
6 years, 6 months ago


His name is Daemon. He is owned by Marlon and shares the task of protecting Marlon with another Eelum named Fyrestorme. Daemon towers over both his owner/master and Fyrestorme, both of whom stand roughly around 4'6"/4'7" while Daemon is 6'3" in height. Daemon is the more laid back of the three of them, although he is rather protective of Marlon and Fyrestorme if he thinks either of the other two will be harmed. The song that best fits him is Blood on My Name by The Brothers Bright. Daemon is mated to Fyrestorme, so is not looking for any flings or mates. Nor is he looking for another master, since he loves serving Marlon.

Among Us Role - Crewmate 4 Life!

'The floof around his shoulders/neck is feathers! <3 He's extra floofy because winter's right around the corner |D Also his feet pretty much match his hands in terms of colors.' - From his auction page, courtesy of AcyFaust <3333

He is from a Closed Species known as the Eelum that was created by AcyFaust/AcyFaust. Their information is here. You cannot create your own.