient enough to be forced to the agency.p>

over this duration, she witnessed horrors beyond comprehension. every day at an agency with such horrid conditions deteriorated her mindset. she had to deal with many unhinged, deranged patients and physical or verbal abuse. not only that, she was under severe stress and trauma of seeing other patients being mutilated or (painfully) biologically enhanced. it didn’t help that her workers gave her an under-appreciated status, and her work was constantly increased by hours. unpleasant memories made her closer to insanity. constantly living and sleeping through nightmares; treating such people with trauma only caused trauma to herself.

in the end, the medical work in AAHW became too unbearable. one night, she did what she felt was necessary, and killed all the occupied patients that were currently being aided. along with some staff members, being there at an unfortunate time. it was infuriating for the higher-ups to see so many people dead. however, some consideration for ruth was shown. if she’s capable of killing so many people, some being engineered to kill brutally- it was a potential of her being a great fighter in the face of AAHW. she was ultimately removed from the medical section to begin her training. she felt more hatred towards the agency for their twisted motivations.

The Soldier

because they disregarded her mentality, she was at an equivalent of a beast being beyond difficult to tame. it was a rocky start the beginning of becoming a super soldier. she developed a hostile and volatile behavior to her environment. any time she was told, or commanded to follow orders, she acted on violence and attempted to- or killed - any grunt that even drew close to her. ruth’s mishaps did not go unpunished, as she was sent to many forms of torture to "teach her a lesson".

each session gave her greater realization. the cycle of agony perpetrated by her violent actions was much a living hell as the physical establishment around her; perhaps, she needed to think clearly if she wanted to truly escape. so, she began to learn how to be patient; having to attain self control and to appeal emotionless to keep AAHW off the radar. becoming detached to her sentiment worked effectively, and learned strategy and calculation. ruth was looked highly upon for her precision and being one of their most competent workers, a very dangerous one at that. she was even believed to be a great hinderance to the enemies of the agency. ruth, despite being efficient, she held no regards to anyone in the facility and could only wish to be free from their confinements. it was a harsh process of losing herself to be an idol by the agency, and she hated every moment of it. if she could even feel anything besides being numb, at least.

she devised a plan to flee out of spite and years of torment. when that day came of an invasion, she was escorted to the front lines to prepare to annihilate the enemies; at least, try to. like usual. but, she ended up sabotaging AAHW’s goals entirely by compromising security measures and tampering with their supplies; misleading them entirely from their tasks. resulting in a massacre of workers due to her misconducts, she escaped the chaos and faked her death. even after killing those people, it brought her a reminder to her first massacre; feeling free, but she could not feel emotional turmoil nor sympathy for the lives she taken.

The Sniper

unfortunately, she was not cautious of her coverup. AAHW eventually speculated as to why their plans had gone haywire, and it wasn’t long until they realized ruth had not died to the enemy- but instead, was the reason they had a horrible loss in the incident she was presumed dead. ruth was then classified as a fugitive and had become an additional target to AAHW. it wasn’t long until they tracked her down before assigning agents to finish her off; two sniper bullets to the eye areas were shot from afar while she was vulnerable. due to its fatality, AAHW reported her dead. when, in reality, that wasn’t the case.

ruth blacked out before awakening in a skeptical area, only recalling the pain of her eyes and flesh being bursted open by bullets. a man by the name of 2bdamned had restored her by stitching her new, optimized eyes, and using… other questionable things that somehow kept her alive. 2bdamned, known as “doc”, was very familar with her because of her high status at AAHW, and proposed a deal with her: since they had a common enemy, they could use more strength to put an end to projects like AAHW. feeling partially indebted and having no other resort, she accepted out of persuasion.

doc assisted her through recovery before she was ready to fight again. this time, she adapted in a new fighting style; yielding a sniper, the weapon that nearly killed her. with some insight of doc and related traits to tactical precision, they developed a collaboration and work cooperatively against AAHW. she has a rather close friendship with doc, considering they have common aspects; even though he’s not really a doctor, she was an official nurse to make a rather interesting dynamic. however, she hid majority of the scars of her face with pointed sunglasses after she gained crippling insecurity to her new appearance. it made her feel vulnerable, so she began to possess high vanity to her skills and looks to not be perceived as weak. still, she has a right to this after becoming the most renowned sniper of nevada.

she joined doc and his makeshift team by default. emphasis on the enemy of AAHW itself: hank j. wimbleton. being assigned to work with him was greatly ironic, but soon they grew a strong bond from each assignment. it was a big change at first, but soon developed to a lifestyle she enjoyed having; even though she still struggles to show her true emotion, her gratitude is still there. she remains as one of the more calculated members of the alliance, and also one of the most narcissistic.


  • she started off as a nurse in AAHW, traumaized by its conditions and inhumane treatment. she eventually snaps and ends up going on a massacre, and is unexpectedly seen as a potential fighter.
  • her outbursts caused her numerous sessions of torture, where she learned to be detached of her emotions to get AAHW to avoid trouble. she struggles to show emotion to this day.
  • she was perceived as one of the most dangerous and competent workers in AAHW. however, she sabotages one of their plans during an enemy invasion so she could escape and fake her death.
  • she was discovered as a fugitive and AAHW attempted to kill her. they failed to realize she was alive, and 2Bdamned recovered her and gave her new, optimized. she chose the sniper, the weapon that costed her natural eyes, to spite AAHW. she is now renowned as nevada's deadliest sniper assassin.
Hank J. Wimbleton "i prefer to work alone. but, working with hank was... an interesting learning process."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

2Bdamned "He restored me, and I am grateful. But... maybe he could have done a better job at it. He is nice to talk to, I guess."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.