
Cringe King's Harlequtes find them here

mine is still a wip but ill finish it eventually HE IS FINALLY FINISHED!!! DEAR LORD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

Zany. Obnoxious. Clown.
Name Pvoofer
Nickname "Pvoof"
Age -n/a-
Height 8'5ft
Occupation Local clownery
Sexuality Ace
Species Harlequte
Designer Lattskull
    Just a very annoying clown you sometimes find emerging frm that dark corner of your room. They may look scary but they dont mean any harm, they bring intend to bring fun. Their paws feels more like a large pillow, even whne they stomp, they wont make a sound from how soft they are and their claws are blunt and smooth. They also swallowed a bell once and now they also make tinkling noises everytime he jumps up and down. ^^